Related Documentation:
In the example below I try to give an impression of what it looks like to work with the *new* features of the current Neurospaces based implementation of the GENESIS 3 simulator. Note that this does not preclude backwards compatibility, something we are working on right now.
The example is taken from the purkinje cell comparison project, which was presented at the society for neuroscience meeting in San Diego. There are a couple of things I would like to add before starting: (1) this is a technical and dense explanation, that goes from input and model over simulation to output and output processing, giving examples of the file formats along the way. (2) The explanation is mainly about an SSP configuration file that was generated automatically from a template (see also attachment). The SSP config generator is currently part of the Neurospaces project browser. The NS project browser is still under active development, I will probably make a first pre-alpha release available for the CNS meeting. (3) Everything below is about new functions of the simulator. Everything explained below, is part of the automatic regression tests (see the neurospaces website for the output of these tests). (4) It took me some time to write this all down, I hope to receive technical and conceptual feedback.
In this example, I want to stimulate a passive model of a morphology of a purkinje neuron at a known dendritic location. The name of the stimulated dendritic compartment is b1s20[14], it will be stimulated with a unitary synaptic event.
model_container: initializers: - arguments: - filename: /var/neurospaces/simulation_projects//purkinje-comparison2/morphologies/lab/gp/Purk2M9s.p method: load module_name: Neurospaces |
This section of the SSP file instructs SSP to load the perl module ’Neurospaces’, and to call the method ’load’ with the argument to read a GENESIS morphology file from the file system. For SSP, the internal reference to the resulting object is ’model_container’. This ’model_container’ is a service that can present the model to other internal SSP objects, e.g. a solver. It is possible to use other model containers, in which case and its shared libraries will not be loaded (but others will).
# an event file
events: - 0.0001 |
So this JSON / YAML file encodes a single event at time 0.1ms in SI units. The notion of time is implicit, and can be overridden. I use this file as an encoding of a synaptic event. If I would like to have more events in this file, it could look like this:
# an event file
events: - 0.0001 - 0.0002 - 0.0003 |
compartmental_solver: constructor_settings: options: iOptions: 4 module_name: Heccer service_name: model_container |
This section of the SSP file instructs SSP to load the perl module ’Heccer’. This perl module will automatically load the C code of the compartmental solver, and the perl module gets attached to the internal object with name ’compartmental_solver’. When the solver gets instantiated, it will be linked to the internal SSP service object with name ’model_container’, this is the service object that was defined in point 1. The option setting, ’iOptions’, is currently a cryptic way to put heccer in passive mode, such that it does not simulate membrane potential dependent ionic conductances (it does simulate synaptic channels however). This is also the place to specify a time step, which is here by default 2e-5s (this default value is coming from Heccer, not from SSP). The exact names of the options are specific to the solver, and are opaque to SSP.
However, SSP does not automatically initialize the compartmental solver with a model. It is possible to modify the structure of the model, or put it in a particular mode (eg. in-vivo mode), before feeding it to the rest of the system. For initialization of the compartmental solver we need the point below.
granular_parameters: - component_name: ’/Purk2M9s/segments/b1s20[14]/synchan/synapse’ description: ’single synaptic event, variable dendritic location’ field: EVENT_FILENAME value: event_data/events.yml modelname: /Purk2M9s solverclass: compartmental_solver |
Two separate things happen here:
double_2_ascii: module_name: Experiment options: filename: ’output_generate_single_stimulation_fixed_conductance/Purk2M9s/b1s20[14].output’ package: Experiment::Output |
Then, I link this output class to the membrane potential of the soma:
- component_name: /Purk2M9s/segments/soma field: Vm outputclass: double_2_ascii |
simulation: - arguments: - 10000 method: steps |
This calls the internal ’steps’ method on the global SSP object that results after steps 1 - 5. An more intuitive way to run the simulation is to call the ’advance’ method with a simulation time.
Note again that SSP is independent of the model container, the compartmental solver, the input files and the output classes. For instance, plugging in a reference to the neurospaces studio for a ’solver’ will allow you to explore the model that you want to simulate, using the GUI and SDL. This exploration would run on a model, after the necessary modifications for this particular simulation run (eg. putting the model in a in-vivo mode, or after adding a synaptic channel for stimulating a known compartment). Another option is to plug in a JSON serializer for communication with a web browser.
