Exercise: Create a CA3 pyramidal cell with readcell

This directory has a very simple script (traubcell.g) to create the 1991 Traub model from the CA3.p cell parameter file and the channel prototypes file traub91proto.g. The documentation for readcell and Chapter 16 of the BoG give further information about the use of cell parameter files with the cell reader and the use of channel prototype files.

If you run the traubcell script with GENESIS, using the empty graphics.g file in this directory, it will create the cell, but not much will happen. You can use the "showfield" and "showmsg" commands to examine the the element fields and messages, and can step the simulation by issuing "step" commands to the genesis prompt, and see the effect with commands such as:

    showfield /cell/soma Vm
step 0.05 -time
showfield /cell/soma Vm

Your task is to provide the graphical interface to step the simulation and plot the results.

Suggested exercise: Copy these three files into a directory of your own, and implement the necessary graphics.g file by modifying code from tutorial3.g (in genesis/Scripts/tutorials). To see a fancier version which uses the xcell display widget, look at genesis/Scripts/traub91/traub91.g, after you have made your own attempt to provide the graphical interface to the simulation.

Other variations: Look in the cells directory for other cell models:

corticalcells - some simplified visual cortex pyramidal cells
new_mit - olfactory bulb mitral cells
THALMODES - a thalamic relay cell
traub94 - A 64 compartment CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cell
traub95 Traaub's CA3 hippocampal granule cell model

Then, modify your simulation to create one of these cells.

Files in exercises/traubcell:


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