PGENESIS -- Parallel GENESIS Homepage

Parallel GENESIS was developed at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center to enable the well-known GENESIS neural simulator to run on a variety of parallel machines. It can be used on most Unix or Linux platforms that support PVM or MPI, from workstation clusters to supercomputers.  For users wishing to run large-scale parallel simulations  on machines at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, please see the PGENESIS at PSC webpage.

General PGENESIS information:

  • Suitable models for PGENESIS
  • Using PGENESIS on PCs with Multicore Processors (a mini-tutorial by Dave Beeman)
  • Retrieval and Installation Guide
  • Overview of PGENESIS functionality
  • Developing PGENESIS scripts
  • Parallel I/O Issues
  • Examples
  • PGENESIS Reference Manual
  • Release History
  • PSC site-specific resources:
  • Running PGENESIS on Lemieux
  • Other resources:
    [page last updated 18 Dec 2008 by Greg Hood (PSC)  -- e-mail questions and comments to]