GENESIS: Documentation
Related Documentation:
The GENESIS System
The GENESIS Server System as of date: December 28, 2015, 8:22
- monotone repository: Serves the monotone repositories for the
GENESIS project. Uses a separate port for the source code of each
software component to be served over the Internet.
- Automated tester: A cronjob which performs a test of all packages
available over the repository. It currently takes at least 45 minutes to
complete the tests. To serve tester output over the internet a directory
owned by the non-privileged user that the cronjob runs as must be
configured to be served over the internet.
- Xrefactory cross references: A cronjob which builds a set of html
pages built in Xrefactory that lists function references. Requires
Xrefactory with a configuration file that has been specifically configured
for the GENESIS project directory tree.
- cronjobs: The genesis repository executes
the following cronjobs:
- neurospaces_cron - Executes at 12:01am, 8:00 am, 8:00
- configuration details:
- neurospaces_cron (static installation) goes off at 4:00 am,
4:00 pm:
- configuration details:
- neurospaces_cron 12:01 pm:
- configuration details:
- userdocs_cron Executes every 2 hours:
- configuration details:
- xrefdocs 1:01 am:
- website: The website for GENESIS uses the
Drupal CMS which requires php5 and a MYSQL database.
- Automated user documentation: Builds the
GENESIS Documentation System and puts it on a link available
from the GENESIS website. Supports LATEXby use of htlatex and is
very resource intensive. Also supports doc, rtf, txt, html, ps, pdf and
multimedia formats such as mpg and wav. See also userdocs-cron.
- cronjobs: The genesis web server executes the following
- userdocs_cron - Executes every 6 hours:
- configuration details:
- Email notification from address
- Log output to /home/genesis, not served over the web
- Documentation is served over the web at