This file contains information about Parallel GENESIS (PGENESIS) version 2.2.1. This release, which replaces PGENESIS 2.2, incorporates some bug fixes to the July 2001 2.2 version, and to the January 15, 2002 2.2a version.It can be run on any platform which supports GENESIS 2.2.1 and the PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) software. When used with GENESIS version 2.2 or later, it allows GENESIS to be run on networks of workstations (NOW), symmetric multiprocessors (SMP) and massively parallel processors (MPP).
Parallel GENESIS is useful for simulations that must be run many times independently e.g., parameter-search, monte-carlo. It will also be of use for large scale models that do not fit in the memory of a single workstation, especially network models. The primary user-level changes are the extension of the script language to include some parallel programming constructs, the provision of GENESIS messages to cross cpu boundaries, and the use of the PVM parallel software layer.
PGENESIS is contained in the file pgenesis.2.2.1.tar.gz on the GENESIS ftp server. This is a gzipped tar file that untars into a directory "pgenesis" with the command:
cat pgenesis.2.2.1.tar.gz | gunzip | tar -xvf -If you do not have the gnu gunzip utility, you may download the larger version of the file with the ".Z" extension, which was produced with UNIX compress.
If you do not have PVM installed on your computer, you can get the latest version, as well as more information about PVM from the PVM home page:
A PVM distribution and manual is also available from the GENESIS ftp site, but it is not guaranteed to be the most recent version.
Installation and user setup instructions ofr PGENESIS are in pgenesis/README.1st and pgenesis/README.
Multiprocessor related instructions are in pgenesis/ README.paragon is specific to the Intel Paragon (as installed at Caltech). Web documentation is rooted at pgenesis/Hyperdoc/welcome.html. Additional information about PGENESIS may be obtained from the PGENESIS home page:
Questions and bug reports to: