Related Documentation:
GENESIS: Documentation
1 Publication System: GUI Functionality
The examples in this document are based on publications [3][5][4][?]
This first section gives an overview of what is needed, and the technical
comments follow in the next section.
1.1 Loading the different Purkinje cell models into G-3
The following sections list the purkinje cells that we use as targets for the
1.1.1 Passive Segev Model
Publication [?]
- The Segev morphology is available from the neuromorpho database.
There are subtle differences to the soma dimensions with the edsjb1994
- The passive properties of this model are accurately reported in Segev
paper. Based on these properties, the different versions of the Segev
model can be added to the G-3 model library.
1.1.2 DeSchutter: 3 different guinea pigs dendritic morphologies
Publications: [3][5]
- We only have a recompartmentalized version of one Purkinje cell and
it is unknown where we can find the recompartmentalized versions
of the other two Purkinje cells. The morphologies are available
from the neuromorpho database, but naive recompartmentalization
of a morphology changes its computational behavior such that exact
reproduction of the publication figures is not directly possible. This
needs further investigation.
- The Purkinje cell model reported in [3] and [5] is implemented in the
G-3 model library. Both the Segev model and the edsjb1994 model can
be loaded. The GUI can then display their differences (see below).
1.1.3 Sergio model
Publication: [?]
- Sergio’s model has a different anamolous rectifier. It should be possible
to reproduce his model starting the methods section reported in his
- This model’s morphology is identical to Erik’s model’s morphology.
- I am in touch with Sergio about his model, but am still waiting for his
response. He said he will try to recover his model from a backup.
1.1.4 Japan model
Publications: [1][6]
- This is reported as a modification of the original EDS model,
reimplemented in the NEURON simulator.
- The morphology is taken from D.P. Shelton (but looks different from
Shelton’s), there is no report of different dendritic functional regions,
some channels have been modified, others removed, and new added. It
is really a new model with some components shared with the edsjb1994
- There is currently no possibility to document the assumptions or
hypotheses upon which the model is based, ie. comparing the subregions
in the edsjb1994 dendrite with the assumption built into the Japanese
- We do not have the model scripts.
1.1.5 Different species
We have morphological data for fish, turtle, rat, guinea pig and mouse purkinje
cells. We can ask Rachael if she wants to contribute the zebra finch purkinje cells
that she has. These morphologies can be handled as passive models (see Segev
model above).
1.1.6 The NEURON Simulator Purkinje Cell Model
Importing Neuron models can be made possible. It assumed to take less time than
the backward compatibility module because the Neuron script languages are not
as sophisticated as the G-2 SLI.
1.1.7 Allan Purkinje Cell Model
Publication: [2]
Allan’s model is based on entirely different concepts than any of the other
Purkinje cell models, but a user does not care much about such differences.
Implementation of Allan’s model in G-3 is an interesting exercise we should do to
check the flexibility and robustness of both high-level concepts and technical
1.2 Model Comparison
I have divided differently from what we discussed during the last meeting:
1.2.1 Structural Differences between Models
The G-Tube shows multiple morphology, passive models, channel characteristics
and channel distribution tables simultaneously.
Both quantitative and structural differences can be visualized using different
colors (green color: same parameters / structure, red color: differences in
parameters / structure).
1.2.2 Behavioral Difference between Models
Behavioral differences between models can be shown by running simulations that
simulate common experimental protocols:
- Responses to current injection traces are shown for each model that is
- Voltage clamp simulations after application of channel blockers.
A library of SSP schedules is used to configure the simulation required to
produce these traces (see also below). The G-Tube allows to browse the SSP
library and select a schedule for running a single simulation. More details about
this library can be found in section 2.
1.2.3 Functional Difference between Models
- Synaptic stimulation under different physiological conditions.
1.3 Publication, Attribution and Lineage
The G-Tube allows to identify who has contributed what to a model, and to
identify the impact of each contribution.
