Getting started with GENESIS

This local README file has information about the GENESIS installation for the November 2002 GUM*02 workshops. If GENESIS and the tutorials are installed elsewhere on your own local system, this file should be edited as appropriate.

The "GENESIS directory" is /usr/local/genesis, so references to the "genesis/Scripts" directory will refer to the /usr/local/genesis/Scripts directory.

The GENESIS tutorials refer to the "GENESIS Tutorials directory", which contains the tutorials themselves, this README file, and other directories such as the cells directory, which contains cell models that are used by the tutorials. On the local system, this directory is /usr/local/beeman. The contents.html file in the GENESIS Tutorials directory is the master index to the tutorials. It would be a good idea to set a bookmark to this file in your web browser, so that you will have the links to the tutorials and to the GENESIS documentation easily available.

The GENESIS distribution with the "genesis" executable file and directories containing the documentation, simulation scripts, and other related files are in the GENESIS directory genesis. The hypertext GENESIS Reference Manual is in genesis/Hyperdoc/Manual.html.

Running GENESIS simulations

You can try out some of the GENESIS demonstration and tutorial simulations in the genesis/Scripts directory. This directory and its subdirectories each have a README file with information about the files to be found in the directory. For example, assuming that the GENESIS directory is /usr/local/genesis, you can run the "Squid" tutorial on Hodgkin-Huxley channels by giving the commands:

    cd /usr/local/genesis/tutorials/squid
    genesis Squid

Other demos and tutorials that you might want to try are traub91, burster, neurokit, purkinje, and piriform. In some cases, you will want to copy a set of GENESIS simulation scripts into a directory of your own, so that you can modify the scripts or run simulations that create output files. (The permissions of the GENESIS directories are set so that you cannot write into them.) For this you can create your own Scripts directory with "mkdir ~/Scripts" and then copy a directory tree with a command such as

    cp -r /usr/local/genesis/Scripts/purkinje ~/Scripts