Contents of babeldirs

This is a collection of user-contributed material from BABEL, the GENESIS Users Group. Users of GENESIS are encouraged to contribute and share models and other material by registering as a user at the new GENESIS web site at This will allow you to upload your models, documentation, tutorials, publications, or other material that you wish to share.

The directories here contain:

education/ - GENESIS tutorials and materials for education

libraries/ - User-contributed libraries of new objects and commands for GENESIS 2.

models/ - The main archive for user-contributed GENESIS simulations. The subdirectories are organized under the categories of biochemical, channel, cell, network, and "other" models.

utils/ - This directory contains stand-alone utility programs that may be used with GENESIS.

4 Directories:






README907 bytesTue Jan 29 18:45:06 2008
README.html1126 bytesTue Jan 29 18:47:48 2008

Created 2008 Jan 30 (04:45 GMT)