Running the simulation will produce a voltage trace with the somatic response after synaptic stimulation of compartment b1s20[14]. The exact format of the output file depends on the options given to the double_2_ascii output class. In this case the format would be backward compatible with the GENESIS 2 ascii_file object (no JSON / YAML), and looks something like this:
0 -0.08
1 -0.08 2 -0.08 ... 19 -0.08 20 -0.08 21 -0.08 22 -0.0799999 23 -0.0799999 ... 9999 -0.0799987 |
’/Purk2M9s/segments/b0s01[0]/synchan’: -0.0798088 ’/Purk2M9s/segments/b0s01[10]/synchan’: -0.0798239 ’/Purk2M9s/segments/b0s01[11]/synchan’: -0.0798216 ’/Purk2M9s/segments/b0s01[12]/synchan’: -0.0798222 ’/Purk2M9s/segments/b0s01[13]/synchan’: -0.0798228 ... ’/Purk2M9s/segments/b1s20[14]/synchan’: -0.0799105 ... |
In this file, each line maps a model component – the stimulated compartment – to a value, in this case the amplitude of the somatic post-synaptic response. Sometimes the model component will be encoded using an integer, for sake of brevity and to enhance compression ratios when compressing the file (this will reduce client-server communication time when using the project browser).
Then, this file can be used by the neurospaces studio to colorcode the morphology for the Purkinje cell dendritic tree, and – as an example only – this same file can be used to modify the channel densities in the dendritic compartments, because it is essentially a simple mapping from compartments to numbers.
I can give more examples for the interested. A slightly different and interesting example is a voltage clamp, because the voltage clamp circuitry runs as a separate simulation object.
What I really hope to make clear with this to short explanation, is how GENESIS 3 works internally, I hope to make clear how it can be told exactly what to do, and how input and output are connected to the model. I also hope that it is clear that the explanation is relatively independent from the numerical solution method, and from the structure of the model, input and output. It is in the end that by abstracting these, that we are able to add new and powerful software layers to the simulator, including the already mentioned project browser.
This explanation sheds some light on how the internals of the GENESIS 3 simulator work.
The attached SSP configuration, as any other JSON file, can be converted to XML using the following command:
$ perl -e ’use YAML; use XML::Simple; local $/; print
XMLout(YAML::Load(<>), NoAttr => 1, RootName => SSP)’ ’b1s20[14].yml’ |
--- !perl/SSP
apply: modifiers: - arguments: - /usr/local/neurospaces/models/library/channels/nmda.ndf - nmda_namespace method: import_qualified_filename object: neurospaces - arguments: - nmda_namespace::/NMDA_fixed_conductance - ’/Purk2M9s/segments/b1s20[14]/synchan’ method: add_component object: neurospaces simulation: - arguments: - 10000 method: steps models: - conceptual_parameters: - component_name: a::/Purk_spine description: set resting membrane potential to steady state field: Vm_init value: -0.0800 - component_name: b::/maind description: set resting membrane potential to steady state field: Vm_init value: -0.0800 - component_name: c::/soma description: set resting membrane potential to steady state field: Vm_init value: -0.0800 - component_name: d::/spinyd description: set resting membrane potential to steady state field: Vm_init value: -0.0800 - component_name: e::/thickd description: set resting membrane potential to steady state field: Vm_init value: -0.0800 granular_parameters: - component_name: ’/Purk2M9s/segments/b1s20[14]/synchan/synapse’ description: ’single synaptic event, variable dendritic location’ field: EVENT_FILENAME value: event_data/events.yml modelname: /Purk2M9s solverclass: compartmental_solver name: ’all models, all dendrites, single synaptic stimulation, fixed synaptic conductance’ outputclasses: double_2_ascii: module_name: Experiment options: filename: ’output_generate_single_stimulation_fixed_conductance/Purk2M9s/b1s20[14].output’ package: Experiment::Output outputs: - component_name: /Purk2M9s/segments/soma field: Vm outputclass: double_2_ascii services: model_container: initializers: - arguments: - filename: /var/neurospaces/simulation_projects//purkinje-comparison2/morphologies/lab/gp/Purk2M9s.p - - ./generate_single_stimulation_fixed_conductance - -R - -A method: load module_name: Neurospaces solverclasses: compartmental_solver: constructor_settings: configuration: reporting: granularity: 1 tested_things: 6225920 options: iOptions: 4 module_name: Heccer service_name: model_container |