Precompiled GENESIS 2.2.1 distribution for Linux

The files contained in this directory are:

README - a plain text version of this file

genesis2.2.1-linux-bin.tar.gz - a gzipped tar archive of GENESIS 2.2.1 for Linux

The file genesis2.2.1-linux-bin.tar.gz is a version of the GENESIS 2.2.1 distribution that contains precompiled Linux executables for "genesis", the "convert" utility (in bin/convert), and the GENESIS object libraries in the lib directory. This is in addition to the usual directories containing simulation scripts, documentation, and full source code. This will allow you to easily install GENESIS on PC Linux systems without having to edit the Makefile and compile.

The genesis executable has been statically linked, so you should be able to use it with any recent Linux version for a Pentium class ("x86") PC, without worrying whether you have the necessary library files installed. The only disadvantage of using this distribution instead of compiling it yourself is the somewhat larger file size of the executable "genesis" program (4.7 MB instead of 3 MB). If have problems, or are using another variety of UNIX, please follow the directions for compiling and installing GENESIS in src/README. If someone wants to make and contribute statically linked 2.2.1 versions for Solaris, IRIX or other platforms, we will be happy to include them here.

To install this version of GENESIS:

(1) Pick the place where you want to install the "genesis" directory tree. If you are making a system-wide installation as "root" user, /usr/local is a good choice. For a personal installation, without root privileges, you can use your home directory ("~"). Change to this directory and extract the genesis directory from the archive file genesis2.2.1-linux-bin.tar.gz. For example,

        cd /usr/local
        tar xvzf /mnt/cdrom/genesis2.2.1-linux-bin.tar.gz

or from wherever you have it (e.g.~/downloads/genesis2.2.1-linux-bin.tar.gz).

(2) Change to the "genesis" directory and run the setup script that creates the ".simrc" GENESIS initialization file". Then copy .simrc to your home directory.

        cd genesis
        cp .simrc ~

(3) Finallly, add the genesis directory to your search path, so that "genesis" can be found from any directory that you are in. If your login shell is bash, you can do this by editing the .bashrc file in your home directory to add the line

at the end of the file. If you are using tcsh or csh as your command shell, add
        set path=($path /usr/local/genesis)
to your .tcsh or .csh file.

At this point, you are ready to try running GENESIS. Change into the directory genesis/Scripts and try some of the tutorials suggested in the README file.