The fundamental building block of a publication is a publication atom. A
publication atom is a direct component of a model (such as a channel
instance, a synapse instance). Each publication atom is contributed by an
Every publication atom starts with an equal impact factor. The use-count of a
publication atom determines its overall impact. This attribution model
obviously gives high attribution scores to Hodgkin and Huxley and to Wilfrid
The G-Tube shows a table of all the people who has contributed to a model
and what model component they have contributed.
1.4 Reconstruct the figures in the papers from the model in real
A G-Tube publication has a browsable menu of bullet points / narrative
components. It allows to explore the publication in depth. Its structure is outline
- The first menu item allows to read introductions and links the
publication with other publications.
- The second menu item explains the model in detail.
- It allows to present functions of the neuron using figures.
- It allows its lineage to be browsed.
- It allows to run automated tests on the model including a
structural analysis and automated validation simulations.
- The third menu item gives access to all the simulations that have been run,
and allows to reproduce automatically the figures that are important to the
publication. The G-Tube also allows to manually produce figures that are
not part of the publication.
- The fourth menu item is a conclusion that links to the previous menu items
and other publications.
2 Technical Comments
2.1 Loading Different Models into the G-Tube
- The model name selection box of the G-Tube lists the names of all the
models that can be loaded.
- Both the G-Tube and the gshell currently work with one implicit
workspace, which limits them to importation of only one model at a
time. The model-container uses ’namespaces’ as an abstraction for user
workspaces. Gshell commands need to be implemented to access the
interface to manage the model-container’s namespaces. The G-Tube
connects to the gshell over its standard I/O stream connection to use
the new commands.
- A namespace edit box will popup every time a new model is loaded to
allow the user to edit the name of the namespace. The edit box suggests
a namespace for use.
- The name of the namespace that was used to load the model, is visible
in the model loader selection box.
- The namespaces known to the G-Tube are also available from a separate
’Recent’ sub-menu in the file menu.
2.2 Morphology Characterization
The following quantities are visible for both models simultaneously in a small
table. This table with morphology characteristics is available from a button in the
menu ’Model Construction’ –> ’Explore Model’. (this table should be split in two:
one for morphology, one for passive parameters).
- soma dimensions (different between the two models)
- electrotonic length of the longest and shortest compartments
(edsjb1994 has a very very long compartment).
- total dendritic length, surface area and volume.
- Number of branch points, average branch order of dendritic tips.
- RM, CM, RA, ELEAK, number of spines, number of compartments.
- List of transmembrane currents.
The quantities mentioned above can be computed by the model container and are
made available as yaml text files to the GUI from the standard I/O connection
with the gshell.
For example .
2.3 Channel Kinetics and Distribution
The GUI shows a list with all the transmembrane currents / channels found in the
- The channel characteristics table shows the gate parameters and the
reversal potential for each channel (table 1 paper [3]).
- The channel distribution table shows the current densities (table 2
paper [3]).
- Clicking a button in the table with channel characteristics shows a plot
of the steady-state and time constant against the membrane potential.
This relationship is calculated by heccer and made available to the GUI
via the gshell ’tabulate’ command.
- The voltage clamp current can be made visible too, using a library of
SSP schedules (see below).
For example see .
2.4 SSP Library of Simulation Configurations
- A library of SSP schedules with different stimulation paradigms is
available. The GUI instructs the SSP scheduler to load a schedule from
the library and then runs the simulation. This produces the output for
one figure. Tables and channel kinetic plot reconstruction may need a
different mechanism.
- The SSP configuration library can be browsed using the show_library
gshell command. Each configuration is shown using its description
inside the yaml file.
2.5 Importing Neuron Models
- The G-Tube / gshell load SLI models in the same way as NDF models
(and necessary conversions are applied in the background).
- Importing Neuron models can work in the same way, with conversions
applied in the background. The graphical part of the G-Tube does not
need explicit support for NEURON files.
