PGENESIS Reference Manual
To use any of the capabilities of the parallel library, one must first start it up. This will also spawn the requested number of worker nodes on architectures that support process-spawning.
paron Starts up the parallel library.
There are several commands for obtaining configuration information:
mynode number of this node in this zone
nnodes number of nodes in this zone
myzone number of this node's zone
nzones number of zones
ntotalnodes number of nodes in all zones
mytotalnode unique number over all zones for this node
mypvmid task identifier used by PVM for this node
npvmcpu number of cpus used by PVM in the parallel machine
The ability to run parallel threads can be turned on or off (default is on).
threadson Re-enables parallelism.
threadsoff Disables parallelism.
clearthreads Clears all pending parallel setup commands or
remote procedure calls
clearthread Clears at most one pending parallel setup command
or remote procedure call
It is possible to create arbitrary messages between elements on different nodes using the raddmsg command:
raddmsg Adds message between the listed sources elements and
the listed destination elements (which may be designated
to be on other nodes by means of the '@' notation).
The following routine displays inter-node messages correctly (and suppresses the display of the postmaster messages used to implement the inter-node messages).
rshowmsg Connects one group of elements in a volume to another,
using source and destination element lists and masks.
There are several routines which allow one to set up multiple synaptic connections across nodes. They are analogues of the regular GENESIS routines for setting up synapses.
rvolumeconnect Connects one group of elements in a volume to another,
using source and destination element lists and masks.
rvolumedelay Sets delays of a group of synapses receiving input
from a list of presynaptic elements in a volume.
rvolumeweight Sets weights of a group of synapses receiving input
from a list of presynaptic elements in a volume.
Remote Command Execution and Synchronization
command@nodelist Executes command on specified nodes synchronously
(i.e., does not return until remote commands have
completed and returned result)
async command@nodelist
Executes command on specified nodes asynchronously
(i.e., returns without waiting for result)
waiton Wait for completion of a specified async command,
or wait for completion of all async commands.
barrier Wait for all nodes in my zone to reach this point.
barrierall Wait for all nodes in alls zones to reach this point.
Unsupported and Dangerous Operations
It is extremely easy to reach deadlock in parallel programs, one way to reduce the chances of this is frequent use of barriers and sparse use of asynchronous commands. However, barriers are expensive to execute and can reduce parallelism, so they should be placed judiciously in scripts.
The serial GENESIS stop command should be used only with extreme care in zones containing more than one node. PGENESIS executes an implicit barrier before performing a simulation step. If any nodes enter the barrier then all nodes must, otherwise deadlock will result. It is very difficult to satisfy this requirment when the stop command is issued.
Issuing step commands must be done with care. Since the step command executes an implicit barrier, failure to follow the following rule can result in deadlock. The two safe methods to issue step commands are:
Revised: October 1996