Related Documentation:
Xrefactory is a development tool used used with emacs and xemacs for source browsing and refactoring of C and C++ code. It can be used to browse and restructure original source code and convert the source code to browsable html pages.
The procedure for generating browsable html source code is now outlined.
A ‘recipe’ file is typically used to set up a project in Xrefactory. It consists of formatted blocks relevant to a particular project. Each block contains a set of xref flags with their complimentary arguments.
// input files and directories (processed recursively) /local_home/local_home/hugo/neurospaces_project/model-container/source/snapshots/0 // directory where tag files are stored -refs /local_home/local_home/hugo/.xrefs/neurospaces/source/snapshots/0/model-container // split tag files using first letter -refalphahash // include directories -I ~/neurospaces_project/model-container/source/snapshots/0 -I ~/neurospaces_project/model-container/source/snapshots/0/modules/symbol -I ~/neurospaces_project/model-container/source/snapshots/0/modules/event -I /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/CORE -I /usr/lib/perl/5.8.7/CORE -I / // setting for Emacs compile and run -set compilefile "cc %s" -set compiledir "cc *.c" -set compileproject " cd /local_home/local_home/hugo/neurospaces_project/model-container/source/snapshots/0 make " -set run1 "a.out" -set run5 "" // an empty run; C-F8 will only compile // set default to run1 -set run ${run1} // HTML configuration -htmlroot=/local_home/local_home/hugo/HTML -htmlgxlist -htmllxlist -htmldirectx -htmllinenums -htmltab=8 -htmllinenumcolor=000000 // pre-processor macros and passes specification -DPRE_PROTO_TRAVERSAL -DUSE_READLINE // found in smart browsing toggle help -storelocalxrefs -prune neurospacesread-* |
Here is an example of Xrefactory being run from the NS-SLI command line showing all the required flags:
xref -xrefactory-II -o ~/ns-sliHTML.log -encoding=european -html -htmlgxlist -htmllxlist -htmlfunseparate -htmllinenums -errors -xrefrc ~/.xrefrc -p ns-sli -user 1
The -html tags are required to insure that source code referenced more than once does not produce multiple output pages. The -xrefrc file references the recipe file set up for a project (as illustrated above).
The -p flag allows you to select a project block from the xrefrc file. The referenced file contains three projects, so it must be explicitly told which project to build the documents for.