Technical Notes on Connections ------------------------------ *Provided by Hugo Cornelis* 1. Memory efficient connections are instantiated using an algorithm that is embedded in the model-container such as volumeconnect. These connections know a fixed set of parameters, currently pre- and post-synaptic target serial identifiers and delay and weight of the connection. Memory efficient connections don't have a user-chosen label. 2. Flexible connections are generic model components which can have well-known parameters such as pre- and post-synaptic serial identifiers and delay and weight of the connection, and also other parameters, for instance to tag certain connections for convenient identification. Flexible connections can have a user-chosen label. As is done for all model components inside the model-container, after instantiation, connections are numbered with serial identification numbers. For memory efficient connections these serial numbers are computed whenever they are needed (they are never stored inside the connection) while flexible connections store these numbers in their internal memory structure. The serial numbers are, as far as I can tell never needed for connections. After all connections between model components have been instantiated, they are indexed on their pre- and post-synaptic identifiers, to accelerate the translation of the connections between model components to connections between run-time solvers. The data structure that indexes projections, is called 'projectionquery' (although 'projectionindex' would have been better). **Technical note:** the model-container implements both memory-efficient and flexible connections through the same interface, but memory efficient connections are regular C structures that cannot easily be converted to C++ classes without introducing the overhead associated with C++ classes (C structures don't have overhead). A similar mechanism as for the memory-efficient connections is used for cached connections inside a projectionquery. When running a network model from SSP, the projectionquery is instantiated by the scheduler at the appropriate time by looking at the model components inside the model-container (projections) that are solved by DES (in the gshell this is set using the 'solverset' command). The solvers (heccer and DES) are connected via efficient low-level communication ports after they have been compiled. Here an addressing API is used to obtain the memory addresses of the communication ports. This is the same addressing API that is also used to obtain memory addresses of solved variables for output to the file system using the OutputGenerator (asc_file object in G-2).