GENESIS: Documentation
Related Documentation:
Developer Installation Ubuntu (Karmic)
Installing GENESIS on Ubuntu requires executing the following major steps.
Note: Installation requires administrator privileges.
- Prepare and upgrade the system software.
- Download and install the DeveloperPackage.
- Install the software packages.
- Check if the installation was successful.
Prepare and upgrade the system software
- Install the following packages using the Start Menu -> System Settings ->
Add and Remove Software -> Software Management menu. Always follow
the option to install additional dependencies.
- libyaml-perl
- libexpect-perl
- libinline-perl
- autoconf
- automake
- libc6-dev
- libncurses5-dev
- flex
- bison
- libperl-dev
- patch
- python-dev
- python-yaml
- swig
- libreadline5-dev
- libclone-perl
- libterm-readline-gnu-perl
- libxml-simple-perl
- monotone-0.45 (available as a statically linked binary from
Download and Install the DeveloperPackage
- Download the latest version of the DeveloperPackage, available from the
GENESIS package archive. It is called developer-release-label.tar.gz,
where release-label is the current release identifier.
- Change to the directory where you downloaded the file.
- Unpack the archive by typing “tar xfz
- Change to the directory with the content of the archive by typing “cd
- Configure by typing “./configure”.
- Compile by typing “make”.
- Install by typing “sudo make install”.
Install software packages
- Use the installer script to create the correct directory layout by typing
- Pull the archives of the source code by typing “neurospaces_pull”.
- Update the source code in the working directories by typing
- Generate make files by typing “neurospaces_configure”.
- Compile and install the software by typing “neurospaces_install”.
Check if the installation was successful
This step is optional but strongly advised.
- Run tests of all the packages and save tester output to a file by typing
“neurospaces_check >/tmp/check.out 2>&1”.
- Check the output by typing “less /tmp/check.out”. Importantly,
search for lines containing the string error_count.
Optional Dependencies
As the G-Tube is becoming more mature as the official G-3 GUI, it is strongly
recommendedthat you also install the dependencies of the G-Tube:
- mercurial
- python-numpy
- python-wxtools
- python-wxgtk2.8
- python-wxgtk2.8-dev
- python-wxglade
The following packages can optionally be installed to run the graphical part of the
- libgtk2-perl
- libgraphviz-perl
- sdl-perl
- xaw3dg (maybe also the developer package xaw3dg-dev).
After successful installation of the Studio, issue the shell command “neurospaces
cells/purkinje/edsjb1994.ndf --gui” to check that the graphical component
works correctly.