GENESIS: Documentation
Related Documentation:
Welcome to the GENESIS Documentation System
As GENESIS 3 is developed, look for documentation and technical information
GENESIS Documentation System: Overview and Contents
as well as at:
For your convenience, following the GENESIS Quick Start (below).
Links are also provided to the documentation for previous versions of
GENESIS (Version 2).
Quick Start
- The Book of GENESIS
This is the PDF version of The Book of GENESIS. The “BoG” (Bower
and Beeman, 1998) is the second edition of a practical introduction to
realistic neural modeling through the use of the GENESIS simulator.
Chapters 4, 5, 7, and 9 cover the basics of realistic neural modeling.
Either view the PDF files or download PDF or Postscript files.
- The Ultimate GENESIS Tutorial Distribution
This is the latest version of a complete self-paced course on biologically
realistic modeling, based on an extended version of the GENESIS
Neural Modeling Tutorials package. It contains more tutorials, the
Book of GENESIS, GENESIS 2.3 source and binary distributions with
installation instructions, and additional GENESIS network simulation
scripts, examples, and exercises. Download this if you want everything
in one package.
- The GENESIS Neural Modeling Tutorials
These tutorials are an evolving package of HTML tutorials intended
to teach the process of constructing biologically realistic neural
models with the GENESIS simulator. This is the best entry point to
access a large collection of documentation and tutorials about neural
modeling in general, and GENESIS in particular. More information and
downloads for the GENESIS Neural Modeling Tutorials
- Reference Manual
This is a hypertext Reference Manual for GENESIS commands and
simulation object types (classes). Although it will not teach you neural
modeling, it is the indispensible reference for creating GENESIS 2
simulation scripts. Download the gzipped manual.
- Neurobiological Tutorials
The GENESIS distribution includes a number of demonstration
simulations in the form of “user-friendly” tutorials. Several of these
have been adapted from recent research simulations, and may be
modified and used to create one’s own simulations. The Book of
GENESIS uses these simulations to teach concepts in computational
neuroscience, as well as the use of GENESIS. These are some examples
and screen shots of the tutorial simulations provided with GENESIS.
- User-contributed Documentation and Tutorials
These are found at the top of this page (under the Education tab on the
GENESIS home page), along with short mini-tutorials, If you would
like to contribute a short “HOWTO” document, commented example
simulation or demo, or educational material suitable for course use,
please upload it under Education.
- Create gap junction object and gap junctions in GENESIS 2
Build date: December 28, 2015, 8:18