Advanced Tutorials on Realistic Neural Modeling
This directory (Tutorials/advanced-tutorials) contains
supplementary material in the form of Advanced Tutorials and short
"Mini-Tutorials" contributed by various authors.
Longer tutorials from the GENESIS website
These are included
in the large "Ultimate GENESIS Tutorial Distribution" package from the GENESIS
Modeling Calcium Concentration and Biochemical Reactions
by Avrama Blackwell (From WAM-BAMM 2005 and LASCON 2008)
Simulations with GENESIS using hsolve
by Hugo Cornelis (From GUM*02, November 2002)
The following external links are to advanced tutorials given at the
GENESIS Users Meetings GUM 2002 and WAM-BAMM 2005
Advanced Tutorials given at WAM-BAMM 2005 (March 31, 2005,
San Antonio, TX)
The original slide presentations from the
WAM-BAMM 2005 Tutorials, including the Advanced Tutorials, may be seen at
The tutorials include:
- Introduction to Realistic Neural Modeling, and the GENESIS Modeling
Tutorial by David Beeman, University of Colorado
- Realistic Single Cell Modeling - From experiment to simulation
by Dieter Jaeger, Emory University
- Simulating in vivo-like synaptic input patterns in multicompartmental
models by Jeremy Edgerton, Emory University
- Constructing Large-scale Network Models by
Michael Vanier, California Institute of Technology
- Parameter Searching in Neural Models by
Michael Vanier, California Institute of Technology
- Modeling Calcium and Biochemical Reactions by
Avrama Blackwell, George Mason University
- Parallel (P-) GENESIS: its use and applications by
Greg Hood, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Building 3D Network Models with neuroConstruct by
Padraig Gleeson, University College London
- XML for Model Specification - a workshop -
Moderator: Sharon Crook, Arizona State University
Most of these tutorials have been published in article form (both in
browseable HTML and downloadable PDF format) in the November 2005 special
issue on Realistic Neural Modeling in the electronic journal Brains, Minds,
and Media. The Table of Contents for this issue with links to view or
download the articles can be found at
Brains, Minds, and Media ( is an open access (free) eJournal for
interactive and visual media in the neural and cognitive sciences. The
journal provides peer-reviewed articles, software and interactive media for
the neural and cognitive sciences with a particular focus on both education
and teaching, and research on the relation between brains, minds and media.
Advanced Tutorials given at GUM*02 Nov. 8-10, 2002 San Antonio, TX
The original slides and example files may be found at For the most part,
these are earlier versions of tutorials presented at WAM-BAMM 2005 and
later meetings.
The tutorials include:
- An Introduction to Realistic Modeling with GENESIS by David Beeman
- Contructing large networks in GENESIS by Michael Vanier
- Modeling Calcium and Biochemical Reactions by Avrama Blackwell
- Spike Train Objects in GENESIS by Dieter Jaeger
- Parameter Searching tools in GENESIS by Michael Vanier
- Parallel (P-) GENESIS: its use and applications by Greg Hood
- Simulations with GENESIS using hsolve by Hugo Cornelis (included here)
Last updated on:Fri Jun 12 12:58:24 MDT 2009