As already explained in the chapter on the numerical background, hsolve solves the equations in the model on a staggered time grid (see section 1.2.1, page ). The decoupling of the equations of intracellular mechanisms and conductances from the cable equation propagates to the design of the implementation for the emulation of the byte-code. Basically hsolve can be split into two almost separate parts: one part for the intracellular mechanisms and one part for the cable equations. These two parts have their own byte-code engine. Since hsolve stores the byte-code separately from the result values, each byte-code engine maintains two arrays (see figure 6.1). So for conductance equations and cable equations, hsolve maintains four arrays in total as follows:
The advantages of this design are:
NOTE: We did not consider diffusion or concentration elements till now. If these elements would be incorporated into the discussion we would have to say that hsolve can be split into three separate parts: also the diffusion and concentration elements have their own byte code engine. |