2.6 Other Models
Implementing Allan’s model in G3 will require a profound investigation for how
- Connect its dedicated solver to SSP.
- How to do its model specification.
- interfacing with the model-container?
- setup the solver from the model-container?
- The technical reports that document the implementation workflow can be
found in the explanation for how to extend GENESIS functionality.
2.7 Publication and Attribution
- The
model-container will define a new parameter ’PUBLICATION_ATOM’
that points to an external file. The external file contains ’publication
atoms’ possibly including bibtex references to papers, tagged free text
such as abstract and author comments. The PUBLICATION_ATOM
parameter is available for all model types known by the model container
(cell, channel, etc).
- The full pathname of the external file is guaranteed to be unique in a
distributed software system.
- Based on the PUBLICATION_ATOM parameters of a complex model,
and by assigning ’attribution scores’ to each model component, the
attribution of one or more contributors to a model can be fully
- Likewise the ’local’ past and current importance of a model component
can be quantified by counting its usage from the lineage tree. In
a centralized database with peer-reviewed publications the ’local
importance’ provides an overall measure of the significance of a model
component. The algorithms to compute the importance of a model
component shares principles with google algorithms to attribute scores
to google search hits. They are also related to spanning tree and
coverage calculations in graph networks.
- The gshell’s show_library command has extensions for file types such
as ’ndf’ files, ’g2’ files, ao. This command is already supported by the
G-Tube. A new extension type ’cite’ lists all the citations related to
one model (channel, morphology, or other) and allows its lineage to be
2.8 Reconstruct the figures in the papers from the model in real
- A library of SSP schedules with different stimulation paradigms is
available. The GUI instructs the SSP scheduler to load a schedule from
the library and then runs the simulation. This produces the output for
one figure. Tables and channel kinetic plot reconstruction may need a
different mechanism.
- The SSP configuration library can be browsed using the show_library
gshell command. Each configuration is shown using its description
inside the yaml file.
- Most of the SSP configurations required for this functionality are
already available from different locations in the source code (eg. the
regression tests). After initial creation of this library, the buttons that
implement functions for model comparison implicitly select one or more
SSP configuration files and run a simulation.
- Obviously figure reproduction can also be done manually from the
G-Tube menus. For this, the G-Tube needs an interface to access and
load schedules from the SSP library. This interface is available from a
menu that is part of the (still to be described) publication / research
[1] K. Chono, H. Takagi, S. Koyama, H. Suzuki, and E. Ito. A cell
model study of calcium influx mechanism regulated by calcium-dependent
potassium channels in purkinje cell dendrites. J Neurosci Methods.,
129(2):115–27, Oct 2003.
[2] A. D. Coop and G. N. Reeke, Jr. The composite neuron: A realistic
one-compartment purkinje cell model suitable for large-scale neuronal
network simulations. J Comput Neurosci, 10:173–86, 2001.
[3] E. De Schutter and J. Bower. An active membrane model of the
cerebellar Purkinje cell I. Simulation of current clamps in slice. Journal
of Neurophysiology, 71:375–400, 1994.
[4] E. De Schutter and J. Bower. Simulated responses of cerebellar
Purkinje cells are independent of the dentritic location of granule cell
synaptic inputs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,
91:4736–4740, 1994.
[5] E. De Schutter and J. M. Bower. An active membrane model of the
cerebellar Purkinje cell II. Simulation of synaptic responses. Journal of
Neurophysiology, 71:401–419, 1994.
[6] T. Miyasho, H. Takagi, H. Suzuki,
S. Watanabe, M. Inoue, Y. Kudo, and H. Miyakawa. Low-threshold
potassium channels and a low-threshold calcium channel regulate Ca2+
spike firing in the dendrites of cerebellar purkinje neurons: A modeling
study. Brain Res., 891(1–2):106–15, Feb 2001.