References for the tutorials

Bhalla, U. S. and Iyengar, R. (1999) Emergent properties of networks of biological signaling pathways. Science 283: 381-387.

Crook, C. and Cohen, A. (1994) Central Pattern Generators. In J. M. Bower and D. Beeman (Eds.), The Book of GENESIS: Exploring Realistic Neural Models with the GEneral NEural SImulation System, Chapter 4, Springer-Verlag, New York.

De Schutter, E. and Bower, J. M. (1994) An active membrane model of the cerebellar Purkinje cell I: Simulation of current clamps in slice. J. Neurophysiol. 71: 375-400.

De Schutter, E. and Bower, J. M. (1994) An active membrane model of the cerebellar Purkinje cell II: Simulation of synaptic responses. J. Neurophysiol. 71: 401-419.

Protopapas, A. D., Vanier, M. and Bower, J. M. (1998) Modeling Large Networks. In: Methods in Neuronal Modeling, C. Koch and I. Segev (Eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge MA, Chapter 12 pp. 461-468.

Traub, R.D., Wong, R.K.S., Miles, R., and Michelson, H. (1991) A model of a CA3 hippocampal pyramidal neuron incorporating voltage-clamp data on intrinsic conductances. J. Neurophysiol. 66: 635-650.

Wilson, M. and Bower, J.M. (1992) Simulating cerebral cortical networks: oscillations and temporal interactions in a computer simulation of piriform (olfactory) cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 67: 981-995.