The following tutorials provide “howto” documentation and examples for
GENESIS modeling and simulation:
Tutorial 1 shows how to use the G-Shell to create, run, save, and
explore the output of a simple single compartment model neuron.
Tutorial 2 shows how to load and simulate predefined model neurons
that come bundled with the GENESIS distribution in the single cell
model library. As with the Purkinje cell model used in this tutorial,
these have been saved in the library in NDF format files.
Tutorial 3 covers the process of loading existing GENESIS 2
simulation scripts into the G-shell, saving the models in NDF files, and
running them in GENESIS 3.
Creating a G-3 GUI with Python describes how to add a graphical
environment to a simulation with a Control Panel to set model and
simulation parameters and run the simulation, and with graphs for
plotting the results.
Modeling Synaptic Connections and Large Networks with G-3
can follow Creating a G-3 GUI with Python. It extends the G-shell
and Python examples for single cells to describe the way that synaptic
connections and networks of cells are created with G-3.