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Other Fields

Some read-only fields can be of interest while debugging your simulations. These fields are availabe after a successful SETUP, but must never be changed.

  1. symflag: the symflag can be inspected to see if hsolve is computing symmetric compartments.
  2. ncompts: the number of compartments that are in the model that hsolve is computing.
  3. nchildren: this array contains the number of intracellular mechanisms in the model.
  4. nelm_names: Element names can be shared for different elements with the same name. This field is a count on the number of different element names in the model.
  5. ntab: The number of distinctive tables in the model.
  6. dt: The value of the simulation clock that hsolve uses to do its computations.

NOTE: The comptmode field is not used anymore, but it is still there for backward compatibility. The Genesis documentation has not been updated yet.

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