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This tutorial is intended to be a "quick start" to creating simulations with GENESIS. It should give you enough information to let you quickly begin creating cells and small networks with GENESIS. One way to use the tutorial is to go through it at a leisurely pace, exploring all the links to detailed information and documentation as you create models and perform the exercises. Another way is to take the most direct path, creating models without always understanding the details of what you have done. If you opt for this path, be sure to return to pick up the details when your lack of understanding makes progress difficult. Take your pick!

The tutorial makes frequent references and links to sections of the GENESIS Reference Manual. This is primarily a summary of the syntax used by the GENESIS Script Language Interpreter, the commands which it recognizes, and of the GENESIS ``objects'' that are available for constructing simulations. It also refers to chapters in The Book of GENESIS, by James M. Bower and David Beeman (published by TELOS/Springer-Verlag), familiarly called "The BoG".

The BoG gives a detailed coverage of realistic neural modeling from the subcellular to the network level, and provides the detailed guide to the construction of GENESIS simulations that is missing from the Reference Manual. This tutorial is constructed to minimize your need for the BoG -- it isn't an attempt to sell you our book! Nevertheless, this short tutorial can't possibly go into all the detail of a 482 page book, so you may wish to acquire a copy if you later decide to do some serious work with GENESIS.

GENESIS Scripting

If you have read the Introduction to GENESIS, you will be familiar with the rich variety of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that are possible with GENESIS. In fact, it is possible to create and run GENESIS simulations with little or no programming, by using Neurokit (for single cells) or Kinetikit (for biochemical reactions). But, sooner or later, you will want the flexibility of creating your own GENESIS scripts.

The bad news is that to get the maximum benefit from GENESIS and from this tutorial, you will have to do some programming in the GENESIS scripting language. The good news is that the modular object-oriented nature of GENESIS makes it easy to modify existing scripts. Once you have learned a few basics of GENESIS scripting and have some good example simulation scripts to get you started, you can create most of your simulations by simple "hacking" of existing scripts. That is the approach taken in this tutorial.

Some preliminaries

Before you start, you will need a little background.

The two most common text editors for UNIX are 'vi' and 'emacs'. If you are not familiar with either editor, you may find it easier to learn emacs. For an even simpler text editor with built-in help, try 'pico' if it is installed. If you are using Linux with the GNOME or KDE desktop, try 'gedit' or 'kedit".

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