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Getting started with the GENESIS tutorials

NOTE: This information is for the GENESIS and tutorial installation for the November 2002 GUM*02 workshops. For your own local installation, the paths shown below may be different.

"GENESIS Tutorials directory": /usr/local/beeman

Suggestion: Set a web browser bookmark to /usr/local/beeman/contents.html and select the GENESIS Programming Tutorial from the list of contents.

"GENESIS directory": /usr/local/genesis

Suggestion: Try out some of the GENESIS demonstration and tutorial simulations in the genesis/Scripts directory. This directory and its subdirectories each have a README file with information about the files to be found in the directory. For example:

    cd /usr/local/genesis/tutorials/squid
    genesis Squid

Other demos and tutorials that you might want to try are traub91, burster, neurokit, purkinje, and piriform.