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GENESIS Interactive Shell Tokens

The tokens recognized by the GENESIS shell (G-Shell) fall into four broad categories:

  1. Some tokens define sections in an NDF description file. The most important are IMPORT, PRIVATE_MODELS, and PUBLIC_MODELS. Models defined in one section of an NDF file can be forwarded to the next section with the ALIAS token. To learn more about the NDF file format see The Neurospaces Description Format.

    To obtain a complete list of the section tokens enter “list section”.

  2. Many tokens have the semantics of a specific physical process. Examples include, CHANNEL for a Hodgkin-Huxley type conductance and SEGMENT for a cylindrical cable equation. Physical processes may be nested into parent–child data structures.

    To obtain a complete list of the physical tokens enter “list physical”.

  3. Some tokens have the semantics of a function. This is a special case of the previous item. Examples include, RANDOMIZE to randomize a value, and FIXED to calculate a constant value that cannot be scaled. A special case is SERIAL that returns the unique identifier of the current symbol.

    To obtain a complete list of the function tokens enter “list functions”.

  4. Other tokens exist to define the structure of a model. For example, the CHILD token adds a new (reference to a) child of an active symbol. The PARAMETERS token defines attributes for symbols with (name, value) pairs. The BINDABLES token allows variables to be shared between different components of a model.

    To obtain a complete list of the structure tokens enter “list structure”.