Evolution of the Modelers Workspace Design

Prototype Interface for High-level Systems Models

As a prototype interface for high-level systems models, we created a systems level-network model within GENESIS which includes major projections to cerebellar folium, crus IIa. The model incorporates physiological data on the structure of cerebellar tactile maps as well as maps for the trigeminal nuclei (Principalis and Interpolaris), thalamic nuclei (VPM and POM) and somatosensory cortex. The interface for this model, allowing queries to give the experimental data and literature references which were used to build the model, was demonstrated in December 1995 at the Human Brain Mapping and Modeling conference, in San Antonio, Texas.

This view shows a query for the experimental data which was used to establish connections for the Interpolaris-Cb pathway.

Initial Prototype for the Modeler's Workspace

We then constructed an initial prototype of the Modeler's Workspace. Although it was clear to us that the final version would benefit from a more general purpose set of graphical tools than those contained within GENESIS/XODUS, the use of GENESIS for this implementation allowed for the rapid development and modification of prototypes, and an easy interface to the tools available within GENESIS. This prototype was demonstrated at the May 1996 Annual Spring Meeting of Human Brain Project Agencies and Researchers.

In this view, the user has started the construction of a model by incorporating the simple morphology of the Llinas and Nicholson Purkinje model into the new model.

After this initial prototyping, we re-implemented the Workspace in Java and connected it to an actual database system, rather than the set of files used with the earlier prototypes. As planned, we have implemented the interface so that it may be used over the WWW from remote sites.