Routine Name: raddmsg Description: Establishes message links between two elements. The second element may be on a different node; the node would be specified using the '@' notation. Usage: raddmsg source-element dest-delement@dest-node-list msg-type [msg-fields] Example: raddmsg /cell/dend /cell/soma RAXIAL Ra previous_state raddmsg /cell/soma /cell/dend@2 AXIAL previous_state raddmsg /cell/soma /graphs/Vmgraph@4,5 PLOT Vm *voltage *red Notes: raddmsg sets up communication links to pass information between elements, possibly on different nodes. Messages flow along message links created by the raddmsg routine each time a simulation timestep is executed. See also: addmsg, rshowmsg (C) Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) Revised: Sep 3, 1996 URL file://