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The Local "README" file

This gives information on the local installation of GENESIS and the tutorial directory, telling you where to find various files, and how to run GENESIS demonstration and tutorial simulations.

Introduction to GENESIS

This HTML document roughly corresponds to the "Introduction to GENESIS" tutorial given by Dave Beeman on November 8, 2002 at the GUM*02 meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

GENESIS Programming Tutorial

This tutorial is intended to be a "quick start" to creating simulations with GENESIS. It should give you enough information to let you quickly begin creating cells and small networks with GENESIS.

An Introduction to Computational Neuroscience

These "webified" introductory lectures on computational neuroscience and realistic neural modeling are derived from lecture notes for an introductory biomedical engineering course at the University of Colorado. It has a section on the Hodgkin-Huxley model that might be useful to those of you who are studying it for the first time, or who need some review.

The GENESIS Reference Manual