GENESIS: Documentation

Related Documentation:

Pre-validation of the Purkinje cell before model submission


This document shows specific capabilities of the GENESIS 3 publication system for automated model validation and electronic model publication of single neurons. The examples used in this document include the neuron model developed in [4][3] and studied in [5], the comparative extension of these studies in [1] and finally the theoretical study of the model in [2].

What is included?

Single neuron models can be validated by analysis of their morphological and mathematical structure. Static checks include soundness checks on the morphology such as range checks on dendritic lengths and number of branch points, passive cable parameters, maximal channel conductances and channel kinetics. Behaviour checks are implemented with simulations that apply common experimental paradigms to the neuron model. Simulations for parameter searches are not included.

From [4]

From [3]

From [5]

From [1]

From [2]






[1]   James M. Bower, Hugo Cornelis, and Rachael Wilcox. Comparative evolutionary computational analysis of cerebellar purkinje cell structure and function. In Nineteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2009 July 2009., 2009.

[2]   Allan D. Coop, Hugo Cornelis, and Fidel Santamaria. Using mutual information to quantify the contribution of dendritic excitability to information processing in a purkinje cell model. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2009.

[3]   E De Schutter and J M Bower. An active membrane model of the cerebellar purkinje cell II. simulation of synaptic responses. Journal of Nerurophysiology, 71:401–419, 1994.

[4]   E De Schutter and JM Bower. An active membrane model of the cerebellar purkinje cell I. Simulation of current clamp in slice. Journal of Nerurophysiology, 71:375–400, 1994.

[5]   Erik De Schutter and J.M. Bower. Simulated responses of cerebellar Purkinje cells are independent of the dentritic location of granule cell synaptic inputs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 91:4736–4740, 1994.