Contents of babeldirs/education/tutorial8

1 Directories:

.. (parent) parent directory (up one level)


See the README file for a description of the contents

batch.g1844 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:13 1995
chess_avg.g515 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
chess_out.g333 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
compartments.g4659 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
hhchan.g4823 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
net_cell.p1087 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
net_cells.g402 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
net_conn.g2758 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
net_inputs.g531 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
net_out.g2031 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
protodefs.g1688 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
protospike.g445 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
results.counts266 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
synchans.g1167 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
tutorial8.g650 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995
tutorial8.text22479 bytesMon Sep 11 12:26:14 1995

Created 2008 Jan 30 (04:45 GMT)