Parameter Searching

To do parameter searching one must first decide what parameters may be adjusted, how the resultant network will be evaluated, and what search method to employ to obtain the next set of parameters to try. All of these decisions are very model-dependent, and will also be influenced by the objectives of the researcher. It is beyond the scope of this document to discuss the issues involved in doing parameter searching, so we will concentrate on describing how one may use PGENESIS to implement parameter searches.

Typically we will make one node a master node that directs the search. The other worker nodes will each carry out simulations as directed by the master. Each worker will also carry out an evaluation of the simulation results (and this could be done either while the simulation is running or immediately afterwards), The worker then communicates the result of this evaluation (which often is just a scalar "fitness" value, but not necessarily) back to the master. The master uses this value in some way to choose the future parameter values. Possible search techniques include genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, gradient-descent, and Monte-Carlo methods.

Following this approach, the top-level script will look something like this:

  1. Every node will wait at a barrierall for the entire set to start up. ("barrierall" is used instead of "barrier" because each node is in a separate zone.)
  2. Node 0 will act as a master and will execute the appropriate search script.
  3. The remaining nodes will act as workers and wait at a barrierall. While they are waiting at this barrierall, they will receive commands from the master node directing them to perform simulations. When they have finished a simulation and its evaluation, they will report the result back to the master node by doing a remote procedure call on the master to record the evaluation result.
  4. When the master has completed the search, it will satisfy the barrierall which the workers are waiting at, and all nodes will quit.

To demonstrate a simple approach to doing a parameter search, we have developed a skeleton parameter search example.