GENESIS 3 Development Plans

The GENESIS simulator is undergoing a major redevelopment effort that will result in GENESIS version 3.

The diagram below shows the components of GENESIS 2, as seen by the GENESIS user. Although GENESIS and its scripting language produce modular object-oriented simulations that are easy to modify and extend, this is not the case with the source code for GENESIS 2. The core modules of GENESIS were written in the late 1980's in C, and the modules are much more tightly coupled than the diagram would suggest. Although the simulation code is very efficient, it is difficult to add more modern Java-based graphical interfaces, alternate script parsers, and interfaces via the WWW.

In order to provide greater interoperability with other neuroscience software tools, databases, and modeling environments, we are modularizing the GENESIS architecture, as indicated by the dashed lines in the figure above. There are two ongoing projects that are developing a GENESIS-compatible replacement for the GENESIS core.

Upinder Bhalla (NCBS Bangalore), who wrote the X Windows XODUS GUI interface for GENESIS and did much of the initial GENESIS development, has been rewriting the GENESIS base code in C++, as MOOSE. This reimplementation in an object-oriented language makes it simple to "unbundle" the components of GENESIS.

The following outline summarizes MOOSE. More information may be found at

The Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) provides:

Hugo Cornelis (Bower lab, UT San Antonio), who programmed many of the advanced features of the GENESIS hsolve object, is developing Neurospaces and its compartmental model solver Heccer. This promises to be extremely efficient for the solution of large compartmental neuron models. For more information about Neurospaces and Heccer, see

GENESIS 3 will add:

The last figure shows the multiple external interfaces to GENESIS 3 that will be allowed with the new architecture.

The first priorities for GENESIS 3 development are to: