Routine Name: abort Description: Cleanly interrupts simulation in progress. Usage: abort Example: abort Notes:See also: stop , step
Routine Name: abs Description: Returns absolute value of number. Usage: positive-number = abs any-number positive-number returned as absolute value of any_number any-number number (float or int) for which to compute absolute value Example: genesis > echo { abs -22 } 22 genesis > int x genesis > float y genesis > y = -33.333 genesis > echo { abs {y} } 33.333000183 genesis > x = {abs {y}} genesis > echo {x} 33 Notes:
Routine Name: acos Description: Returns angle (in radians) corresponding to given cosine. Usage: angle-in-radians = {acos cosine} Example: genesis > echo { acos 1 } 0 genesis > float degrees_per_radian = 360 / (2 * 3.1415926) genesis > echo {{ acos 0.707} * degrees_per_radian} 45.00865245 Notes:See also: cos
Routine Name: addaction Description: Adds a named action to the action table used by element types. Usage: addaction name action_func addaction name id-number Example: addaction NEWACTION 10 addaction K_squid_hh K_squid_hh_SET (see Scripts/tutorials/hhchan_K.g) Notes: Each object in a simulation is capable of performing one or more "actions". An action can be described as an operation that an object performs on its data. Actions are defined within compiled functions which are attached to each object. (You can display a list of actions which an object can perform and the function(s) which perform using the showobject routine.) For instance, objects of type compartment can perform the actions: RESTORE2 SAVE2 SET CHECK RESET PROCESS INIT (The actions are actually performed by an underlying C function associated with the compartment element type.) You use the addaction routine to add the named action to the action table. Actions are passed to the handler routines associated with each type of GENESIS object. The handler is expected to perform the necessary actions when a given action type is passed to it by the simulator. For the most part this routine will only be used when adding new object types which require use of additional (non-default) actions already known to GENESIS. You use the addaction routine to define new actions to be used by elements. There are a number of predefined actions which are typically used by objects. PROCESS is one of them. New actions can be added in any object. Use the 'addaction' routine in the object definition script to inform the simulator of the new action. The case number assigned to new actions is relatively arbitrary as long as it does not conflict with the case numbers of other actions defined in the object. (you should get a compiler error if there is a conflict). When used as a GENESIS command, addaction is primarily used in the construction of extended objects. It is also used as a library intialization command during the compilation of GENESIS libraries.See also: object , Extended Objects, Defining New Objects and Commands ( NewObjects )
Routine Name: addalias Description: Associates alternative name with existing GENESIS command. Usage: addalias alias-name command-name Example: addalias set setfield Notes: You may put a number of addalias statements in a file and use an include statement in the .simrc file to include the file when GENESIS is started.See also: addescape
Command Name: addclass Description: Adds a new class to list of currently recognized GENESIS element classes. Adds a new class tag to a given element. Usage: addclass [element] class-name Example: addclass /sine device Notes: The addclass routine adds a class tag to a given element identifying it as belonging to the given class. Omitting the element defines a class name without assigning any element to the class. (This is a deprecated usage which may not be supported in future releases). Objects can be grouped into named classes. This grouping can be used to facilitate the specification of operations to be performed on functionally related elements. See scheduling (e.g., the addtask routine, and Schedules) for an example of class use. Classes are simply used for grouping of related elements and do not alter the element functionality in any way. Classes in GENESIS don't carry the full connotations of classes within a true object-oriented programming environment. They are simply convenient ways of creating named groupings to which objects can be assigned.See also: listclasses, deleteclass , showobject , Extended
Routine Name: addescape Description: Adds an escape-key macro binding. Usage: addescape esc_sequence command-string [-execute] [-id string] esc_sequence actual keystrokes (or representation) to associate with escape action command-string string to insert in place when escape sequence is issued (should be in quotation marks if it contains blank spaces) -execute flag to have command-string executed when escape sequence is called (this puts the field EXEC in the listescape table; if -exec is left out, default is REPLACE, i.e., insert command-string, unexecuted, in command line at point escape sequence is issued) -id string label for this escape sequence, used typically to identify the escape sequence in user-understandable language Example: genesis > addescape [15~ "/xproto" -id "F5" genesis > le <F5> [line changes to:] genesis > le /xproto /draw [associate command string 'echo "I am not a duck"' with key stroke sequence escape-a:] genesis > addescape a "echo I am not a duck" -execute genesis > <escape-a> I am not a duck [from escapelist.g file, included in startup:] addescape [A <^P> -id "up arrow" addescape [B <^N> -id "down arrow" addescape [C <^F> -id "right arrow" addescape [D <^H> -id "left arrow" addescape [1~ "execute movebol" -exec -id Find addescape [2~ <^I> -id "Insert Here" addescape [3~ <^D> -id Remove addescape [11~ stop -exec -id F1 addescape [17~ "status -process" -exec -id F6 addescape [18~ status -exec -id F7 addescape [28~ "commands | more" -exec -id Help addescape [29~ step<CR> -id Do Notes: You use the addescape routine to create escape-key macros for commonly used command lines. Here, the key is the key you will depress after the escape key, and command-string is the string which will be substituted into the SLI interpreter when the the escape sequence occurs. (When the key is preceded by escape -- ctrl [ -- during keyboard input, the command-string is substituted.) A standard set of escape-key macros is specified during startup through the file escapelist.g.See also: listescape
Routine Name: addfield Description: Add an extended (user-defined) field to an element. Usage: addfield [element] field-name [-indirect element field] [-description text] field-name name of the new field to be added to element -indirect make the field-name an alias for the a field in another element -description add a descriptive text string Example: addfield /cell/soma area -d "Area of the compartment" Notes: If you have a compartment, /soma, with a hh_channel /soma/hh_Na, then addfield /soma Gk -indirect hh_Na Gk will add a field to /soma called Gk which is an alias for /soma/hh_na Gk. Note that the path in the -indirect option is relative to the element to which you are adding the field. The indirect element path can also be an absolute path.See also: deletefield
Routine Name: addforwmsg Description: Forwards an incoming message to one element to another element. Usage: addforwmsg source-element message-number destination-element source-element element from which the message will be forwarded msg-number number (index) of message in message list (messages are numbered from 0 up) destination-element element to which the message will be forwarded Notes: The destination element must accept messages of the same name and with the same number of data slots as the message being forwarded.See also: deleteforwmsg , showmsg , Extended
Routine Name: addglobal Description: Declares a global variable of the specified type, allowing the name of the global variable to be held in a string variable. Usage: addglobal type name [value] type must be one of int, float or str. Example: genesis > str name = "foo" genesis > addglobal float {name} 5.55 genesis > listglobals float foo = 5.55 str name = "foo" (plus many others) Notes: Often it is useful to use a string variable name to hold the name of a global variable. For example, one may want to pass the name of a global variable to a function that declares a global variable, or that sets or returns its value. However, normal GENESIS syntax for declarations and assignments does not permit a variable name to be specified by a string variable. The routines addglobal, getglobal, and setglobal are designed to overcome this limitation. Note that if addglobal is used within a function definition, the declared variable will nevertheless be global, and not local to the function.See also: Variables , setglobal , getglobal , listglobals
Routine Name: addmsg Description: Establishes message links between two elements. Usage: addmsg source-element dest-delement msg-type [msg-fields] Example: addmsg /cell/dend /cell/soma RAXIAL Ra previous_state addmsg /cell/soma /cell/dend AXIAL previous_state addmsg /cell/soma /graphs/Vmgraph PLOT Vm *voltage *red Notes: addmsg sets up communication links to pass information between elements. Messages flow along message links created by the addmsg routine each time a simulation timestep is executed. For example, an asymmetric compartment connected to another asymmetric compartment needs to send both its axial resistance, Ra, and its membrane potential at the previous simulation step to the second compartment. In order to update its state, it needs to receive the second compartment's previous membrane potential.See also: deletemsg , showmsg , getmsg , gen3dmsg, dd3dmsg
Routine Name: addmsgdef Description: Adds a new message type allowing messages of that type to be added to the element. Usage: addmsgdef element message-name [message-arguments...] -type message-type element element for which to add the message definition message-name name of the message (the convention is to use all upper case) messages-arguments zero or more names for the data slots of the message -type option to set the message type number explicitly Notes: It is normally unnecessary use the -type option as addmsgdef assigns an unused message type number automatically. -type should be necessary only for specifying active messages.See also: deletemsgdef , showobject , Extended
Routine Name: addobject Description: Adds a new object to GENESIS defined by the fields, message, actions and class tags of the given element. The element is removed and used as a prototype for initial field values of new elements created from the new object. Usage: addobject object-name element -author author-info -description descriptive-text ... object-name the new name for the object element element from which to create the new object -author Information about the author of the object -description A description of the object; multiple arguments to -description may be given resulting in multiple lines of descriptive text Notes: The object name must not be the same as an existing object. Currently, there is no corresponding deleteobject command.See also: listobjects , showobject , Extended
Routine Name: addtask Description: Adds a simulation event to the simulation schedule. Usage: addtask function [arguments...] function a compiled C function to be executed at each step in the simulation phase according to its order in the schedule table (almost always, this fucntion will be "Simulate") arguments arguments for the specified function [practically speaking this means:] addtask Simulate path -action action-name path path specification of elements affected (typically a wildcard path designation with a CLASS-conditioned selection to identify all elements of a specific type) action-name action to perform on specified elements (usually INIT or PROCESS; must be a valid action, as determined by listactions) Example: addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=myclass] -action PROCESS addtask myfunction myargs from startup/schedule.g:] deletetasks addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=buffer] -action INIT addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=segment] -action INIT addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=device] -action INIT addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=buffer] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=projection] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=spiking] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=gate] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=segment][CLASS!=membrane][CLASS!=gate]\ [CLASS!=concentration][CLASS!=concbuffer] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=membrane] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=hsolver] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=concentration] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=concbuffer] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=device] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=output] -action PROCESS resched Notes: GENESIS provides a default simulation schedule that handles most simulation configurations (see above), but for your simulation you may need to specify a different order in which the simulator should process elements in the simulation. You use addtask to enter simulation events to the simulation schedule. You must be careful to avoid multiple references to elements with the same action. For instance, given a model containing the six elements /test[1-6], the following schedule would be an invalid specification since it would cause test[1] to be invoked twice on each simulation step. addtask Simulate /test[1] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /test[1-6] -action PROCESS With broad path specifications, it is easy to accidentally include multiple reference. However, you can check for these occurrences by running the check routine. In the above case, calling check after entering the above specifications would generate the following message: ** Error - '/test[1]' multiply invoked with action 'PROCESS'. Check task [2] Task [2] refers to the second addtask command. This command was responsible for the conflict. Alternately, not scheduling all enabled elements (see enable) for simulation is detected as an error by the check routine. For instance, given the model of six elements used above, you might define a schedule with one addtask call as follows: addtask Simulate /test[1-5] -action PROCESS Running check would produce the following message: * Warning - '/test[6]' is not scheduled for simulation. A valid schedule for this set of elements might be: addtask Simulate /test[1] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /test[2-6] -action PROCESS or addtask Simulate /test[1-6] -action PROCESS See also: <href id="Schedules">, <href id="resched">, <href id="deletetasks">, <href id="showsched">, <href id="check">
Routine Name: argc Description: Returns argument count (number of arguments passed to a function). Usage: int-value = {argc} Example: if ({argc} > 3) echo usage: foo a b c return end Notes:See also: argc , argv , getarg , printargs
Routine Name: arglist Description: Converts list of items into an argument list. Usage: arglist string Example: genesis > str s ="a b c d" genesis > echo { getarg {arglist {s}} -arg 3} c str s str thingys = "foo bar baz" foreach s ({arglist {thingys}}) echo {s} end Notes: In each of these examples, a single string consisting of items separated by spaces has been converted into a list.See also: argc , argv , getarg , printargs
Routine Name: argv Description: An array of strings containing the arguments passed to a function. Usage: argv position-number Example: function echoargs int i echo "Number of arguments = "{argc} for(i=1;i<= {argc};i=i+1) echo {argv {i}} end end genesis > echoargs foo 5 1.23 Number of arguments = 3 foo 5 1.23 Notes: As with C, indices of argv should start with 1.See also: argc , arglist , getarg , printargs
Routine Name: asciidata Description: Converts a FMT1 formatted binary file (as produced by the disk_out object, for example) to ASCII. Output is to stdout. Usage: asciidata file-name -time t -cell cell -gain g -old -xy -skip n -header One of options -cell, -time or -header must be given. Example: (using the horiz_disk file from Scripts/orient_tut) genesis > asciidata horiz_disk -header FMT1 start time = 0.000000e+00 time step = 1.000000e-05 cellnum = 25 data type = 4 data size = 4 genesis > asciidata horiz_disk -cell 24 | more -7.006086e-02 -7.012120e-02 . . -7.597300e-02 -7.596859e-02 //(provides Vm at each time step; adding -xy option gives t and Vm) genesis > asciidata horiz_disk -time 1.e-4 -xy 0 -0.0706427 1 -0.0706427 2 -0.0706427 . . 23 -0.0706427 24 -0.0706427 //(cell number and Vm for each of the 25 cells)See also: disk_out
Routine Name: asin Description: Returns angle (in radians) corresponding to given sine. Usage: angle-in-radians = {asin sine} Example: genesis > echo {{ asin 0.5 }*(180/3.1415926)} 30.00000135 Notes:See also: sin
Routine Name: atan Description: Returns angle (in radians) corresponding to given tangent. Usage: angle-in-radians = {atan tangent} Example: genesis > echo { atan 0.876 } Notes:See also: tan
Routine Name: call Description: Allows an element to execute the function associated with the named action. Usage: call path action [args...] -parent -virtual -parent call the action on the element using the parent object of the current object context as the new object context -virtual call the action on the element using the element's object as the object context during the action. Example: call /form/graph RESET call /form/graph/plot ADDPTS {x} {y} Notes: The call routine allows the user to send an action to an element's handler routine (outside of the simulation cycle). An action executes in the context of a specific object which is either the element's object or some base object for the element. The object context determines what fields, actions, messages and classes are known and accessibility of fields during execution of the action function. Without any other options to call, the object context during the call is the element's object or the current object context if the element is already executing an action. The -parent and -virtual options modify this. These options are to be used when an action is called within the function definition of an action to be added with the addaction command. They have no affect when used outside an action function.See also: addaction , Extended
Routine Name: callfunc Description: Allows you to call a function whose name is stored in a string variable. Usage: callfunc funcname ... Example: genesis > str foo = "echo" genesis > callfunc {foo} a b c a b c Notes: See also:
Routine Name: cd Description: Changes current working operating system directory. Usage: cd directory Example: genesis > cd /usr/genesis/Scripts/neuron Notes: This is a GENESIS implementation of the operating system command cd, to assure that any change you make in the working directory is known to GENESIS. (If you just issued a normal cd command directly, via "sh cd" for instance, the change in the current working directory would last only as long as the subshell created to enact the command, and future actions in GENESIS would not recognize a change. The GENESIS implementation of cd fixes this.)See also: sh
Routine Name: ce Description: Changes the current working element. Usage: ce element-path element-path complete or relative pathname of element to make current working element; can also be operating-system style hierarchy abbreviations, such as . (current), .. (element above current) Example: ce / ce /proto ce output ce .. genesis > create compartment foo genesis > ce ^ genesis > pwe /foo Notes: All GENESIS elements exist in a hierarchy. The root element lives at the top of the tree (designated by /) and child elements are created beneath the root. You use the ce routine to move about the tree (much as you can use the "cd" command to move about the operating system file system). If the element-path specified in a ce call starts with a / then the path is assumed to be an absolute path from the root of the element hierarchy. If the first character of the path specified is not a / then the path is assumed to be relative to the current working element.See also: pwe , le , pushe , pope , stack
Routine Name: cellsheet Description: Copies prototype cells into a 3-D sheet specified by coordinates in a file. Usage: cellsheet prototype dest filename [-orient][-curve] [-randomise x y z] [-twirl theta] prototype existing cell to copy to create cells in the sheet (prototype is not changed by the routine; all operations are done on the copies) destination element to become parent of all cells in sheet filename file defining position and orientation of cells (ascii file with 3 numbers for each coordinate (cartesian only), followed by 3 coordinates for the normal vector to the surface of the sheet at that point; this vector does not have to be normalised; each set of 6 numbers should be on different lines) -orient reorients the cell to be normal to the local region of the sheet -curve distorts copies of prototype cell to follow curvature of sheet of cells; the lengths (and electrical properties) of the cell are not changed (this option assumes that length of each compartment is less than the radius of curvature of the surface; also, the sampling density over the cell sheet should be high enough that the spacing between the points is smaller than the length of each compartment; does not attempt to curve compartments where the angle of rotation would be less than 10 degrees, or more than 60) -randomise x y z randomises the coordinates of copied cells by the specified factors in x, y and z before the orienting/positioning/curving steps (randomisation involves finding length of each compartment in each direction, scaling it by a random number within the range of the specified factor, and adding it to the original; e.g., a factor of 1 would permit a change of up to the original length of the compartment; the electrical properties and channel conductances in each compartment are scaled according to the total length change) -twirl theta rotates the finally positioned cell about its normal by a random angle from 0 to theta degrees Example: include protodefs.g // copied from Scripts/tutorials readcell cell.p /library/cell // use cell.p from Scripts/tutorials plane planepoints 400e-6 400e-6 100e-6 100e-6 -normal egg eggpoints 400e-6 400e-6 400e-6 100e-6 -normal create neutral /planenet create neutral /eggnet rotcoord /library/cell {-3.1415927/2} -y // point dendrite up along z-axis cellsheet /library/cell /planenet planepoints -orient cellsheet /library/cell /eggnet eggpoints -orient showfield /planenet/cell[]/dend x y z Notes: Creates a sheet of cells by copying from a prototype, and placing them at 3-D positions specified by an ascii file. A number of options permit the cells to be oriented, conformed to the curvature of the surface, randomised, and rotated, in order to make the geometry more natural. In the example above, the prototype cell had the apical dendrite pointing along the x-axis, so rotcoord was used to rotate it 90 degrees about the y-axis to point outward along the z-axis. Then, cellsheet was used, first on a file containing points in a plane, and then on a file containing points distributed over the surface of an ovoid. In both cases, the orient option was used to point the dendrite along the outward normal to the surface.
Routine Name: check Description: Checks various aspects of simulation to catch specification errors. Usage: check Example: check genesis > setfield /soma Rm -5000 Cm 0 genesis > check ** Error - Compartment : Invalid Rm. '/soma' ** Error - Compartment : Invalid Cm. '/soma' Notes: The check routine sends the CHECK action to the handlers for all enabled elements. The CHECK action should verify the consistency and well being of the element and report any problems with it to the user. (Each element which supports self-checking will be invoked with the CHECK action and report any problems.) In the example above, the CHECK action of the compartment checks to be sure that the Rm and Cm fields are set to positive values, and running a check prints an error message.See also: addtask , setclock , enable , reset
Routine Name: chr Description: Returns ASCII character specified by number code. Usage: character = {chr ASCII-number} Example: genesis > echo { chr 64 } @ genesis > echo {chr 65} A genesis > echo {chr 97} a Notes:
Routine Name: clearerrors Description: Resets error count to 0. Usage: clearerrors Example: clearerrors Notes: When the number of errors reaches its maximum value (default: 10 syntax errors or 20 warnings) the current action is interrupted, the simulator goes back to the command line, and the errors are reset. The clearerrors routine can be used to reset the error count before this occurs, allowing a simulation to continue running despite errors.See also: maxerrors , maxwarnings
Routine Name: closefile Description: Closes an ASCII file opened with the openfile routine. Usage: closefile filename Example: openfile myfile w writefile myfile 10 20 30 closefile myfile Notes: When you open a file using openfile, you work on a copy of the file. The closefile routine writes your changes back into the actual file and eliminates it from the list of open files. (Closefile is automatically called for all opened files when you exit from GENESIS).See also: openfile , listfiles , writefile
Converting GENESIS 1.4 Scripts to GENESIS 2.0 What Does Convert Do? GENESIS 2.0 includes a major revision of command format and command option naming, script language syntax changes and changes in various GENESIS features. The convert program converts GENESIS 1.4 compatible scripts to use GENESIS 2.0 syntax, commands and features. Some features have changed dramatically enough that an automatic conversion to the new features is not feasible. In these cases, convert generates script code for compatibility libraries which support the GENESIS 1.4 features. Some scripts can be converted and run successfully without any manual changes to the converted scripts. In most cases, however, some changes to the converted scripts will be necessary. The Conversion Process Below is the process through which a GENESIS 1.4 script is converted to run under GENESIS 2.0. 1 - Use the convert program to convert scripts from 1.4 to 2.0 syntax. 2 - Fix any known problem areas (See, Convert Problem Areas). 3 - Try the script out and fix any remaining problems. Using the Convert Program The easiest way to use convert is to create a new directory for the new scripts, cd to the new directory and convert the files from the old directory. A simple shell procedure may be used to convert an entire directory. For example, if your 1.4 script files are in the directory ../oldscript, then the following shell commands will convert the entire directory placing the converted scripts in the current working directory: csh: foreach script (../oldscript/*.g) convert $script end sh: for script in (../oldscript/*.g) convert $script end Global Script Variables In order for convert to handle certain script expressions involving global script variables, it must know what globals exist for a given set of scripts. (This is not a problem for a self contained script where global variables are defined and used within the script.) Often a single script file is devoted to defining and initializing global variables and constants for a given set of scripts. The -constants option of the convert program gives a list of script files which define the global variables for the script set. For example, if the file constants.g contains global variable definitions which are used througout a set of scripts in the ../oldscripts directory then the following csh code would convert the scripts: foreach script (../oldscripts/*.g) convert $script -constants ../oldscripts/constants,g end The -constants option will allow one or more scripts to be given. Compatibility Libraries Two areas of major change in GENESIS 2.0 are the Xodus GUI and support for network modeling (e.g. GENESIS 1.4 connections). Support for use of these facilities in GENESIS 2.0 is provided by compatibility libraries. While the compatibility libraries allow faster conversion of GENESIS 1.4 scripts for use under GENESIS 2.0, these libraries will not be aggresively supported and should be viewed as a transitional step in converting scripts to GENESIS 2.0 facilities. Those areas of your scripts which use these libraries should eventually be recoded to use the new GENESIS 2.0 features. Assistance for recoding of these features may be found in the new GENESIS 2.0 Reference Manual (not available at this time). The X1compat Library Compatibility for GENESIS 1.4 features of Xodus is provided as a set of scripts using GENESIS 2.0 extended objects to implement the old Xodus objects and script functions to implement old Xodus commands. To load the X1compat library, include Scripts/X1compat in your SIMPATH and include X1compat from your .simrc or your main simulation script. Convert will not add an include statement for X1compat to your scripts. X1compat defines a set of old Xodus compatible objects which are named using the prefix "x1" in place of the normal "x" prefix for Xodus objects (e.g. xform becomes x1form, etc). Convert will automatically transform create statements from Xodus objects in 1.4 scripts to use the X1compat objects. Some support for field naming of old Xodus objects is included in the new Xodus objects, which may allow direct use of the new Xodus objects. The -noX1compat convert option causes convert not to perform the translation to X1compat objects. This is likely to be useful for only those scripts which use the basic Xodus widgets (i.e. xform, xlabel, xbutton, xtoggle and xdialog). Uses of xdraw or xgraph are likely to require use of X1compat. Convert and the X1compat library cannot address various issues of layout of widgets on a form. See, Convert Problem Areas, for more information. The Connection Compatibility Library While GENESIS 1.4 connections are not a standard part of GENESIS 2.0, a compatibility library may be compiled into GENESIS 2.0 which supports the old connection feature. (See, src/Makefile or Usermake for instructions on including the library.) The library defines the connection related objects (e.g. axon, synapses, etc) and the connection related commands (e.g. region_connect, expweight, radialdelay, etc) as well as connection specific commands which support set/get/show of connections (e.g. setconn, getconn and showconn). Access to connection fields is not supported by the GENESIS 2.0 setfield, getfield and showfield commands. Convert will change connection related script statements as needed to use the Connection Compatibility Library. In particular, it will convert uses of set, get and show on connections to use setconn, et al. In some cases, convert will be unable to convert these statements (See, Convert Problem Areas). Converting User Libraries Objects and commands defined in user libraries (for the most part) will not need to change to run under GENESIS 2.0. To compile your libraries and create a new GENESIS you will need to replace and update your Usermake, Libmake(s), liblist and perhaps the library startup script. Copy the Usermake and liblist files from the GENESIS 2.0 installation directory to your local GENESIS directory renaming Usermake to Makefile. Add your user libraries to the Makefile and liblist files. In each user library you must copy the Libmake from the GENESIS 2.0 installation directory into the library directory renaming it Makefile. Add your library specific information and files to the Makefile. The convert program cannot be used to convert startup scripts. The only changes you should need to make are to modify any GENESIS 1.4 script language features which change in 2.0 and to remove any non-startup commands from the script. (Startup commands are object, addfunc, hashfunc, newclass and addaction.) Since a startup script is usually straight line code and the typical commands in a 1.4 startup script are the above named commands, there are normally no changes required. There are, however, some GENESIS 2.0 features you may want to take advantage of in your startup scripts. See the new GENESIS Reference Manual section on library startup scripts for details. Convert Problem Areas There are a number of areas in which convert will be unable to transform script statements or where the converted code will perform in a less than optimal manner. Each problem area described below must be found and fixed manually. Script Callbacks Commands used as callbacks to script commands or functions are not translated by convert. As such, script callbacks like the following would fail: create xbutton echoButton -script "echo -n this is a test" create xdialog vmDialog -script "set /mycompt Vm <v>" The echoButton will result in a usage error when pressed and the vmDialog will fail because the set command no longer exists. Command Options in Script Variables A command option which is passed to a command through a script variable or as the result of a command or script function will not be translated. For example, if leoptions is a script string variable holding the value "-R" (a recursive listing), then the following code will not be converted: le {leoptions} The code which sets leoptions must be found and changed. Command Arguments That Look Like Options All GENESIS 2.0 commands check for valid command options and complain when an unkown option is given. As a result, code like echo -notAnOption will result in a usage error. This will also be the case if a script variable value looks like an option, e.g. str echoOption = "-notAnOption" echo {echoOption} // Usage error! The usage statement can be avoided by placing whitespace before the value, e.g. echo " -notAnOption" echo " "{echoOption} Set/Get/Show Connections in Script Variables Commands like set anElm:0 weight 10 will be correctly translated to use the setconn command. However, code like str connelm = "anElm:0" set {connelm} weight 10 will be translated to a setfield command. Convert behaves similarly with translating the get and show commands. Script Variable/Command Name Conflicts With all the command name changes in GENESIS 2.0, it is possible that a script variable in a GENESIS 1.4 script may coinside with a new GENESIS 2.0 command name. In this case, you may receive a syntax error or unexpected result as the script variable will take precedence over the command name. This is may be particularly likely with the el command. (The convert program may be updated at some future point to rename script variables which clash with GENESIS 2.0 command names.) Setting Integration Methods GENESIS 2.0 removes some of the previously existing integration methods and renumbers some of the remaining methods. Convert will handle the renumbering as long as a number is given directly to the setmethod command. If this is not the case, convert will issue a warning and the command will be left unaltered. You must change the integration numbering manually. See setmethod.txt (or type "help setmethod" in GENESIS) for the new numbering. Sizing of Xodus Forms XODUS 1 made use of an unsupported feature of MIT X11 which allowed forms to automatically adjust their height to accomodate all the widgets which they contain, even if the form was made too short. Although this did not work under Openwindows, it allowed users of MIT X11 to be somewhat sloppy in the sizing of forms when writing scripts. This feature no longer exists in XODUS, so forms which are incorrectly sized may not show all the widgets which they contain. The most convenient way to detemine the proper hgeom for the form is to properly resize it with the mouse and then inspect the hgeom field for the value to use in your script. Apart from the preceeding issue, forms previously large enough to encompass a given set of widgets may not be large enough under GENESIS 2.0, as the border widths of XODUS object have increased. Positioning and Sizing of Widgets Scripts which explicitly set the dimensions of a widget based on the expected dimensional requirements of a 1.4 widget may cause text or graphics within the widget to be clipped under 2.0. This is due to the additional requirements of the Motif style borders. Likewise, widgets which are positioned using absolute coordinates on the form based on expected default dimensions of other widgets on the form may overlap other widgets on the form. The only widget layouts used under GENESIS 1.4 which are likely to work well under 2.0 are those using relative positioning. Even if this is the case, the form size may need to be changed (See Sizing of XODUS Forms above).
Routine Name: copy Description: Copies an element (and its children, if any) from one portion of the element tree to another. Usage: copy src-element dest-element -repeat # -autoindex src-element element to copy (if this element has subelements, they too are copied) dst-element location into which to copy src-element (if dst-element already exists, src-element is copied beneath it with original name; if dst-element does not exist, copy of src-element is given that name as new name) -repeat is followed by an integer specifying how many duplicates of src-element to make -autoindex automatically assigns the first free element index to the newly created element. Example: copy /cell1 /cell2 // create 5 cells, cell[0-4] copy /library/protocell /cell[0] -repeat 5 Notes: This routine copies an element and its children, without changing the original. Simulation messages and connections between elements within the copied subtree will be copied, but messages and connections to elements outside of the copied subtree will not be copied. After it has copied the object, the copy routine issues the COPY action for that element type, if any.See also: create , createmap , move
Routine Name: cos Description: Returns cosine for given angle (specified in radians). Usage: cosine = {cos angle-in-radians} Example: float x x = {cos {3.14159/4}} Notes:See also: acos
Routine Name: countchar Description: Counts occurrences of specified character in string. Usage: number-of-occurrences = {countchar string char} number-of-occurrences returned as integer indicating how many occurences of char were found in string Example: genesis > echo {countchar "abcbdb" b} 3 Notes:
Routine Name: countelementlist Description: Returns the number of elements in an element list. Usage: countelementlist path [-listname listname] path path specification, which may include wildcards such as [] or # (note, however, that operating-system style use of * is not supported) listname The listname argument tells it to look for the field <listname> on the element in <path> and treat that as an element list. Example: genesis > echo {el /#} /proto /output /cell /control /data genesis > echo {countelementlist /#} 5 genesis > echo {countelementlist /##} 19 Notes:See also: el , Tree
Routine Name: cpu Description: Displays current cumulative cpu usage for user and system time. Usage: cpu Example: genesis > cpu user time used = 3 sec 510000 usec system time used = 1 sec 180000 usec Notes: This routine calls the getrusage operating system command to display user/system usage statistics.See also: showstat
Routine Name: create Description: Creates new element of specified element type. Usage: create element-type name -autoindex [object-specific-options] element-type type of element; must be one of the valid element types (objects) compiled into the genesis executable, or an extended object created with the GENESIS scripting language. name element or path name where new element is to be attached in the GENESIS element hierarchy; if single name is given (i.e., no path separators "/"), element is created on the current working element [also can be indexed; see below] -autoindex automatically assigns the first free element index to the newly created element. [options] some elements can be created with additional options which are specific to the object type (see individual object documentation for options) Example: create neutral /cell create compartment /cell/soma create xgraph voltage_plot Notes: The create routine is used to create new elements in the GENESIS element tree. It generates an element of type "element-type" and places it in the element tree with the assigned name. The additional options which can be specified for the create routine depend on the element-type being created. For example, elements which represent graphical widgets contain data fields for screen information such as the position and dimensions of the graphical object. This information may also be specified as an option in the creation of an element. create compartment soma[0] create compartment soma[1] create compartment soma[10] create compartment soma -autoindex In the example above, he name field of each element will be "soma" but the index fields will have values 0-2 and 10. The "-autoindex" option in the last statement creates the element with index 2. Note that soma and soma[0] are equivalent i.e. the absence of an index implies an index of 0 (the default). Also note that the index is an arbitrary value and does not need to follow any order.See also: listobjects , showobject , le
Routine Name: createmap Description: Copies an element multiple times to form a two-dimensional array. Usage: createmap source dest Nx Ny -delta dx dy -origin x y -object source path to the element that will be copied dest pathname of the parent of the array of copies Nx,Ny number of elements in the x and y dimensions of resulting array dx,dy distance between adjacent elements in the array in x and y dimensions, in world or actual coordinates (default: 1,1) x,y position of first element of array (i.e., corner of array, in world coordinates (default: 0,0) -object indicates that the source is the name of an object, rather than the path to an element Example: createmap /prototypes/cell /map 10 10 createmap mycell /network 3 5 -delta 0.1 0.2 -object [from /usr/genesis/Scripts/orient_tut/retina.g:] genesis > createmap /library/rec /retina/recplane \ {REC_NX} {REC_NY} \ -delta {REC_SEPX} {REC_SEPY} \ -origin {-REC_NX * REC_SEPX / 2} {-REC_NY * REC_SEPY / 2} genesis > le /retina/recplane rec[0-99]/ Notes: The createmap routine creates a two-dimensional array of the specified source element by making copies of the source element and assigning the copies x,y coordinates within the specified bounds. The resulting array is placed under the specified destination path. As with the copy command, the entire tree of child elements and messages is copied along with the source element. When the "-object" option is used, the source is the name of a GENESIS object, instead of the path to an element tree. This is most useful when a prototype cell is created as an extended object composed from a combination of basic objects with added fields and default values. The resulting array coordinates can be used by routines such as planarconnect, planarweight, and planardelay to assign connections, synaptic weights and propagation delays for simulation-oriented elements. The coordinates can also be used to display the cells in a draw widget.See also: copy , planarconnect , planarweight , planardelay , Extended
Routine Name: debug Description: Sets (or displays) the debug level used by some routines. Usage: debug [level] level integer indicating debug level to use: 0 = disable debug (nothing printed) 1 = intermediate debug 2 = intermediate debug 3 = full Debug (print everything) Example: genesis > debug debug level 0 genesis > debug 2 debug level 2 Notes: Sets the debug level used by some routines to report status information. Increasing the level typically increases the amount of information produced. If no argument is given the current debug level is displayed.See also: silent
Routine Name: delete Description: Deletes an element and all of its children. Usage: delete element Example: delete /neuron Notes: The delete routine is used to delete elements from the GENESIS element hierarchy. Deleting an element which has children attached to it will also delete all of the child elements. In the course of deleting the object, the delete routine also issues the DELETE action for the object before it is eliminated. When deleting interpol_structs that share tables between them (e.g. tabchannel, tab2Dchannel, or tabcurrent), or the cells or compartments containing them, you must call TABDELETE first, in order to deallocate the memory for the tables. Finally, you have to give the "reclaim" command for the memory to actually be freed. Note that the tables are shared among all copies of the interpol_struct that are created by copy or readcell from a prototype. Therefore, you shouldn't call TABDELETE unless you plan to delete all copies of the interpol_struct.See also: create , reclaim
Routine Name: deleteaction Description: Deletes an action from an element added by a previous addaction command Usage: deleteaction element action-name element element to delete the action from action-name name of the action to delete Notes: An object's built in actions are permanent and may not be deleted using deleteaction.See also: addaction , listactions, Extended
Routine Name: deleteall Description: Deletes all existing elements. [not recommended] Usage: deleteall -force -f flag to force deletions Example: genesis > deleteall *** WARNING *** This function removes all elements from the simulation. If you really want to do this use 'deleteall -force'. usage: deleteall -force genesis > deleteall -f Simulator cleaned out. Notes: If no flags are specified, deleteall displays a warning message. The deleteall routine can be used to return the simulator to a startup state by deleting all existing elements, including elements which may be provided by default at startup. If this is done, running the simulation scripts again could produce different results. If you really need to delete all the elements in your GENESIS session, you might as well quit exit from GENESIS completely and start again -- deleteall just deletes all the elements and might not reset other parameters to appropriate values. In general, you should not use the deleteall routine.See also: delete
Routine Name: deleteclass Description: Delete a class tag from an element which was previously added using addclass. Usage: deleteclass element class-name element element from which to delete the class class-name name of the class to delete Notes: Deleteclass will not delete classes defined for the built in objects.See also: addclass , listclasses, Extended
Routine Name: deletefield Description: Deletes an extended field which has been added to an element. Usage: deletefield [element] field-name Example: genesis > addfield /soma area OK genesis > deletefield /soma area OK genesis > deletefield /soma inject deletefield: Cannot delete permanent field 'inject' on element '/soma' Notes: Only added extended field may be deleted with deletefield.See also: addfield
Routine Name: deleteforwmsg Description: Deletes a forwarded message previously forwarded using addforwmsg. Usage: deleteforwmsg source-element message-number destination-element source-element element from which the message was forwarded msg-number number (index) of message in message list (messages are numbered from 0 up) destination-element element to which the message was forwarded Notes: The destination element must accept messages of the same name and with the same number of data slots as the message being forwarded.See also: addforwmsg , showmsg , Extended
Routine Name: deletemsg Description: Deletes a message link between two elements. Usage: deletemsg element msg-number -incoming -outgoing -find srcelem type element element receiving or sending the message msg-number index of message in element message list (index can be obtained with 'showmsg' routine, or, in a script, with 'getmsg' used with the -find option) srcelem element sending the message type message type (PLOT, AXIAL, VOLTAGE, etc.) -incoming message to be deleted is incoming -outgoing message to be deleted is outgoing -find delete the first message (lowest index) matching the srcelem and type Example: deletemsg /cell/soma 2 -incoming deletemsg /data/voltage -in 0 -find /cell/soma PLOT Notes: The deletemsg routine is used to remove messages added using the addmsg routine. Deleting earlier messages will change the message numbers of the remaining messages. If msg-number is not known for the desired message, it may be found by using getmsg with the -find option. When the -find option of deletemsg is used, the msg-number argument is required, but ignored, and the message must be an incoming one. (The -incoming and -outcoming options are ignored, if specified.)See also: addmsg , showmsg , getmsg
Routine Name: deletemsgdef Description: Deletes a message definition previously added to an element using addmsgdef. Usage: deletemsgdef element msg-name element element from which to remove the message definition msg-name name of the message type to delete Notes: Deletemsgdef will not delete permanent message definitions defined by the built in objects.See also: addmsgdef , showobject , Extended
Routine Name: deletetasks Description: Removes all simulation events from the simulation schedule. Usage: deletetasks Example: deletetasks Notes: deletetasks removes from the simulation schedule table any functions currently scheduled for execution during simulation. This allows you to construct a new schedule using a sequence of addtask calls.See also: Schedules , addtask , resched , showsched
Routine Name: disable Description: Disables an element and its children from participating in a simulation. Usage: disable element Example: disable /prototypes/mitral_cell Notes: The specified elements are still accessible to basic operations such as setfield and showfield, but they will not participate in the simulation or be updated during the run of the simulation (i.e., when you use the step routine). You should run reset or resched after you disable an element to be sure that the simulation properly takes into account the disabling of the element. (The resched command may be used to recompute the simulation schedule in order to remove the disabled element without resetting the simulation. It is not a good idea to call resched frequently, especially for large simulations, as it does quite a bit of work.) The disable command cannot be used with script_out elements. If you need to disable a script_out element, it will be best to use a more versatile extended object, instead. (See Extended.txt.)See also: enable , step , reset
Routine Name: echo Description: Prints out its arguments to the console. Usage: echo [arguments] [-nonewline] [-format format-string] arguments strings, or expressions enclosed in braces -nonewline do not include carriage return at end of line format-string a string of the form "%[flag][width]s", where "width" is the minimum number of characters to be output. If the output width is less than this, it is padded with blanks. "flag" is as in C; "0" means pad with zeroes, "-" means left justify. (to construct mixed formats, use multiple echo commands with -nonewline to place them on a single line) Example: genesis > int five = 5 genesis > echo five five genesis > echo { five } 5 genesis > echo "Give me" -n; echo space! -f %20s Give me space! Notes: The echo routine is used to print output to the command interpreter window. If echo is followed by a string (or a quoted string) that string will be printed. If echo is followed by a string enclosed in curly brackets, then the value assigned the variable named by the string will be printed.
Routine Name: egg Description: Generates coordinates for points on the surface of an ovoid. Usage: egg filename x y z d -normal filename name for file into which to put generated coordinates x, y, z dimensions of the egg d approximate distance between points -normal "normal"; if selected, generates an additional set of 3 coordinates per line, to define the normal to the surface. This format is used by the cellsheet routine. Example: egg eggpoints 400e-6 400e-6 400e-6 100e-6 -normal Notes: Generates coordinates for points on the surface of an ovoid, (an egg) and puts them into a file, with an option for generating the normals at each point. This is useful for generating layers of cells on an ovoid. It tries to get fairly even spacing. The coordinates are dumped into the file specified by filename with one set of coordinates per line.See also: plane , cellsheet
Routine Name: el Description: Returns list of elements matching wildcard specification. Usage: list-of-elements = el path [-listname listname] list-of-elements returned as a text path path specification, which may include wildcards such as [] or # (note, however, that operating-system style use of * is not supported) Example: genesis > echo {el /#} /proto /output /net genesis > echo {el /net/neuron[]} /net/neuron /net/neuron[1] /net/neuron[2] /net/neuron[3] genesis > str name genesis > foreach name ({el /# }) ? echo {name} ? end /proto /output /net Notes: In GENESIS 1, this was EL or element_list. getelementlist is an alias for el in GENESIS 2. The listname argument tells it to look for the field <listname> on the element in <path> and treat that as an element list.
Routine Name: enable Description: Enables previously disabled elements to participate in a simulation. Usage: enable element Example: enable /neuron Notes: The enable routine is used to enable an element which has been disabled using the disable routine. You should run reset or resched after you enable a previously disabled element to be sure that the simulation state properly takes into account the newly enabled element.See also: disable , step , reset
Routine name: enddump Description: Cleans up at the end of a dumpfile. Normally generated by default in a dumpfile. Doesn't do much of anything outside a dumpfile. Usage: enddump Example: Here is a little dumpfile using initdump that recreates a simple 2-compartment model, and ignores the orphan element /x/y/z. ============================================================ //genesis initdump -version 3 -ignoreorphans 1 simobjdump neutral simobjdump compartment activation Vm previous_state \ Im Em Rm Cm Ra inject dia len initVm simundump neutral /x/y/z 0 simundump neutral /a 0 simundump compartment /a/compt 0 0 0.6632976405 0.6632942696 \ -0.3333315551 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 simundump neutral /b 0 simundump compartment /b/compt 0 0 0.3299660931 0.3299627243 \ 0.3333349228 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 addmsg /b/compt /a/compt RAXIAL Ra Vm addmsg /a/compt /b/compt AXIAL Vm enddump // End of dump ============================================================ Notes:See also: initdump , simdump , simobjdump , simundump
Routine Name: eof Description: Tests whether at end of currently opened file. Usage: eof-flag = {eof filename} eof-flag returned as 1 if at end of file; returned as 0 if not at end of file filename name of open file to test Example: str line openfile TestFile r line = {readfile TestFile -linemode} while (!{eof TestFile}) // process line from the file echo {line} line = {readfile TestFile -linemode} end Notes: The file must be currently open.See also: openfile , listfiles , readfile
Routine Name: exists Description: Tests for existence of specified element or field. Usage: exists-flag = {exists element [field]} exists-flag returned as 1 if element (or element field) exists; returned as 0 otherwise element name or full pathname of element to test field element field to test existence of (does not check whether field is nonempty) Example: if ({exists /cell/dendrite}) delete /cell/dendrite end genesis > create compartment soma genesis > echo {exists soma} 1 genesis > echo {exists bogus} 0 genesis > echo {exists soma len} 1 genesis > echo {exists soma bogusfield} 0 Notes:
Routine Name: exit Description: Exits from GENESIS, terminating any simulation in progress. Usage: exit Notes: You can also use "quit", which is identical to "exit".
Routine Name: exp Description: Returns "e" raised to specified power. Usage: number = {exp power} Example: genesis > echo { exp 1 } 2.718281746 Notes:See also: log , pow
Routine Name: file2tab Description: Utility function for loading a file into an interpol struct of an element Usage: file2tab filename element table -table2 table -table3 table -xy xdivs -skiplines number -calc_mode mode -autofill table Arguments: filename: name of ascii file to load into table. Entries must be separated by spaces, tabs or line breaks. Line breaks in input file are ignored. In other words, any number of numeric entries per line are allowed, and all are used. element: path of element containing the table table: name of interpol_struct within the element. Options: -table2 table This option allows one to specify an additional table to load the file into. Entries are loaded alternately into the first table and table2. Note that table2 must be on the same element as table. If there are an odd number of entries in the file, the last one is not used. -table3 table This allows a third table. This option is similar to table2. -xy xdivs Uses xy mode for the table entries. Assumes that the points are stored in the file as x,y pairs. Uses the xdivs argument to set the table size, then figures out xmin, xmax and sets the table limits and dx accordingly. Uses dx between all points and fills up table using linear interpolation if the x,y pairs in the file are not evenly spaced. Assumes x is monotonically increasing, behavior in other situations is undefined. -skiplines number Skips "number" lines at the start of the file. Useful for reading in 'xplot' files into a table, since these files usually have headers. -calc_mode mode 'mode' is an integer representing one of the legal interpolation modes (0 = no interpolation, 1 = linear interpolation, 2 = fixed, see interpol doc). -autofill table table is the name of an interpol_struct in which we wish to place successive integers. Useful for displaying plots from a single series of numbers in a file: file2tab yvalue_file /form/graph/plot ypts -autofill xpts will load the numbers in yvalue_file into ypts, and put successive integers into xpts. Example: This simple example illustrates loading an xplot file into a table using different options to file2tab. In the first case we end up with the x and y values alternating. In the second case we end up with the y values only. In the third case we use the xy mode to load the values into a linear table while preserving the x information. Datafile name is /newplot /plotname "testplot" 0 5 4 10 8 5 10 10 script file: //genesis create table /tab1 file2tab /tab1 table -skiplines 2 create table /tab2 file2tab /tab2 table -table2 table -skiplines 2 create table /tab3 file2tab /tab3 table -skiplines 2 -xy 50 showfield /tab1 * showfield /tab2 * showfield /tab3 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The control fields of the interpol are set as follows: xdivs: for 1 table: (num_entries -1) for 2 tables: (int)(num_entries / 2 -1) for 3 tables: (int)(num_entries / 3 -1) xmin : 0 xmax : 1 calc_mode: defaults to 0 (lin-interp), but may be set on the command line.See also: tab2file , interpol_struct documentation ( Tables ), table
Routine Name: fileconnect Description: Establishes synaptic connections and weights between groups of elements based on a file of weights. The routine sets up the connections by adding SPIKE messages between the source and destination objects and then assigning a weight. Usage: fileconnect source_elements destination_elements \ filename -wtscale w source_elements A wildcarded list of elements which are the sources of the SPIKE messages. These must be of class "spiking" and are usually spikegen or randomspike objects. destination_elements A wildcarded list of elements which are the destinations of the SPIKE messages. These must be synchans or objects derived from synchan. filename The name of an ascii file with weights (as floats) separated by whitespace. Separation can include spaces, line breaks etc. The file is expected to have weights for all possible connections, i.e., : src_nelements * dest_nelements entries. The order of entries is source-first. For example, if the source_elements list has 9 entries and the dest_elements list has 16, then the first 9 entries will specify weights from each of the sources to the first destination. The next 9 entries will be to the second destination, and so on. Weights less than or equal to zero will not form connections at all. Negative weights are often used to indicate inhibitory input, so the command provides a way around that: use a negative wtscale argument. If a file has +ve as well as -ve weights, it would be read twice: first with the paths of excitatory receptor channels and a +ve wtscale, then with the paths of the inhibitory ones and a -ve wtscale. -wtscale w -- This specifies a scale factor for all weights. As noted above, it can be negative to select for inhibitory (negative) weights. Example: int nx = 5 int ny = 5 int destx = 5 int desty = 5 include cellproto.g createmap /proto/cell /lgn {nx} {ny} createmap /proto/cell /v1 {destx} {desty} fileconnect /lgn/##[TYPE=spikegen] /v1/cell[]/glu \ wts.file -wtscale 0.1 fileconnect /lgn/##[TYPE=spikegen] /v1/cell[]/GABA \ wts.file -wtscale -0.1 wts.file would have 5x5x5x5 entries. A centre-surround pattern for the above example could start like this: 10 -1 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 10 -1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 10 -1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... Notes: The routine is somewhat inefficient for large input and output arrays with sparse connectivity, since it has to read Nsrc x Ndest entries. This is offset by the fact that the routine simultaneously creates synapses and sets their weights, thereby eliminating a scan for setting weights. The main use is for setting up large networks based on weight files generated by other programs.See also: planarconnect , planarweight , planardelay ; chapter 18 of the Book of GENESIS has a lengthy discussion on these and related commands. A detailed example of the use of fileconnect is given in Scripts/examples/fileconnect.
Routine Name: findchar Description: Returns location of specified character in a given string. Usage: position = {findchar string char} position returned as integer indicating position of first occurrence of char in string (positions start with 0); returns -1 if char not found in string string string to search char single character to locate in string (any extra characters in char are ignored) Example: genesis > echo {findchar abcbx b} 1 genesis > echo {findchar "a bcbx" b} 2 genesis > echo {findchar abcbx bx} 1 genesis > echo {findchar abcbx q} -1 Notes:See also: strcat , strcmp , strncmp , strlen , substring
Routine Name: findsolvefield Description: Returns a string giving the array location of a particular element field value in the hines solver. Used for input/output of values when the original element has been taken over by the hines solver and its fields may not be updated. Usage: findsolvefield hsolve element field hsolve name of the hsolve element element name of an element which was taken over by hsolve field the field of the element whiich is to be accessed Example: // statements to create the hsolve element "/cell" ... setfield /cell chanmode 4 call /cell SETUP ... create disk_out /output addmsg /cell /output OUTPUT \ {findsolvefield /cell /cell/soma/Na Gk} ... reset or: genesis > echo {findsolvefield /cell /cell/soma/Na Gk} givals[108] genesis > echo {getfield /cell {findsolvefield /cell /cell/soma/Na Gk}} 2.634178326e-10 Notes: When using chanmodes 2 through 5 with the hines solver (hsolve), you can no longer assume that all the fields of the elements that are taken over by hsolve will be updated. The findsolvefield function is used to access the hsolve arrays directly to output field values instead of having to use the old disabled elements. This allows one to establish new messages for the output of field values after setup of the hsolve element. The example above shows how to output the Gk field of the Na channel from the hsolve element /cell. Note that the fields Gk, Ik, Ek, and Im are not available for chanmodes 2 and 3, and require the use of findsolvefield in chanmodes 4 and 5.See also: hsolve
Routine Name: floatformat Description: Sets format for display of variables of type float. Usage: floatformat format-string format-string "%[flag][width].[precision][type]", indicating format to use in displaying float-type variables. (default: "%0.10g") The flag, width, precsion and type are defined as in C, but only f and g type formats are allowed. Example: genesis > float x = 3.12345678 genesis > echo { x } 3.12345678 genesis > floatformat %0.5g genesis > echo { x } 3.1235 genesis > floatformat %10.5g genesis > echo { x } 3.1235 genesis > floatformat %10.5f genesis > echo { x } 3.12346 genesis > float y = 1e-5 genesis > floatformat %0.10g genesis > echo {y} 1e-05 genesis > floatformat %0.10f genesis > echo {y} 0.0000100000 genesis > floatformat %+10.2f // show sign genesis > echo {x} +3.12 genesis > float pi = 3.14159265 genesis > floatformat %-10.2f //left justify with width 10 genesis > echo {x} {pi} 3.12 3.14 genesis > floatformat %010.2f // "0" flag pads with zeroes genesis > echo {x} {pi} 0000003.12 0000003.14 Notes: As in C, the width is the minimum number of characters to be output. If the output width is less than this, it is padded with blanks, unless the "0" flag is used. For type f, the precision is the number of digits after the decimal point; for type g, it is the maximum number of significant digits.
Routine Name: flushfile Description: The contents of a file opened with ``openfile <filename> w'' and written with ``writefile <filename>'' are flushed from the buffer onto disk. The file remains open for further writefile operations. Usage: flushfile file-name Example: genesis > openfile test w genesis > writefile test 1.0 2.0 3.0 genesis > more test genesis > genesis > flushfile test genesis > more test 1.0 2.0 3.0 genesis > writefile test 4.0 5.0 6.0 genesis > more test 1.0 2.0 3.0 genesis > closefile test genesis > more test 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Notes: This command is useful when the contents of a file need to be checked before a simulation has terminated. (Writefile alone does not flush the buffer, and file contents are only available after closefile has been issued).See also: openfile , writefile , closefile
Routine Name: gaussian Description: Returns a random value from a Gaussian (Normal) distribution. Usage: value = {gaussian mean standard-deviation} Example: genesis > echo {gaussian 0 1 } 0.5069125295 genesis > echo {gaussian 0 100 } -63.29789352 Notes:See also: randseed , rand
Routine Name: gen2spk Description: This program takes ascii files generated by GENESIS containing simulation times and membrane potentials (normally of the soma) and extracts the spike times relative to the onset of a current-clamp square-wave pulse. The output will be a file which will have currents and spike times listed in the file. Usage: gen2spk datafile current-start current-duration \ total-duration -stepsize dt -maxaccuracy Arguments: datafile: the ascii input file. The format of the input file is as follows: The beginning of a trial is indicated by the following two lines: /newplot /plotname 0.234 i.e. the plotname is the current value for that trial (units are arbitrary but are usually in nA). This format is taken from Matt Wilson's xplot program, which is useful for displaying simulation output. The subsequent lines consist of time/Vm pairs as follows: 0 -0.0770584 0.0002 -0.077233 etc. which can be generated automatically by the asc_file object of GENESIS. Multiple trials can be put in one file, as long as they're separated by the /newplot, /plotname ... sequence described above. current-start: the time in the trace where current injection begins. Most simulations allow the cell to reach equilibrium before injecting current (e.g. for 50-100 msec or more). All spike times will be relative to the starting time of the current injection. Units are in seconds (SI units). current-duration: the duration of the current injection, in seconds. total-duration: the total duration of the entire trace, including the time before and after the current injection. Options: -stepsize dt: the output time step i.e. the time between samples in the output file. This is usually much larger than the simulation time step. The default value is 0.0001 (0.1 msec). -maxaccuracy: the output spike times are printed with ten digits of precision rather than 4 (the default). Obviously this is only useful if your output step size is small enough so that the accuracy will make a difference (i.e. less than 0.0001). Output: A file with the same name as the input file but with .spk.sim added. The file format is: CURR 0.1 SPK 0.0010 SPK 0.0123 -------------------- CURR 0.2 SPK 0.0004 SPK 0.0054 SPK 0.0080 ... etc. CURR means the current value and is equal to the value in the /plotname line in the input file. Each spike gets a SPK line; the value to the right of the SPK is the time in seconds when the spike occurred, relative to the start of the current injection. Different currents are separated by a line of dashes. Algorithm: See the comments in the file src/param/gen2spk.c. Notes: This routine is used mainly for generating data for the spkcmp function for current injection simulations. However, it is not limited to this use and will extract spikes from any membrane potential waveform. The /newplot and /plotname lines must be written out explicitly to disk using writefile. Make sure they are flushed to disk before starting the simulation so that they don't appear in the middle of what asc_file writes. See the parameter search demos for examples of this. Some weird waveforms may defeat the spike-identifying algorithm. Very small (low amplitude) spikes are a good example of this. Be careful when using this routine in cases like this, and check the outputs with a visual display of the membrane potential waveform. Example: genesis> gen2spk "Vmfile" 0.2 1.0 1.5 In this case, the current comes on at 0.2 seconds, lasts for 1.0 seconds (i.e. until the simulation time is 1.2 seconds) and the whole trace is 1.5 seconds long.See also: Parameter Search ( Param ), spkcmp , shapematch
Routine Name: genesis Description: Starts up the GENESIS program. (operating system command) Usage: genesis [-usage][-nosimrc][-altsimrc filename][-notty][-nosig] [-execdir dirname][-nice nice-level][-nox] [-defaultcolor][-batch][script arg1 ...] -usage print the usage message, listing options. -nosimrc ignore the .simrc file -altsimrc use 'filename' instead of the .simrc file -notty do not accept terminal input -execdir change to 'dirname' after starting genesis -nice give genesis 'nice-level' priority -nox start GENESIS without initializing XODUS -defaultcolor use the display's default colormap -batch run genesis in the background script name of a GENESIS script to run Example: % genesis -altsimrc ~/.backup_simrc Starting Genesis ========================================================================== G E N E S I S Release Version: 2.0 Copyright 1988 - 1995, California Institute of Technology Some components are copyright by the originating institution and are used with the permission of the authors. ========================================================================== Executable: /usr/genesis/genesis ----------------------- Starting XODUS 2.0 ----------------------- Startup script: ~/.backup_simrc SIMPATH=. /usr/home/jouser/mystartup SIMNOTES=/usr/home/jouser/.notes GENESIS_HELP=/usr/genesis/Doc genesis #0 > Notes: When starting, GENESIS looks for an initialization file, .simrc, first in the current working directory, and then in your home directory. After installing genesis, this file is created in the GENESIS installation directory. After making any appropriate edits, you should copy it to your home directory and insure that the genesis executable is in your path. A new GENESIS command line option -defaultcolor will cause GENESIS to use the display's default colormap, even if the default visual is readonly. The net result is that colorscale colors will be shared among multiple GENESIS processes, but GENESIS will fail to allocate a colorscale if the default colortable is full. This option may be used to avoid X protocol errors on some SGI systems where the X11 server defaults to a TrueColor (24 bit) visual. To perform a GENESIS simulation in the background (for example if you want to login from home over a modem, start a simulation, and logout while the simulation continues to run), your simulation script should use no graphics, and write all output to files. Besides specifying the -nox option when starting genesis to avoid starting XODUS, you also need to use the -notty and -batch options. GENESIS will attempt to read from stdin after the .simrc and command line script are completed. The -batch option causes genesis to exit rather than try to read stdin. -notty will avoid doing any terminal setup and cleanup procedures which can also cause this type of behaviour. You must specify both on the command line (i.e. neither option implies the other). In addition, you need to redirect output (both stdout and stderr) to a file. For example, to run a script ``batchtest.g'' and direct startup messages and any error messages to a log file (using the C shell) you would use: genesis -nox -batch -notty batchtest >& batch.log & With the Bourne shell (or bash) it would be: genesis -nox -batch -notty batchtest > batch.log 2>&1 &See also: src/README, Simulations
Routine Name: getarg Description: Returns specified item from an argument list. Usage: getarg [arguments] -count -arg # One of -count or -arg must be given Example: genesis > echo {getarg 11 22 33 44 55 -arg 3} 33 genesis > echo {getarg 11 22 33 44 55 -count} 5 Notes:See also: argc , argv , arglist , printargs
Routine Name: getclock Description: Returns value of the time interval for the specified clock. Usage: clock-value = {getclock clock-number} Example: genesis > echo { getclock 0 } 5.000000e-05 Notes: The getclock routine returns the current value of the step size for the specified clock (as a floating point number).See also: showclocks , useclock , setclock
Routine Name: getdate Description: Returns operating system date-time. Usage: str-value = getdate Example: genesis > echo { getdate } Thu Jun 22 22:11:13 1995 Notes: This is a GENESIS implementation of the operating system date command, to have the value returned by the routine rather than displayed directly to the user. This allows the current date to be used as a data value within GENESIS.See also: sh
Routine Name: getdefault Description: Returns the default value of an object field. Usage: getdefault object-name field-name Example: genesis > echo {getdefault compartment Rm} 1 Notes:See also: setdefault
Routine Name: getelementlist Description: Returns list of elements matching wildcard specification. Usage: getelementlist path -listname listname Notes: This is an alias for el.
See also: el
Routine Name: getenv Description: Returns value of operating-system environmental variable. Usage: str-value = {getenv environment-variable} Example: genesis > echo { getenv DISPLAY } Notes: This is a GENESIS implementation of the operating system printenv command, to have the value returned by the routine rather than displayed directly to the user. (GENESIS also includes a version of printenv to have the value displayed directly to the user.) The getenv routine allows the value of the particular operating system environmental variables to be used as a data value within GENESIS.See also: setenv , printenv
Routine Name: getfield Description: Returns value of field in data structure of specified element. Usage: getfield [pathname] field field-value = {getfield pathname field} pathname path specification defaults to current working element field name of field in element data structure Example: echo {getfield /cell/soma Vm} setfield /cell/soma Rm {getfield /form/Rm_dialog value} Notes: The getfield routine returns the value of fields in the specified path.See also: setfield , showfield , getfieldnames
Routine Name: getfieldnames Description: Returns names of all existing fields in specified element. Usage: element-fields = {getfieldnames Element} element-fields returned as a single line (i.e., a string without carriage returns) listing fields of specified element Example: echo { getfieldnames /output } str name foreach name ( {getfieldnames soma }) echo {name} end Notes:See also: getfield , showfield , setfield
Routine Name: getglobal Description: Returns the value of a global variable, allowing the name of the global variable to be held in a string variable. Usage: getglobal name Example: genesis > str variable = "EREST" genesis > addglobal float {variable} genesis > setglobal {variable} -0.07 genesis > echo {variable} = {getglobal {variable}} EREST = -0.070000 Notes: Often it is useful to use a string variable name to hold the name of a global variable. For example, one may want to pass the name of a global variable to a function that declares a global variable, or that sets or returns its value. However, normal GENESIS syntax for declarations and assignments does not permit a variable name to be specified by a string variable. The routines addglobal, getglobal, and setglobal are designed to overcome this limitation.See also: Variables , addglobal , setglobal , listglobals
Routine Name: getmsg Description: Returns information about a message into or out of element. Usage: getmsg element -incoming -outgoing -slot msg-number slot-number -count -type msg-number -destination msg-number -source msg-number -find srcelem type [One of -slot, -count, -type, -destination, -source or -find must be given] element element for which to determine information msg-number number (index) of message in message list (messages are numbered from 0 up) srcelem element sending the message type message type (PLOT, AXIAL, VOLTAGE, etc.) -incoming look for an incoming message -outgoing look for an outgoing message -slot return the slot value for the given message and slot numbers -count return the number of messages in or out of this element -type return the message type for the message having the index msg-number -destination return the destination element for the message having the index msg-number -source return the source element for the message having the index msg-number -find return the index (msg-number) of the first message matching the srcelem and type Example: genesis > echo { getmsg /cell/dend1 -out -destination 0} /cell/soma genesis > echo { getmsg /cell/dend1 -out -source 0} /cell/dend1 genesis > echo { getmsg /cell/dend1 -out -count } 5 genesis > echo { getmsg /cell/dend1 -in -destination 1 } /cell/dend1 genesis > echo {getmsg /cell/soma -in -find /cell/dend1 RAXIAL} 2 genesis > echo {getmsg /cell/soma -in -type 2} RAXIAL genesis > echo {getmsg /cell/soma -in -slot 2 0} -0.07 Notes: The -find option may only be used to find the index of an incoming message. It returns -1 if there is no message from the specified source element and message type. The -count option may be useful if you want to loop over the index in order to find multiple messages which meet some specification.See also: addmsg , deletemsg , showmsg
Routine Name: getparamGA Description: gets the value of a parameter in a paramtableGA object as a floating-point number. Usage: getparamGA path table param path: The location of the paramtableGA object in the element hierarchy. table: The parameter table to be accessed. param: The location of the desired parameter in the table. Return value: a float, representing the parameter value desired. Example: float val val = {getparamGA /GA 10 1} This returns the second parameter (zero-indexed) from the tenth parameter table in the paramtableGA object called /GA. The value is stored in the variable val. Notes: The reason for having this routine and setparamGA is that the parameter table array in paramtableGA objects is in an object-specific binary form (optimized for the genetic algorithm method) and thus can't be viewed or set directly using the showfield, getfield or setfield commands (at least not meaningfully). This routine and setparamGA are hacks; ultimately they should be made obsolete by overloading the SET and SHOW actions of the paramtableGA object.See also: Parameter Search ( Param ), paramtableGA , setparamGA
Routine Name: getpath Description: Returns subpart of full element pathname. Usage: head-string = {getpath name -head} tail-string = {getpath name -tail} head-string full path leading to element, without actual element name tail-string only actual element name, without full path name an element pathname Example: genesis > echo {getpath /cell/soma/Na_channel -head} /cell/soma/ genesis > echo {getpath /cell/soma/Na_channel -tail} Na_channel Notes: You use getpath to extract the parent or head of a path.See also: el , pwe , stack
Routine Name: getsolvechildname Description: Returns the name of the child stored at the index value inside the hines solver. Usage: getsolvechildname hsolve_element index Example: genesis > showfield /cell/solve nchildren [ /cell/solve ] nchildren = 2 genesis > echo {getsolvechildname /cell/solve 1} /cell/soma/K_mit_tchan genesis > echo {getsolvechildname /cell/solve 2} /cell/soma/Na_mit_tchan Notes: Mainly used for debugging.See also: hsolve , getsolvecompname , findsolvefield
Routine Name: getsolvecompname Description: Returns the name of the compartment stored at the index value inside the hines solver. Usage: getsolvecompname hsolve_element index Example: genesis > showfield /cell/solve ncompts [ /cell/solve ] ncompts = 1 genesis > echo {getsolvecompname /cell/solve 0} soma[0] Notes: Mainly used for debugging.See also: hsolve , getsolvechildname , findsolvefield
Routine Name: getstat Description: Returns current simulation time, step number, or memory used Usage: getstat -time -step -memory Example: genesis > echo {getstat -time} 0.1000500023 genesis > echo {getstat -step} 2001 genesis > {getstat -memory} 3704068 Notes:See also: showstat
Routine Name: getsyncount Description: This function is used to count SPIKE messages coming from a particular presynaptic element and/or synapses on a particular postsynaptic element. If both the presynaptic and postsynaptic elements are specified this function returns the number of connections between the two i.e. the number of SPIKE messages from the presynaptic element which are sent to the given postsynaptic element. This function is often used inside a loop to set fields in synapses between specific elements to particular values. Usage: getsyncount [presynaptic-element] [postsynaptic-element] presynaptic-element The element sending SPIKE messages to postsynaptic targets. postsynaptic-element The synchan or derived element which receives SPIKE messages. Example: // Set the weights of all synapses that receive SPIKE messages // from a given source to 10.0 int i str dest int nsyn = {getsyncount /input[0]/spike} for (i = 0; i = {nsyn}; i = i + 1) dest = {getsyndest /input[0]/spike {i}} index = {getsyndest /input[0]/spike {i} -index} setfield {dest} synapse[{index}].weight 10.0 end Notes: Synchans have an "nsynapses" field which holds a count of the number of synapses on a given element; this can be used instead of getsyncount when getting synapse counts for postsynaptic elements.See also: getsynindex , getsynsrc , getsyndest , BoG chapter 18
Routine Name: getsyndest Description: Returns a string which is the path of the postsynaptic element which receives the nth SPIKE message sent by the given presynaptic element. Can also return the index of the synapse on this element. Usage: getsyndest presynaptic-element spikemsg-number -index presynaptic-element The element sending SPIKE messages to postsynaptic targets. spikemsg-number The number of the SPIKE message whose destination we want. This can be obtained by getmsg or showmsg. -index This option returns the index of the synapse which receives the SPIKE message on the destination element. Example: str dest = {getsyndest input[0]/spike 0} int index = {getsyndest input[0]/spike 0 -index} setfield {dest} synapse[{index}].weight 10.0 Notes: getsynindex can also be used to get the index of a synapse if you know the names of the pre- and postsynaptic elements.See also: getsyncount , getsynindex , getsynsrc , BoG chapter 18
Routine Name: getsynindex Description: getsynindex is used to find the index of synapses between particular presynaptic and postsynaptic elements. Usage: getsynindex presynaptic-element postsynaptic-element [-number n] presynaptic-element The element sending SPIKE messages to postsynaptic targets. postsynaptic-element The synchan or derived element receiving the SPIKE message from the presynaptic element. -number n If there is more than one synapse between the given pre- and postsynaptic elements, this option will return the index of the nth such synapse. This option will rarely be necessary, since usually there is at most one synapse between a given presynaptic and postsynaptic element. Example: int index = {getsynindex /input[0]/spike /cell/soma/Ex_channel} if (index >= 0) setfield /cell/soma/Ex_channel synapse[{index}].weight 10.0 end Notes: If the desired synapse does not exist a value of -1 is returned.See also: getsyncount , getsynsrc , getsyndest , BoG chapter 18
Routine Name: getsynsrc Description: Returns a string which is the path of the presynaptic element sending the SPIKE message to the synapse of the postsynaptic element with the given index. Usage: getsynsrc postsynaptic-element index postsynaptic-element The synchan or derived element receiving the SPIKE message from the source element. index The index of the synapse on a synchan or derived element whose source you want. Example: str src = {getsynsrc /cell/soma/Ex_chan 0} if (src == "input[0]/spike") setfield /cell/soma/Ex_chan synapse[0].weight 10.0 else setfield /cell/soma/Ex_chan synapse[0].weight 0.0 end Notes:See also: getsyncount , getsynindex , getsyndest , BoG chapter 18
Routine Name: h Description: Displays the contents of the command-history buffer. Usage: h h [start [end] ] start number of first command to list (default: 1) end number of last command to list (default: number of most recently issued command) Example: genesis > h 1 5 1 echo { x } 2 floatformat %0.5g 3 echo { x } 4 floatformat %2.5g 5 echo { x } Notes: Every command typed into the simulator at the keyboard is saved into a command buffer referred to as the 'history'. Commands saved in the history buffer can be re-executed using command recall mechanisms built into the script language. The h routine displays the list of all commands in the range specified. Typing h without any arguments will print the entire history buffer. Typing h with a range will print all of the commands executed in the range specified. The following history recall functions are also built into the script language: Command Example Description -------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! Re-execute last command. !n !5 Re-execute the fifth command entered. !string !echo Re-execute the last command whose first chars match the string entered. ctrl-P ctrl-P Retrieve previous command in the history buffer. Repeat ctrl-P's to scan backwards through previous commands. ctrl-N ctrl-N Scan forward, after executing ctrl-P's, to echo next command.
Routine Name: help Description: Displays help on GENESIS topics. Usage: help [ topic [help-directory-list] ] topic string (typically a routine name) help-directory list of directories containing ascii help files Example: genesis > help CONTENTS | more genesis > help synchan | more genesis > help myroutine /myhelpdirectory /basichelp Notes: Help searches specified help directories for documentation on the given topic (typically a routine name). If no directory is specified then the current default help directory (the last help directory referenced) will be used. If no default help directory exists (e.g., when help is used for the first time), the value of the environment variable GENESIS_HELP is used as the help directory (cf. setenv, getenv); this variable is set to the genesis/Doc directory, using the full path given in the default .simrc file. As most of these files are longer than a single screen, it is best to pipe the output into "more". If no topic is given, the genesis/Doc/README file is printed to the screen. This gives further information about the current version of the one-line help, the GENESIS Reference Manual, and the hypertext documentation. [for help writers:] The Help facility allows text to be included from other files (use ## as first characters on a line, followed by the local file name; you can omit the .txt suffix). For instance, you might create the following file trig.txt: TRIG Routines ##cos ##sin ##tan When you type "help trig" to view this file, instead of seeing the text "##cos" etc., the contents of the file cos.txt would be read in and displayed at that point in the file.
Routine name: initdump Description: Initializes the simulation dumping/undumping system. Normally generated by default in a dumpfile, but it can be overridden from the script to set various flags. Usage: initdump -version # -ignoreorphans # -allowmsgdup -version #: The version number of the dumpfile. Allows it to read old dumpfiles. Each dumpfile keeps its version number in its header. This is relevant only for reading in dumpfiles, as simdump always dumps using the latest version. -ignoreorphans #: # can be 0 or 1. Orphans are elements without a parent. If ignoreorphans is 1, then simundump will simply skip over orphan elements. Otherwise it will complain. -allowmsgdup: When a dumped simulation is being loaded onto an existing one, then some messages are likely to be duplicated. Normally such duplicate messages are detected and are NOT created. This flag disables the mechanism that protects dumps from duplicating msgs when the elements specified in the dumps overlap. Example: Here is a little dumpfile using initdump that recreates a simple 2-compartment model, and ignores the orphan element /x/y/z. ============================================================ //genesis initdump -version 3 -ignoreorphans 1 simobjdump neutral simobjdump compartment activation Vm previous_state \ Im Em Rm Cm Ra inject dia len initVm simundump neutral /x/y/z 0 simundump neutral /a 0 simundump compartment /a/compt 0 0 0.6632976405 0.6632942696 \ -0.3333315551 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 simundump neutral /b 0 simundump compartment /b/compt 0 0 0.3299660931 0.3299627243 \ 0.3333349228 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 addmsg /b/compt /a/compt RAXIAL Ra Vm addmsg /a/compt /b/compt AXIAL Vm enddump // End of dump ============================================================ Notes:See also: enddump , simdump , simobjdump , simundump
Routine Name: initparamBF Description: Initializes a number of fields involving a single parameter for the paramtableBF object. Usage: initparamBF path param type range center label path: The location of the parameter search object in the element hierarchy. param: The numerical index of the parameter whose ranges etc. are to be set. type: The type of the parameter; 0 = additive, 1 = multiplicative. range: The range of the parameter. For additive parameters, this is a maximum offset from the center value; for multiplicative parameters, it's a maximum scaling factor. In other words, for additive parameters the full parameter range is [center - range, center + range] while for multiplicative parameters it's equal to [center / range, center * range]. The range value must be >= 0. center: The original value of the parameter, which is also the center of the range to be searched over. label: A string which is the name of the parameter. This is useful for identifying the parameter in a text file output by the SAVEBEST or DISPLAY actions. Return value: int; 0 for failure and 1 for success. Examples: initparamBF /BF_object 0 1 2.0 1.0 "Na Gbar" This sets parameter 0 to be a multiplicative parameter (type 1) with a range of 2.0 (from 0.5 to 2.0 times the center value) with a center value of 1.0. The label indicates that this parameter represents the maximum conductance of a sodium channel. The label is just for reference and has no effect on the search process. Notes: This routine (and the other initparamXX routines) are shortcuts to set a number of parameter-related fields simultaneously. All of these fields can also be set manually, but it's usually much more convenient to use these functions.See also: Parameter Search ( Param ), Paramtable , paramtableBF
Routine Name: initparamCG Description: Initializes a number of fields involving a single parameter for the paramtableCG object. Usage: initparamCG path param type range center label path: The location of the parameter search object in the element hierarchy. param: The numerical index of the parameter whose ranges etc. are to be set. type: The type of the parameter; 0 = additive, 1 = multiplicative. range: The range of the parameter. For additive parameters, this is a maximum offset from the center value; for multiplicative parameters, it's a maximum scaling factor. In other words, for additive parameters the full parameter range is [center - range, center + range] while for multiplicative parameters it's equal to [center / range, center * range]. The range value must be >= 0. center: The original value of the parameter, which is also the center of the range to be searched over. label: A string which is the name of the parameter. This is useful for identifying the parameter in a text file output by the SAVEBEST or DISPLAY actions. Return value: int; 0 for failure and 1 for success. Examples: initparamCG /CG_object 0 1 2.0 1.0 "Na Gbar" This sets parameter 0 to be a multiplicative parameter (type 1) with a range of 2.0 (from 0.5 to 2.0 times the center value) with a center value of 1.0. The label indicates that this parameter represents the maximum conductance of a sodium channel. The label is just for reference and has no effect on the search process. Notes: This routine (and the other initparamXX routines) are shortcuts to set a number of parameter-related fields simultaneously. All of these fields can also be set manually, but it's usually much more convenient to use these functions.See also: Parameter Search ( Param ), Paramtable , paramtableCG
Routine Name: initparamGA Description: Initializes a number of fields involving a single parameter for the paramtableGA object. Usage: initparamGA path param type range center label path: The location of the parameter search object in the element hierarchy. param: The numerical index of the parameter whose ranges etc. are to be set. type: The type of the parameter; 0 = additive, 1 = multiplicative. range: The range of the parameter. For additive parameters, this is a maximum offset from the center value; for multiplicative parameters, it's a maximum scaling factor. In other words, for additive parameters the full parameter range is [center - range, center + range] while for multiplicative parameters it's equal to [center / range, center * range]. The range value must be >= 0. center: The original value of the parameter, which is also the center of the range to be searched over. label: A string which is the name of the parameter. This is useful for identifying the parameter in a text file output by the SAVEBEST or DISPLAY actions. Return value: int; 0 for failure and 1 for success. Examples: initparamGA /GA_object 0 1 2.0 1.0 "Na Gbar" This sets parameter 0 to be a multiplicative parameter (type 1) with a range of 2.0 (from 0.5 to 2.0 times the center value) with a center value of 1.0. The label indicates that this parameter represents the maximum conductance of a sodium channel. The label is just for reference and has no effect on the search process. Notes: This routine (and the other initparamXX routines) are shortcuts to set a number of parameter-related fields simultaneously. All of these fields can also be set manually, but it's usually much more convenient to use these functions.See also: Parameter Search ( Param ), Paramtable , paramtableGA
Routine Name: initparamSA Description: Initializes a number of fields involving a single parameter for the paramtableSA object. Usage: initparamSA path param type range center scalemod label path: The location of the parameter search object in the element hierarchy. param: The numerical index of the parameter whose ranges etc. are to be set. type: The type of the parameter; 0 = additive, 1 = multiplicative. range: The range of the parameter. For additive parameters, this is a maximum offset from the center value; for multiplicative parameters, it's a maximum scaling factor. In other words, for additive parameters the full parameter range is [center - range, center + range] while for multiplicative parameters it's equal to [center / range, center * range]. The range value must be >= 0. center: The original value of the parameter, which is also the center of the range to be searched over. scalemod: Modifies the range of the initial points on the simplex. See the paramtableSA doc file for more details. label: A string which is the name of the parameter. This is useful for identifying the parameter in a text file output by the SAVEBEST or DISPLAY actions. Return value: int; 0 for failure and 1 for success. Examples: initparamSA /SA_object 0 1 2.0 1.0 1.5 "Na Gbar" This sets parameter 0 to be a multiplicative parameter (type 1) with a range of 2.0 (from 0.5 to 2.0 times the center value) with a center value of 1.0 and a scalemod value of 1.5. The label indicates that this parameter represents the maximum conductance of a sodium channel. The label is just for reference and has no effect on the search process. Notes: This routine (and the other initparamXX routines) are shortcuts to set a number of parameter-related fields simultaneously. All of these fields can also be set manually, but it's usually much more convenient to use these functions.See also: Parameter Search ( Param ), Paramtable , paramtableSA
Routine Name: initparamSS Description: Initializes a number of fields involving a single parameter for the paramtableSS object. Usage: initparamSS path param type range center label path: The location of the parameter search object in the element hierarchy. param: The numerical index of the parameter whose ranges etc. are to be set. type: The type of the parameter; 0 = additive, 1 = multiplicative. range: The range of the parameter. For additive parameters, this is a maximum offset from the center value; for multiplicative parameters, it's a maximum scaling factor. In other words, for additive parameters the full parameter range is [center - range, center + range] while for multiplicative parameters it's equal to [center / range, center * range]. The range value must be >= 0. center: The original value of the parameter, which is also the center of the range to be searched over. label: A string which is the name of the parameter. This is useful for identifying the parameter in a text file output by the SAVEBEST or DISPLAY actions. Return value: int; 0 for failure and 1 for success. Examples: initparamSS /SS_object 0 1 2.0 1.0 "Na Gbar" This sets parameter 0 to be a multiplicative parameter (type 1) with a range of 2.0 (from 0.5 to 2.0 times the center value) with a center value of 1.0. The label indicates that this parameter represents the maximum conductance of a sodium channel. The label is just for reference and has no effect on the search process. Notes: This routine (and the other initparamXX routines) are shortcuts to set a number of parameter-related fields simultaneously. All of these fields can also be set manually, but it's usually much more convenient to use these functions.See also: Parameter Search ( Param ), Paramtable , paramtableSS
Routine Name: input Description: Obtains input from the user at the GENESIS prompt. Usage: value = input [ prompt-string [ default-value] ] value value entered by user prompt-string string to use to prompt user for input (default: "?"; to use a string that includes spaces, include the string in quotation marks; in any case, two blank spaces are always automatically shown after the prompt string) default-value value to use if user responds by just pressing the RETURN key (to use a string that includes spaces, include the string in quotation marks) Example: genesis > int x = {input "Value for x:" 3} (def = 3) Value for x: 666 genesis > echo { x } 666 Notes: The input routine can be used to get input from the keyboard. If supplied, the default-value is displayed before the prompt-string, in the form: (def = <default-value>) prompt-string
Routine Name: isa Description: Tests to see if an element is derived from a specified object. Usage: isa-flag = {isa object element} isa-flag returned as 1 if element is derived from object; returned as 0 otherwise object name of a GENESIS object (element-type) element name or full pathname of element to test Example: if ({isa symcompartment /cell/dendrite}) echo "This is a symmetric compartment" end genesis > create compartment /soma genesis > echo {isa compartment /soma} 1 genesis > echo {isa symcompartment /soma} 0 Notes: The test will also be true if the element is created from an extended object that is derived from the specified object.See also: Extended
Routine Name: le Description: Displays a list of elements in the element tree. Usage: le [path] -recursive -type path pathname of element (default: current element); path cannot include wildcards -r recursively display entire tree starting at given element -t display object type along with element name (type will be included in curly braces just after element name) Example: genesis > le / -t *proto {neutral} output {neutral} cell/ {neutral} data/ {xform} genesis > le / -r *proto output cell/ data/ /cell: soma /data: voltage/ RESET RUN QUIT /data/voltage: x_axis y_axis title volts current Notes: Unlike the listings produced by the analogous operating-system command "ls", the listings produced by the le routine show elements not in alphabetical order, but in the order in which they were created. In the le listings, items preceded by an asterisk (e.g., *proto) will not participate in simulations (see the enable and disable routines for control of this).
Routine Name: listcommands Description: Displays a list of routines currently recognized by GENESIS. Usage: listcommands Example: genesis > listcommands | more Available commands: [routines are listed, one screen at a time] Notes:
Routine Name: listescape Description: Lists available escape-key/command-sequence bindings. Usage: listescape Example: genesis > listescape AVAILABLE ESCAPE KEYS --------------------- [29~ Do REPLACE step<CR> [28~ Help EXEC commands | more [18~ F7 EXEC status [17~ F6 EXEC status -process [11~ F1 EXEC stop [3~ Remove REPLACE <^D> [2~ Insert Here REPLACE <^I> [1~ Find EXEC execute movebol [D left arrow REPLACE <^H> [C right arrow REPLACE <^F> [B down arrow REPLACE <^N> [A up arrow REPLACE <^P> Notes: The listescape routine displays a list of the current escape key to string bindings which have been created using the addescape routine (in reverse order of creation).See also: addescape
Routine Name: listfiles Description: Lists ASCII files currently opened by openfiles routine. Usage: listfiles Example: genesis > listfiles OPEN ASCII FILES ----------------- genesis > openfile run.g r genesis > listfiles OPEN ASCII FILES ----------------- run.g r Notes:See also: openfile
Routine Name: listglobals Description: Lists currently defined GENESIS global variables and their current values. Usage: listglobals [global-symbols] -functions -variables -variables only show variables (types int, float, str) -functions only show functions (type function) (Uses last switch on line; if no switches, shows both functions and variables. If the name is given, it shows only that global-symbol.) Example: genesis > listglobals int B_SPLINE_FILL = 0 int C_SPLINE_FILL = 1 int LINEAR_FILL = 2 Notes: Four datatypes are recognized in listglobals: int float str functionSee also: echo , Variables , Functions
Routine Name: listobjects Description: Lists available element types. Usage: genesis > listobjects Notes: The listobjects routine displays a list of the element types currently defined within GENESIS. GENESIS comes with an extensive set of element types already included.See also: showobject
Routine Name: log Description: Returns logarithm (base "e") of number. Usage: log-value = {log number} Example: genesis > echo { log 1 } 0 genesis > echo {log {exp 1}} 0.9999999404 genesis > echo {log 0} -Infinity Notes: To get the base 10 log of x, use {log {x}}/{log 10}.See also: exp
Routine Name: logfile Description: Activates/deactivates logging of all commands issued in GENESIS session. Usage: logfile file-name logfile -off file-name name for file in which to save record of messages typed to or displayed at the GENESIS shell -- if file already exists, information will be appended; if file does not exist, it will be created and information entered -off flag to deactivate logging Example: genesis > logfile mylog logging to 'mylog' at Sat Jun 24 18:44:59 1995 ... genesis > logfile -off logging done at Sat Jun 24 19:08:08 1995 Notes: The logfile routine is used to activate command line logging. All commands typed from the keyboard as well as various error messages reported by the simulator will be saved in the specified logfile.See also: notes
Routine Name: max Description: Returns maximum value of two numbers. Usage: maximum-value = {max value1 value2} Example: genesis > echo {max {tan 0.1} 0.1} 0.1003346741 Notes:See also: min
Routine Name: maxerrors Description: Sets (or displays) number of errors currently allowed before a simulation is automatically stopped. Usage: maxerrors [number-of-errors] Example: genesis > maxerrors max errors = 10 genesis > maxerrors 30 max errors = 30 Notes: By default, the maximum number of errors allowed before the system stops a simulation is 10.See also: maxwarnings , clearerrors
Routine Name: maxwarnings Description: Sets (or displays) number of warning messages currently allowed before a simulation is automatically stopped. Usage: maxwarnings [number-of-warnings] Example: genesis > maxwarnings max warnings = 20 genesis > maxwarnings 40 max warnings = 40 Notes: By default, the maximum number of warning messages allowed before the system stops a simulation is 20.See also: maxerrors , clearerrors
Routine Name: min Description: Returns minumum value of two numbers. Usage: minimum-value = min {value1 value2} Example: genesis > float x = 33.333 genesis > int y = {x} genesis > echo {min {x} {y}} 33 Notes:See also: max
Routine Name: move Description: Moves an element and its children from one portion of the tree to another. Usage: move src_element dst_element src_element element to move (if this element has sub-elements, they too are moved) dst_element location into which to move src_element (if dst_element already exists, src_element is moved beneath it with original name; if dst_element does not exist, src_element is given that name as new name) Example: move /cell1 /cell5 create neutral /network move /cell[1] /network Notes: In the example above, if /cell5 does not exist, /cell1 will be renamed to /cell5. The second example turns /cell[1] into /network/cell[1].See also: copy
Routine Name: msgsubstitute Description: Allows undump of saved simulation with new message names Usage: msgsubstitute destobj orig_msg_type new_msg_type field1 ... Example: objsubstitute xplot fakeplot msgsubstitute fakeplot PLOT INPUT . also see Scripts/kinetikit/batch_interface.g Notes: msgsubstitute is used along with objsubstitute to allow you to save an object of one type using simobjdump and simdump, and then use simundump to reload it as a different type. It allows for example, xgraph and xplot elements to be saved as neutral and table elements, so that the simulation can run in batch mode. In the example above, a real xplot object takes a PLOT message, but we are using a table as fakeplot, which takes an INPUT message. Here, the "." represets the same field (the data to be plotted) originally sent with the PLOT message.See also: objsubstitute , substituteinfo , simobjdump , simdump , swapdump , simundump
Routine Name: notes Description: Allows user to enter text notes into a file. Usage: notes [file] file file into which to put notes (default: most recent notes file used; if first time in this GENESIS session, uses file specified by operating system variable SIMNOTES) -- if file already exists, notes will be appended; if file does not exist, it will be created and notes entered Example: genesis > notes using notes file '/myhomedirectory/.notes' End with '.' alone on the last line -> running the first tutorial script -> . genesis > notes squid_notes using notes file 'squid_notes' End with '.' alone on the last line -> We may want to look at the tutorial for ideas -> about the implemention of voltage clamp -> circuitry. -> . genesis > more squid_notes +------------------------------------------------------+ Sat Jun 24 19:14:54 1995 We may want to look at the tutorial for ideas about the implemention of voltage clamp circuitry. genesis > Notes: You end the note by including a period (.) on a line by itself. The note is entered into the notes file preceded by a dashed line and the date and time the entry was made.See also: logfile
Routine Name: objsubstitute Description: Allows undump of saved simulation with new object names Usage: objsubstitute orig_obj_name new_obj_name Example: create table fakeplot // commands to add fields and actions to fakeplot // to make it look like an xplot ... addobject fakeplot fakeplot objsubstitute xplot fakeplot see Scripts/kinetikit/batch_interface.g Notes: objsubstitute is used to allow you to save an object of one type using simobjdump and simdump, and then use simundump to reload it as a different type. It allows for example, xgraph and xplot elements to be saved as neutral and table elements, so that the simulation can run in batch mode.See also: msgsubstitute , substituteinfo , simobjdump , simdump , swapdump , simundump
Routine Name: openfile Description: Opens ASCII file for reading or writing. Usage: openfile filename mode filename name of existing file to open for access from other GENESIS file-manipulation routines mode mode in which to open file: r to open file for read-only access; w to open file for write-only access (this wipes out any content of the file; see Notes); a to open file for appending to the file (existing content is not erased, but writefiles are allowed) Example: genesis > openfile hello w genesis > writefile hello 10 20 genesis > openfile oldfile r genesis > echo { readfile oldfile } Notes: You can have up to 20 files opened simultaneously. You can read data from an opened file using the readfile routine, and write data to the file using the writefile routine (if the file was opened for writing). Beware: If you open a file for writing (mode w) that already has text in it, that text will be DELETED!See also: closefile , listfiles , readfile , writefile
Routine Name: planarconnect Description: Establishes synaptic connections between groups of elements based on the x-y positions of the elements. This routine sets up the connections by adding SPIKE messages between the source and destination objects. Usage: planarconnect source_elements destination_elements \ -relative \ -sourcemask {box, ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2 \ -sourcehole {box, ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2 \ -destmask {box, ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2 \ -desthole {box, ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2 \ -probability p source_elements A wildcarded list of elements which are the sources of the SPIKE messages. These must be of class "spiking" and are usually spikegen or randomspike objects. destination_elements A wildcarded list of elements which are the destinations of the SPIKE messages. These must be synchans or objects derived from synchan. -relative This option means that connections will be set up based on the locations of destination objects relative to source objects. If this option is not selected, the absolute locations of source and destination elements will be used to determine whichconnections are to be set up. -sourcemask {box, ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2 -- This specifies a rectangular or elliptical region from which source elements are to be taken. If the "box" option is used, then x1 and y1 are the minimum x and y values of the region while x2 and y2 are the maximum x and y values of the region. If the "ellipse" option is used, then the source region is an ellipse with x1 and y1 representing the center of the ellipse while x2 and y2 represent the lengths of the principal axes in the x and y directions respectively. Note that to choose a circular region x2 and y2 must be equal. Note also that one or the other of {box, ellipse} MUST be chosen; leaving both of them out will generate an error. Finally, one can choose multiple source regions by having multiple -sourcemask options. The same conventions are followed for the next three options. -sourcehole {box, ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2 -- This specifies a rectangular or elliptical region NOT to include in the source region(s). You can exclude multiple regions by having multiple -sourcehole options. -destmask {box, ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2 -- This specifies a rectangular or elliptical region to which SPIKE messages will be sent. -desthole {box, ellipse} x1 y1 x2 y2 -- This specifies a rectangular or elliptical region NOT to include in the destination region(s). -probability p -- This option causes connections to be made with a probability p, which must be in the range [0,1]. This allows probabilistically-connected networks to be set up. Example: [From the "Orient_tut" simulation:] planarconnect /retina/recplane/rec[]/input \ /V1/horiz/soma[]/exc_syn \ -relative \ -sourcemask box -1 -1 1 1 \ -destmask box {-V1_SEPX * 2.4} \ {-V1_SEPY * 0.6} \ { V1_SEPX * 2.4} \ { V1_SEPY * 0.6} Notes: This routine calculates distance using only the x and y coordinates of the element positions. It is convenient for objects laid out in planar arrays but ignoring the z direction is somewhat unrealistic. volumeconnect is almost identical with planarconnect except that it uses the positions of elements in three dimensions to specify whether connections are made or not. The weights and delays of the connections set up by this command are typically specified using the planarweight and planardelay commands, although they can be set up by hand.See also: volumeconnect , planarweight , planardelay ; chapter 18 of the Book of GENESIS (2nd ed.) has a lengthy discussion on this and related commands.
Routine Name: planardelay Description: Sets the delay fields on groups of synapses between specified lists of elements. Most often used to set delays on groups of synapses that have been set up by calling the "planarconnect" command. This function can assign groups of synapses to a fixed delay, can assign delays in proportion to the distances between pre- and postsynaptic elements, and can add various types of randomness to delay values. Usage: planardelay sourcepath [destination_path] \ -fixed delay \ -radial conduction_velocity \ -add \ -uniform scale \ -gaussian stdev maxdev \ -exponential mid max \ -absoluterandom sourcepath A wildcarded list of elements which are the sources of the SPIKE messages connecting the pre- and postsynaptic elements (i.e. the presynaptic elements). These must be of class "spiking" and are usually spikegen or randomspike objects. destination_path A wildcarded list of elements which must be synchans or objects derived from synchan. If this (optional) argument is given, only the delays between the given set of pre- and postsynaptic elements will be set by this command. If this argument is not given, then all the synapses receiving SPIKE messages from the presynaptic elements will have their delays set by this command. NOTE: this optional argument is new and is not documented in the Book of GENESIS. -fixed delay -- This option sets all the synaptic delays in question to be equal to "delay". -radial conduction_velocity -- This option sets the synaptic delays in question to be proportional to the distance between the source and destination elements according to the equation: delay = radial_distance / conduction_velocity Where conduction_velocity is usually measured in meters/sec (SI units). "conduction_velocity" represents the conduction velocity of the (hypothetical) axon that the spikes travel down. For planardelay, the distance is measured as: distance = sqrt((x_src - x_dest)^2 + (y_src - y_dest)^2) where x_src is the x component of the source element, x_dest is the x component of the destination element, and so on. Note that the z component is not taken into account, which is unrealistic. volumedelay uses the z component as well. -add This option causes the computed delays to be added to the preexisting delays in the synapses instead of overwriting them. This is useful when adding small synaptic delays, among other uses. The next four options are used to add random components to the delays established using the -fixed or -decay options. How these random components are added to the delays is explained below. -uniform scale -- This option gives a random number taken from a uniform distribution in the range {-scale, scale}. -gaussian stdev maxdev -- This option gives a random number taken from a gaussian distribution centered on zero, with a standard deviation equal to "stdev" and with a maximum value of "maxdev". The maximum value is used to limit the random component to a given range. -exponential mid max -- This option gives a random number taken from an exponential distribution with a minimum value of zero, a 1/e point of "mid" and a maximum value of "max". This is mainly for backwards compatibility with genesis 1.4. -absoluterandom This option alters the way the random number is combined with the nominal delay to give the actual delay, as described below. Once a random component has been created for a given delay, it is used to set the delay as follows. If the -absoluterandom option has not been selected the delay is set to be: final_delay = delay + (delay * random_number) Whereas if the -absoluterandom option has been selected then we have final_delay = delay + random_number Thus the default is to have the amount of randomness as a constant proportion of the delay value. Example: [modified from the Orient_tut simulation:] planardelay /retina/recplane/rec[]/input \ -radial {CABLE_VEL} \ -gaussian 0.1 0.3 This command will set the size of the delays of synapses that are receiving their inputs from /retina/recplane/rec[]/input. It gives delays equal to the radial distance between elements divided by the conduction velocity (CABLE_VEL). It also specifies that gaussian noise be added to the delays with a mean value of 0.1 (which represents 10% of the original delay, since -absoluterandom has not been selected) and a maximum value of 0.3 (which is 30% of the original delay value). Notes: The "destination_path" optional argument is new and is not documented in the Book of GENESIS. This routine calculates distance using only the x and y coordinates of the element positions. It is convenient for objects laid out in planar arrays but ignoring the z direction is somewhat unrealistic. volumedelay is identical to planardelay except that it uses the positions of elements in three dimensions to calculate distances and is thus more realistic. The delays are never allowed to go negative even if a large negative random component is added. Negative delays are set to zero. If the -add option is chosen, the random component modifies only the delay added and not the total delay.See also: volumedelay , planarconnect , planarweight , syndelay ; Chapter 18 of the Book of GENESIS (2nd ed.) has a lengthy discussion on this and related commands.
Routine Name: planardelay2 Description: Description: A faster version of planardelay, which sets the delay fields on groups of synapses between specified lists of elements. Most often used to set delays on groups of synapses that have been set up by calling the "planarconnect" command. This function can assign groups of synapses to a fixed delay, can assign delays in proportion to the distances between pre- and postsynaptic elements, and can add various types of randomness to delay values. Usage: planardelay sourcepath destination_path \ -fixed delay \ -radial conduction_velocity \ -add \ -uniform scale \ -gaussian stdev maxdev \ -exponential mid max \ -absoluterandom Notes: In contrast to planardelay, which can set the delays of all efferent synapses from the source map when no destination is given, planardelay2 only sets the delays of the synapses from the source map to a particular destination map. By requiring the destination parameter, planardelay2 achieves faster setup times than planardelay. For further details of usage and examples, see the documentation for planardelay.See also: planardelay , planarconnect , planarweight , planarweight2
Routine Name: planarweight Description: Sets the weight fields on groups of synapses between specified lists of elements. Most often used to set weights on groups of synapses that have been set up by calling the "planarconnect" command. This function can assign groups of synapses to a fixed weight, can assign weights in proportion to the distances between pre- and postsynaptic elements, and can add various types of randomness to weight values. Usage: planarweight sourcepath [destination_path] \ -fixed weight \ -decay decay_rate max_weight min_weight \ -uniform scale \ -gaussian stdev maxdev \ -exponential mid max \ -absoluterandom sourcepath A wildcarded list of elements which are the sources of the SPIKE messages connecting the pre- and postsynaptic elements (i.e. the presynaptic elements). These must be of class "spiking" and are usually spikegen or randomspike objects. destination_path A wildcarded list of elements which must be synchans or objects derived from synchan. If this (optional) argument is given, only the weights between the given set of pre- and postsynaptic elements will be set by this command. If this argument is not given, then all the synapses receiving SPIKE messages from the presynaptic elements will have their weights set by this command. NOTE: this optional argument is new and is not documented in the Book of GENESIS. -fixed weight -- This option sets all the synaptic weights in question to be equal to "weight". -decay decay_rate max_weight min_weight -- This option sets the synaptic weights in question to be proportional to the distance between the source and destination elements according to the equation: weight = (max_weight - min_weight) * exp(-decay_rate * distance) + min_weight For planarweight, the distance is measured as: distance = sqrt((x_src - x_dest)^2 + (y_src - y_dest)^2) where x_src is the x component of the source element, x_dest is the x component of the destination element, and so on. Note that the z component is not taken into account, which is unrealistic. volumedelay uses the z component as well. The next four options are used to add random components to the weights established using the -fixed or -decay options. How these random components are added to the weights is explained below. -uniform scale -- This option gives a random number taken from a uniform distribution in the range {-scale, scale}. -gaussian stdev maxdev -- This option gives a random number taken from a gaussian distribution centered on zero, with a standard deviation equal to "stdev" and with a maximum value of "maxdev". The maximum value is used to limit the random component to a given range. -exponential mid max -- This option gives a random number taken from an exponential distribution with a minimum value of zero, a 1/e point of "mid" and a maximum value of "max". This is mainly for backwards compatibility with genesis 1.4. -absoluterandom This option alters the way the random number is combined with the nominal weight to give the actual weight, as described below. Once a random component has been created for a given weight, it is used to set the weight as follows. If the -absoluterandom option has not been selected the weight is set to be: final_weight = weight + (weight * random_number) Whereas if the -absoluterandom option has been selected then we have final_weight = weight + random_number Thus the default is to have the amount of randomness as a constant proportion of the weight value. Example: [modified from the Orient_tut simulation:] planarweight /retina/recplane/rec[]/input \ -decay 0.5 10.0 0.1 \ -gaussian 0.1 0.3 This command will set the size of the weights of synapses that are receiving their inputs from /retina/recplane/rec[]/input. It gives exponentially decaying weights with a maximum size of 10.0, a minimum size of 0.1, and a decay rate of 0.5. It also specifies that gaussian noise be added to the weights with a mean value of 0.1 (which represents 10% of the original weight, since -absoluterandom has not been selected) and a maximum value of 0.3 (which is 30% of the original weight value). Notes: The "destination_path" optional argument is new and is not documented in the Book of Genesis. This routine calculates distance using only the x and y coordinates of the element positions. It is convenient for objects laid out in planar arrays but ignoring the z direction is somewhat unrealistic. volumeweight is identical to planarweight except that it uses the positions of elements in three dimensions to calculate distances and is thus more realistic. The weights are never allowed to go negative even if a large negative random component is added. Negative weights are set to zero. The options -fixed and -decay are mutually exclusive. The different random options -uniform, -gaussian, and -exponential are also mutually exclusive.See also: volumeweight , planarconnect , planardelay ; Chapter 18 of the Book of GENESIS (2nd ed.) has a lengthy discussion on this and related commands.
Routine Name: planarweight2 Description: Description: A faster version of planarweight, which sets the weight fields on groups of synapses between specified lists of elements. Most often used to set weights on groups of synapses that have been set up by calling the "planarconnect" command. This function can assign groups of synapses to a fixed weight, can assign weights in proportion to the distances between pre- and postsynaptic elements, and can add various types of randomness to weight values. Usage: planarweight sourcepath destination_path \ -fixed weight \ -decay decay_rate max_weight min_weight \ -uniform scale \ -gaussian stdev maxdev \ -exponential mid max \ -absoluterandom Notes: In contrast to planarweight, which can set the weights of all efferent synapses from the source map when no destination is given, planarweight2 only sets the weights of the synapses from the source map to a particular destination map. By requiring the destination parameter, planarweight2 achieves faster setup times than planarweight. For further details of usage and examples, see the documentation for planarweight.See also: planarweight , planarconnect , planardelay , planardelay2
Routine Name: plane Description: Generates 3-D coordinates for a plane with specified dimensions and characteristics. Usage: plane filename x y dx dy [-center cx cy] [-jitter jx jy] [-normal] [-ellipse] [-hexagonal] filename name for file into which to put generated coordinates x x dimension of rectangular area; if -e option selected, x axis of ellipsoid area y y dimension of rectangular area; if -e option selected, y axis of ellipsoid area dx spacing in x dimension between points dy spacing in y dimension between points -center flag specifying that center of plane should be set at coordinates (cx,cy) (default: (0,0)) cx x coordinate of center of plane (default: 0) cy y coordinate of center of plane (default: 0) -jitter flag specifying that linearly random jitter should be added to offset coordinates from a perfect array (jitter in x dimension will vary in range -jx*dx < jitter < jx*dx; jitter in y dimension will vary in range -jy*dy < jitter < jy*dy) jx jitter in x dimension (as fraction of dx) (default: 0) jy jitter in y dimension (as fraction of dy) (default: 0) -normal flag specifying that an additional set of 3 coordinates is generated per line, to define the normal to the surface (this format is compatible with that read by the cellsheet routine) -ellipse flag specifying that generated coordinates should be restricted to lie in an ellipse with major axes specified by x,y -hexagonal (not yet implemented) flag specifying that generated coordinates should lie in a hexagonal (rather than rectangular) array Example: plane planepoints 400e-6 400e-6 100e-6 100e-6 -normal Notes: All of the cells in the plane have an initial z coordinate of 0.0. (See position for how to change this).See also: egg , cellsheet
Routine Name: pope Description: Restores previously stacked ("pushed") element as current working element. Usage: pope Example: genesis > pwe /neuron genesis > pushe /somewhereelse /somewhereelse genesis > pwe /somewhereelse genesis > pope /neuron genesis > pwe /neuron Notes: This routine ("pop element") is analogous to the operating-system shell "popd" feature for directories.See also: pushe , stack
Routine Name: position Description: Sets xyz coordinates of an element and all of its children. Usage: position element x y z element element whose coordinates to specify x, y, z x, y, z coordinates to give element; to specify absolute coordinates, use a number; to specify coordinates relative to the current position, use the form Rnumber; to ignore the coordinate (leave it as it is), use I Example: position /neuron 10 20 4.6 position /neuron I I R5.2 position /neuron 1.5 R1.1 I position /V1/horiz 0 0 {-5 * V1_SEPZ} Notes: This routine affects the positions of the child elements as well as that of the parent.
Routine Name: pow Description: Returns a number raised to a specified power. Usage: raised-value = {pow number power) Example: genesis > echo { pow 10 3 } 1000 Notes:See also: exp
Routine Name: printargs Description: Displays its arguments with argument numbers. Usage: printargs(argument) Example: genesis > printargs "a b c d" argc 1 : a,b,c,d genesis > printargs a b c d argc 1 : a argc 2 : b argc 3 : c argc 4 : d Notes:See also: argc , argv , arglist , getarg
Routine Name: printenv Description: Displays value of operating-system environmental variable. Usage: printenv environment-variable Example: genesis > printenv SIMPATH SIMPATH=. /usr/genesis/startup Notes: This is a GENESIS implementation of the operating system command printenv, which displays the value of a particular operating system environmental variable. Unlike its operating-system counterpart, printenv from within GENESIS requires that you supply a variable name (outside of GENESIS, printenv with no arguments displays the list of all your environmental variables). Printenv sends its output directly to the screen. If you need to capture the information that printenv displays in a GENESIS variable, use the getenv routine instead.See also: getenv , setenv
Routine Name: pushe Description: Saves current working element on stack (for later retrieval using pop), with option to go to new current working element. Usage: pushe [path] path pathname of element to make new current working element (default: leave pushed element as current working element) Example: genesis > ce /output genesis > pushe /mitral /mitral genesis > pwe /mitral genesis > ce / genesis > pope /output Notes: This routine ("push element") is analogous to the operating-system shell "pushd" feature for directories. pushe is used to change element to a new working element while saving the location of the current working element on a stack. The pope routine can then be used to return to the element path stored on the stack.See also: pope , stack
Routine Name: putevent Description: Used to place events into a buffer class element Usage: putevent buffer time amplitude [time amplitude] Example: create playback /test putevent /test 10 10.0 20 0.0 30 30.0 40 0.0 50 50.0 60 0.0See also: playback
Routine Name: pwe Description: Displays full pathname of current working element. Usage: pwe Example: genesis > pwe /neuron/test genesis > ce .. /neuron Notes: The pwe routine prints the path of the current working element in the GENESIS element hierarchy. (This routine is analogous to the operating-system command "pwd", which prints the current working directory.)See also: ce
Routine Name: quit Description: Exits from GENESIS, terminating any simulation in progress. Usage: quit Notes: Alias for exit routine.
Routine Name: rand Description: Returns a random number falling in a specified range. Usage: number = { rand lo hi} Example: genesis > echo { rand 0 1 } 0.2742720246 genesis > echo { rand 0 1 } 0.5690608621 genesis > echo { rand 0 100 } 32.53029251 Notes:See also: randseed
Routine Name: randcoord Description: Shuffles positions of compartments in a neuron. Usage: randcoord element fraction [-electrical] [-channel] element name of element to shuffle fraction fractional amount of shift -electrical flag for scaling electrical properties with changes in length of compartment -channel flag for scaling conductance of channels with changes in length of compartment (currently, only hh_channels and channelC2s are recognised) Example: randcoord /cell 0.1 -electrical Notes: Shuffles around the positions of compartments in a neuron, based on messages, to make the cell look more natural. If the given element is not a compartment, it looks for children that are compartments without incoming AXIAL messages, i.e. somas. If the given element is a compartment, it starts the traversal at the compartment itself. Having found the root elements, it then traverses them by their message trees, relatively positioning the children.See also: relposition
Routine Name: randseed Description: Initializes random-number generator with new random seed. Usage: randseed [seed] Example: genesis > echo {randseed} 803971369 genesis > randseed 54321 WARNING from init_rng: changing global seed value! Independence of streams is not guaranteed Notes: Re-seeding the random-number generator with different values insures that a simulation using commands or objects based on random numbers (e.g. rand or randomspike) produces different results each time that it is run. Likewise, re-seeding with the same value will guarantee that your results are reproducible. If no argument is given, a seed is chosen using the system clock, otherwise the argument is used as the seed. The randseed command sets the seed of both the default Numerical Recipes genenerator and the SPRNG generator, regardless of which one has been made active by the setrand command. The warning message shown in the example above is generated by the SPRNG generator, and should not be a cause for concern.See also: setrand , rand
Routine Name: readcell Description: Creates a model neuron from a description in a cell parameter file. Usage: readcell filename cellname -hsolve -prand SDlen SDdia -rand SDlen SDdia -split Number -lambdasplit maxl filename name of the cell descriptor file (should end with extension .p) cellname name of the neutral element to be at the head of the tree of elements which comprise the cell -hsolve create cellname as an hsolve element Example: readcell cell.p /cell readcell cell.p /hcell -hsolve "cell.p" contains: *relative *cartesian *asymmetric *set_compt_param RM 0.33333 *set_compt_param RA 0.3 *set_compt_param CM 0.01 *set_compt_param EREST_ACT -0.07 // For the soma, use the leakage potential (-0.07 + 0.0106) for Em *set_compt_param ELEAK -0.0594 soma none 30 0 0 30 Na_squid_hh 1200 K_squid_hh 360 spike 0.0 // The dendrite has no H-H channels, so ELEAK = EREST_ACT *set_compt_param ELEAK -0.07 dend soma 100 0 0 2 Ex_channel 0.795775 Notes: The first example above will produce the element tree /cell/soma: Na_squid_hh K_squid_hh spike /cell/dend: Ex_channel with the maxium channel conductances scaled by the area of the compartment. Here, "/cell" will be a neutral element. In the second example, "/hcell" will be an hsolve element. This is the preferred way of creating a cell which is to be taken over by the Hines solver, as it automatically creates the hsolve element as the root of the element tree and sets the path for the elements to be solved. Note that, starting with GENESIS version 2.2, it is necessary to provide the full path to the cell when using readcell to directly create an hsolve. (e.g. you can't use "readcell cell.p hcell -hsolve", even if "/" is the current working element.) In cartesian coordinates, the format for each compartment parameter line in a cell parameter file is name parent x y z dia chan dens [chan dens] ... For polar coordinates, it is name parent r theta phi dia chan dens [chan dens] ... Here, 'name' gives the name of the compartment, and 'parent' refers to the adjacent compartment to which it is connected. 'parent' may be replaced by '.' to refer to the compartment defined on the preceding line. For asymmetric compartments, the connection to 'parent' is through the axial resistance (Ra) of 'name'. The coordinates and diameter (x, y, z, dia) are in microns, all other units are SI (Meter, Kg, Second, Ampere). In polar mode 'r' is in microns, theta and phi in degrees. Theta is measured from the z-axis and phi from the x-axis in the x-y plane. The compartment length, which is not stated explicitly, is calculated from the coodinates of the compartment and its parent. 'chan' is the name of one of the channel prototypes under the neutral element '/library'. At present, the supported channel types are hh_channel, tabchannel, tab2Dchannel, tabcurrent, vdep_channel, synchan, hebbsynchan, ddsyn, receptor2, manuelconduct, and graded. 'chan' may also refer to the other neural element types: spikegen, Ca_concen, difshell, difbuffer, concpool, mmpump, and hillpump. Presently, the obsolete channelC, channelC2, channelC3, and spike objects are also supported. For channels, 'dens' is the conductance density (Gbar or gmax per unit compartment area) in Siemens/m^2. If a negative value is specified, the absolute value is taken, and it is interpreted as the maximum conductance in Siemens, without scaling by the compartment area. For spikegen elements, the 'dens' parameter is the 'thresh' field of the element. For Ca_concen elements, it is the 'B' field, divided by the volume of the compartment. However, if the 'thick' field of the Ca_concen element is non-zero, the volume is scaled using the volume of a true shell of thickness 'thick'. A negative value of 'dens' is used to indicate that it should be taken as an absolute value of B, without scaling. A maximum of 30 'chan dens' pairs are allowed in a compartment specification. The '*compt' option described below provides a way to overcome this limitation. Several types of options may be specified in the cell parameter file. These options start with a '*', and affect all lines following them, until canceled by the opposite command. COMPARTMENT COORDINATES *relative coordinates are relative to parent *absolute coordinates are absolute (default) *polar polar coordinates *cartesian cartesian coordinates (default) *lambda_warn will issue warning if the electrotonic length of the compartment (in terms of the space constant, lambda) is outside the range 0.01-0.20. *lambda_warn MIN MAX same as above, but uses the range MIN-MAX. *lambda_unwarn turns off lambda warning (default) *double_endpoint allows both endpoints to be explicitly entered for all compartments. The syntax is: name parent x0 y0 z0 x y z chans dens... for cartesian mode, and name parent r0 t0 p0 r t p chans dens... for polar mode. The double endpoint mode has two main uses. First, when one is adding dendrites to a spherical compartment like a soma, one wants the dendrite to begin at the edge of the sphere, not in the middle. The double endpoint mode allows the user to attach the cylinder at any desired point. While this does not matter electrically, the cell will be prettier when displayed with xcell. Second, this allows the anatomical (not electrical) attachment of dendrites in the middle of another compartment rather than at an endpoint. This flexibility may be particularly important for modeling invertebrate neurons, whose large process diameters often mean that the distance between two branch points is just a tiny fraction of the electrotonic length constant. The only caveat in using the mode for this purpose is that the view in xcell gives less information about how the model is performing electrically. For example, if a branch is connected in the middle of a compartment anatomically (and thus it will be displayed as such in the cell viewer), one must remember that it is not connected electrically at that point, but (presumably) at the closer endpoint of that compartment. *double_endpoint_off turns off double endpoint mode COMPARTMENT SHAPE *spherical make a spherical compartment *cylindrical make a cylindrical compartment (default) *symmetric make symmetric compartments *asymmetric make asymmetric compartments (default) PARAMETER VALUES *set_compt_param variable value sets one of the following internal variables used by the cell reader to 'value'. 'value' may be a number, or the name of a globally defined script variable. RM specific membrane resistance in ohm*m^2 RA specific axial resistance in ohm*m CM specific membrane capacitance in farad/m^2 EREST_ACT resting potential in volts (initial Em and initVm) ELEAK if specified, gives an alternate value for initial Em, so that Vm will be initialized to initVm (EREST_ACT) on reset, instead of Em. Otherwise, ELEAK = EREST_ACT. *set_global variable value similar to the above, but also sets the value of global script variables of the same name. However, it does not support the ELEAK internal variable. If the RM, CM, RA and EREST_ACT global variables have not been previously declared, readcell will create them. 'variable' may also be the name of any other previously declared global script variable other than the internal variables listed above. In this case '*set_global' may be used to set the values of these script variables. COMPARTMENT AND CELL PROTOTYPES *start_cell CELL_NAME start new cell (in separate tree) *append_to_cell CELL_NAME append to existing cell *makeproto COMP_NAME converts new cell to prototype configuration *compt COMP_NAME all following compartments will be copies of COMP_NAME, including its complete subtree and messages between its elements, with gmax/Gbar appropriately scaled (unless 'dens' is negative). This allows you to avoid repeating many long strings of channel specifications when there are many compartments that have the same channels with the same conductance densities. It also permits compartments to contain elements of types other than the ones recognized by readcell. In this case, create a prototype compartment that contains the desired channels or other elements linked by any necessary messages, and use "*compt" in the cell parameter file to make additional copies of the compartment. These commands are illustrated in Scripts/int_methods/granule.p and Scripts/examples/pore/markov. Messages can be specified between elements in different compartment subtrees by creating and setting an extended field "addmsg#", where "#" is an integer. This field will contain a string of the form "source destination message-name [values]", defining the message. For example, this commonly done to allow readcell to properly set up the needed messages between calcium channels, Ca_concen elements, and calcium dependent potassium channels. This is illustrated in Scripts/neurokit/prototypes/traub91chan.g. SPINES and BRANCHES There are a variety of commands used for adding dendritic spines and branches to compartments. These commands affect the passive structure of the neuron only. *memb_factor MEMB_FACTOR scales all membrane surface by this factor *add_spines DENDR_DIAM SPINE_DENS SPINE_SUR Adds membrane surface for collapsed spines to all compartments with dia <= DENDR_DIAM; units: um, 1/um, um^2. *rand_spines DENDR_DIAM SPINE_DENS SPINE_SURF AV_LENGTH SPINE_FREQ spine_proto Like above, but a random number of spines will be attached as copies of the compartment(s) spine_proto. The number of spines added depends on SPINE_FREQ and AV_LENGTH. On the average a compartment with dia <= DENDR_DIAM and len = AV_LENGTH will receive n = SPINE_FREQ spines. If SPINE_FREQ >= 1.0 then all compartments with dia <= DENDR_DIAM will receive at least one spine. The dendritic surface area is still corrected for the 'missing' spines. (See, for example, Scripts/purkinje/Purk2M9s.p.) *mrand_spines DENDR_MIN DENDR_DIAM SPINE_DENS SPINE_SURF AV_LENGTH SPINE_FREQ spine_proto Like above, but a random number of spines will be attached as copies of the compartment(s) spine_proto. Number of spines added depends on SPINE_FREQ and AV_LENGTH. On the average a compartment with DENDR_MIN < dia <= DENDR_DIAM and len = AV_LENGTH will receive n=SPINE_FREQ spines. If SPINE_FREQ >= 1.0 then all compartments with DENDR_MIN < dia <= DENDR_DIAM will receive at least one spine. The dendritic surface area is still corrected for the 'missing' spines on dendrites with dia <= DENDR_DIAM. *fixed_spines DENDR_DIAM SPINE_NUM SPINE_SURF SPINE_SKIP spine_proto Like above, but a fixed number of spines will be attached as copies of the compartment(s) spine_proto. Number of spines added is SPINE_NUM, from this command onward a spine will be added every SPINE_SKIP compartments (if dia <= DENDR_DIAM) The dendritic surface area is still corrected for the 'missing' spines. *mfixed_spines DENDR_MIN DENDR_DIAM SPINE_NUM SPINE_SURF SPINE_SKIP spine_proto Like above, but a fixed number of spines will be attached as copies of the compartment(s) spine_proto. Number of spines added is SPINE_NUM, from this command onward a spine will be added every SPINE_SKIP compartments (if DENDR_MIN < dia <= DENDR_DIAM). The dendritic surface area is still corrected for the 'missing' spines. *rand_branches MAX_DIA RAND_FREQ NUM_ORDERS POSTFIX NUM_COMPS MIN_L MAX_L MIN_D MAX_D [NUM_COMPS MIN_L MAX_L MIN_D MAX_D] ... Adds more branches randomly at the end of dendrites. The routine assumes that the .p file has a logical order, where each branch segment is defined in continuing lines and the first segment after a branchpoint is defined immediately after the segment before the branchpoint (if this is not the case the things might still work correctly by the MAX_DIA control). The branching is binary (thus either 2 or 4 or 8 or ... segments are added. NUM_ORDERS (1-5) determines the number of branchpoints that are added. For each branchpoint one gives the MIN_L and MAX_L (length) and MIN_D and MAX_D (diameter) and NUM_COMPS, the number of compartments per segment. Adds smartly: will skip thick segments if the existing dendritic tip is thin and will only add to 'tips' with a diameter < MAX_DIAM. Frequency of addition of these branches is controlled by RAND_FREQ (0-1): if RAND_FREQ == 1 all tips smaller than MAX_DIAM will have branches appended. The name will be the name of the parent + POSTFIX, indexed from 0 to 2^(NUM_ORDERS-1). For a "full" addition (to a thick dendritic tip) the number of added compartments is 2*NUM_COMPS[1] + ... + 2*NUM_COMPS[NUM_ORDERS].See also: writecell , compartment , Scripts/neurokit/README, Scripts/int_methods/granule.p
Routine Name: readfile Description: Reads a line of data from an opened ASCII file. Usage: readfile filename -linemode -linemode option indicating that entire line of file should be returned as a single string, rather than as a list of arguments (the latter is the default) filename name of ascii file (must be already opened using r option of openfile routine) Example: openfile test w writefile test 1.0 2.0 3.0 writefile test 4.0 5.0 6.0 writefile test 7.0 8.0 9.0 closefile test openfile test r // 1st line as 3 args: echo {readfile test} // gives: 1.0 2.0 3.0 // 2nd arg of 2nd line: echo {getarg {readfile test} -arg 2} // gives: 5.0 // 3d line as one argument: echo {getarg {readfile test -l} -arg 1} // gives: 7.0 8.0 9.0 // using the file Vm1 generated by the MultiCell demo function processline int step = {argv 1} float Vm = {argv 2} echo "Time step: "{step} echo "Membrane potential: "{Vm} end openfile Vm1 r processline {readfile Vm1} processline {readfile Vm1} . . closefile Vm1 Notes: The readfile routine does not alter the file in any way.See also: openfile , closefile , listfiles , readfile , getarg
Routine Name: reclaim Description: Reclaims memory from deleted elements Usage: reclaim Example: call Na_hh_tchan TABDELETE delete Na_hh_tchan reclaim Notes: Memory from deleted elements is usually freed when the simulator returns to the command prompt. When running in batch mode in situations where many elements are being created and deleted, it may be necessary to use reclaim to free the memory from deleted elements. At present, elements containing interpol_structs (tables) do not free up the memory allocated to the tables, when they are deleted. Objects that have a TABDELETE action (e.g. tabchannels) will deallocate this memory, if TABDELETE is called before the element is deleted. Finally, you have to give the reclaim command for the memory to actually be freed. Note that the tables are shared among all tabchannels that are created by copy or readcell from a prototype. Therefore, you shouldn't call TABDELETE unless you plan to delete all copies of the channel. Care should be taken to ensure that deleted elements will not be actively executing after reclaim is called. This should only be a potential problem within an extended object action function or a widget callback script. Also, it should be noted that reclaim will recompute the simulation schedule which could be time consuming.See also: delete , Tables
Routine Name: relposition Description: Positions element and its child compartments based on messages rather than directory-type parent-child relationships. Usage: relposition element dx dy dz element name of element to shift dx dy dz amount of shift in x, y, and z directions Example: (Using the traub91 simulation) genesis > showfield /cell/soma x y z [ /cell/soma ] x = -0.001324999961 y = 0 z = 0 genesis > showfield /cell/soma x y z [ /cell/soma ] x = 0.09867500514 y = 0.200000003 z = 0.3000000119 genesis > showfield /cell/apical_10 x y z [ /cell/apical_10 ] x = -0.001199999941 y = 0 z = 0 genesis > showfield /cell/basal_8 x y z [ /cell/basal_8 ] x = 0.09856500477 y = 0.200000003 z = 0.3000000119 Notes: Moves the element and all children by dx, dy, dz. The child elements are determined from messages rather than parent-child relationships. This is necessary for handling 'flat' element structures. When we have a cell loaded by readcell, the children dendrites cannot be identified by the parent soma, so this command traverses the AXIAL/RAXIAL compartment messages to figure out the children to move. In the example above, the relposition command moved the soma and all of the basal compartments, but none of the apical compartments. This is because only the basal compartments are children of the soma.See also: position , randcoord
Routine Name: resched Description: Assigns elements for simulation according to the current simulation schedule. Usage: resched Example: [from startup/schedule.g:] deletetasks ... addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=device] -action PROCESS addtask Simulate /##[CLASS=output] -action PROCESS resched Notes: If you have created any new objects you want included in the current simulation schedule, you need to run resched so that the new object will be made known to the simulator. This applies in particular to either compiled or extended objects that have an INIT or PROCESS action. (However, the reset command also does an implicit resched.) In the example, all simulation events are removed from the schedule, and then new simulation tasks are listed in the schedule. (Only the last two are shown here.) Finally, resched is called in order to reread the simulation schedule and schedule the listed element types for simulation.See also: Schedules , addtask
Routine Name: reset Description: Resets simulation to initial conditions. Usage: reset Example: genesis > reset time = 0.000000 ; step = 0 Notes: The reset routine returns the simulation state to its initial conditions (e.g., the simulation time is set back to 0) and invokes each enabled element with the RESET action in order for them to place themselves back in the initial condition state. You should reset the simulation whenever you are getting ready to start a new simulation run, or after you adding new elements to the simulation. If the initial state of one element depends on the initial state of another element, you may need to call the RESET action for specific elements in the proper order -- the reset routine gives no control over the order in which the elements are RESET, and the simulator does not check for such dependencies. (In most cases, you can issue two reset commands, instead.) For instance, the object which computes the Nernst equilibrium potential requires ionic concentrations. The initial potential therefore relies on the initial ionic concentrations. Thus the elements which compute the ionic concentrations must be reset before the elements which compute the concentration-dependent equilibrium potentials. An example is given in nernst.txt. It is up to you to determine whether reset order is important. Also, you should make sure that any objects you create document the conditions under which these dependencies arise.
Routine Name: resetsynchanbuffers Description: resets the size of all synchan event buffers (and event buffers of objects derived from synchan) to the default size (specified in the nodes_per_synapse field of the object). Usage: resetsynchanbuffers Example: genesis > resetsynchanbuffers genesis > Notes: This command also flushes all the pending events from the event buffers. This command is never necessary unless you're running out of memory because there were too many spikes generated as inputs to synchan objects This might happen, for instance, if you set up a simulation incorrectly so that huge numbers of spikes were generated by mistake. For instance, if the abs_refract field of a spikegen object is set to zero and the input to the spikegen crosses threshold then large numbers of spikes will be generated.See also: synchan
Routine Name: restore Description: Restores element state stored in file with save routine. Usage: restore file-name Example: restore Notes: After using the save command, restore may be used to restore save element field values from a file. This allows you to resume a long simulation at the point where you left off. An element must be capable of performing the RESTORE2 action for its fields to be restored.See also: save
Routine Name: rotcoord Description: Rotates coordinates of elements in 3-D space. Usage: rotcoord path angle [-x | -y | -z | -axis x y z] [-center] [-translatekids | -fixkids] path path of element to be rotated angle angle (in radians) for rotation -x rotate about the x axis -y rotate about the y axis -z rotate about the z axis -axis x y z use vector specified by x, y, z coordinates as the axis of rotation -center x y z offset center of rotation (default: 0,0,0) -translatekids have children of selected element translated parallel to the parent rather than rotated (default is to rotate) -fixkids prevent children of selected elements from being moved Example: rotcoord /library/cell {-3.1415927/2} -y Notes: Note that the angle of rotation is in radians, clockwise about the specified axis. By default, all the children of the selected element are rotated as well. In the example, the original cell had the apical dendrite pointing along the x-axis. This command will rotate it 90 degrees counterclockwise about the y-axis to point outward along the z-axis. This is useful when using createmap or cellsheet to make a grid of cells having their dendrites normal to a surface.See also: cellsheet
Routine Name: round Description: Rounds decimal number to nearest integer value. Usage: rounded-value = {round number} rounded-value returned as integer number integer or floating-point number to round Example: genesis > echo { round 3.333 } 3 genesis > echo { round 3.666 } 4 Notes: This routine converts any number to an integer by rounding to the nearest whole number.See also: trunc
Routine Name: save Description: Saves current field values for specified element in a file. Usage: save path file-name -append path pathname of element for which to save field values in file file-name name of file in which to store field values -append flag specifying that field values should be appended to file (if omitted, field values overwrite any existing values in file) Example: save /cell/## reset // (Or quit and restart genesis) restore Notes: The save and restore commands are useful when you need to resume a long simulation at the point where you left off. However, some of the older simulation objects do not have the required SAVE2 action which is invoked with save. (The showobject command will list the actions performed by an object.) When using hsolve elements in chanmode 2 or 3, one must also call HSAVE and HRESTORE for the hsolve element.See also: restore , hsolve
Routine Name: scaletabchan Description: Performs scaling and offsets of the tabchannel A and B tables for a specified gate. Usage: scaletabchan channel-element gate mode sx sy ox oy -duplicate channel-element name of a the tabcahnnel gate gate to be modified; one of: X, Y, or Z sx x-axis (voltage) scale factor sy y-axis scale factor ox x-axis (voltage) offset oy y-axis offset mode one of: a[lpha] b[eta] t[au] m[inf] Example: // double (spread out) the voltage range for the Na // activation alpha rate constant. scale_tabchan Na X alpha 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 // increase the K_dr activation time constant by 20%. scaletabchan K_dr X tau 1.0 1.2 0.0 0.0 // shift the Na inactivation curve (Y gate) left by 5 mV. scale_tabchan Na Y minf 1.0 1.0 -0.005 0.0 // increase the K_dr activation time constant by 0.1 sec. scaletabchan K_dr X tau 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.1 Notes: The tabchannel internal tables for the specified gate are modified to provide scalings and/or offsets to the voltage dependent function specified by the mode. Here, alpha and beta are the Hodgkin-Huxley rate constants, tau is the time constant for activation or inactivation, and minf is the steady state activation or inactivation. The effect of applying these scalings and offsets may be viewed by using the edit_channel menu of Neurokit. Note that the scale and offset is always relative to the last operation, and not to the original values. One can reverse changes in oy and sy because they just shift and scale the table values. However, ox and sx perform offsets and scaling of the horizontal axes by moving data in the tables. This can cause data to spill out of the ends of the tables and be lost. Thus, large changes in the x-axis should be avoided, if you plan to reverse your changes. In a large compartmental model or large network, one may have many copies of a particular prototype channel. Usually, one wants these to behave identically. It is also desirable to minimize the amount of storage space used by the internal tables. For these reasons, copies of the channel which are created by the copy command or by readcell use the same tables as the original prototype, rather than creating new copies of the tables. This is true of all objects which contain tabular fields. Sometimes you may want to change just the one copy of the channel. In this case, use the "-duplicate" option with scaletabchan.See also: tabchannel , Tables .
Routine Name: setclock Description: Sets time interval (step size) associated with specified clock. Usage: setclock clock-number value Example: setclock 0 0.01 // simulation time step in msec setclock 1 0.05 // plotting interval can be larger genesis > setclock 0 5.5 changing clock [0] from 1 to 5.5 Notes: The setclock routine is used to set the current value assigned to the time increment for one of the GENESIS simulator clocks. These clocks are updated each time a step is performed. Clock number 0 is the default clock used by each element to determine how often it should perform a simulation step. When components of a simulation run at significantly different time scales, it may be useful to use other clocks (specified with useclock) having different time intervals.See also: showclocks , useclock , getclock
Routine Name: setdefault Description: Sets the default value of an object field. Usage: setdefault object-name field-name value ... Example: genesis > setdefault compartment Em -0.07 genesis > create compartment /soma OK genesis > showfield /soma Em [ /soma ] Em = -0.0700000003 genesis > echo {getdefault compartment Em} -0.0700000003 Notes: Once you have changed the default value of an object field, all elements created from that object will have that field initialized to the new value.See also: getdefault
Routine Name: setenv Description: Set value of operating system environmental variable. Usage: setenv environment-variable [new-value...] Example: genesis > setenv SIMPATH . ~/genesis/Scripts/neurokit SIMPATH=. ~/genesis/Scripts/neurokit [also see the GENESIS default .simrc file] Notes: This is a GENESIS implementation of the operating system command setenv, which lets you set the value of a particular operating system environmental variable. Unlike its operating-system counterpart, setenv from within GENESIS requires that you supply a variable name (outside of GENESIS, setenv with no arguments displays the list of all your environmental variables). Unlike its operating system counterpart, setenv from within GENESIS displays the change that you make (outside of GENESIS, setenv just returns you to the prompt with no acknowledgement). The setenv routine is used most commonly from within GENESIS to define the DISPLAY and SIMPATH environment variables. DISPLAY determines the X11 host on which the display is made and SIMPATH lists the path which the simulator will search through for script files (cf. where).See also: printenv , getenv
Routine Name: setfield Description: Sets value of field in data structure of specified element. Usage: setfield [pathname] field value [field value ... ...] pathname name of element; if wildcard path specification, all elements referred to will have their fields set to specified values (default: current working element) field field in element data structure to which to assign new value value value to assign specified field Example: setfield /soma initVm -70.0 setfield /test[] x 10 y 20 // for all indexed elements test[i] setfield x 10 // set value for current element genesis > setfield /neutral_test x 100 y 50 genesis > showfield /neutral_test x y [ /neural_test ] x = 100 y = 50 Notes: You can define and add additional fields with the addfield command. These may then be set with the setfield command just like the predefined fields.See also: getfield , getfieldnames , showfield
Routine Name: setfieldprot Description: Set the accessibility level element fields. Usage: setfieldprot element -readwrite fields ... -readonly fields ... -hidden fields ... element element for which to change field protections -readwrite make the following fields readwrite -readonly make the following fields readonly -hidden make the following fields hidden -debug turn on debugging mode; all hidden fields are treated as if they were readonly and any field may be made readwrite -nodebug turn off debugging mode Notes: Hidden fields are not presented by showfield and are not readable in any way. The presence of hidden fields may be determined using the showobject command. NOTE: The -debug option is intended to be used when debugging new objects. Hidden and readonly fields should not usually be changed to readwrite as these fields are either private fields or computed by the object. Setfieldprot will give a warning if a built in field is being made more accessible than the protection defined by the built in object. If it is necessary to use debug mode to run a simulation please email the GENESIS development group and report the problem.See also: addfield , showobject , Extended
Routine Name: setglobal Description: Sets the value of a global variable, allowing the name of the global variable to be held in a string variable. Usage: setglobal name value Example: float RM, RA, CM create xform /control create xdialog /control/RM -value 1.0 -script "setglobal RM <value>" create xdialog /control/RA -value 0.1 -script "setglobal RA <value>" create xdialog /control/CM -value 0.01 -script "setglobal CM <value>" xshow /control Notes: Often it is useful to use a string variable name to hold the name of a global variable. For example, one may want to pass the name of a global variable to a function that declares a global variable, or that sets or returns its value. However, normal GENESIS syntax for declarations and assignments does not permit a variable name to be specified by a string variable. The routines addglobal, getglobal, and setglobal are designed to overcome this limitation. The example above shows another use of setglobal to assign the value of a global variable with the "script" field of an XODUS widget. A normal assignment statement would not work in this case.See also: Variables , addglobal , getglobal , listglobals
Routine Name: setmethod Description: Sets integration method for elements to use in simulation. Usage: setmethod [path] method path path of element for which to set integration method (if omitted, specified method is applied to all elements in the simulation) method integer identifying integration method to use: -1 Forward Euler 0 Exponential Euler (default) 2 2nd order Adams-Bashforth predictor 3 3rd order Adams-Bashforth predictor 4 4th Adams-Bashforth predictor 5 5th order Adams-Bashforth predictor 10 Backward Euler 11 Crank-Nicholson Example: setmethod /cell/##[OBJECT=compartment] 2 Notes: The method used is stored within the "object" data structure of the element. For example: genesis > showfield /cell/soma object->method [ /cell/soma ] object->method = 2 The default Exponential Euler method is a good compromise between speed, accuracy and ease of use for network models and single cell models involving a few compartments. Multi-compartmental models result in numerically "stiff" equations which are best solved with one of the implicit (Backward Euler or Crank-Nicholson) methods. The implicit methods must used in conjunction with the hsolve object, which takes over the computations of compartments, tabchannels and other selected element types.See also: hsolve
Routine Name: setparamGA Description: sets the value of a parameter in a paramtableGA object from a floating-point number. Usage: setparamGA path table param value path: The location of the paramtableGA object in the element hierarchy. table: The parameter table to be accessed. param: The location of the desired parameter in the table. value: The floating-point value of the parameter. Return value: a float, representing the parameter value desired. Example: float val = 10.0 setparamGA /GA_object 10 1 {val} This sets the second parameter (zero-indexed) from the tenth parameter table in the paramtableGA object called /GA_object to 10.0. Notes: The reason for having this routine and getparamGA is that the parameter table array in paramtableGA objects is in an object-specific binary form (optimized for the genetic algorithm method) and thus can't be viewed or set directly using the showfield, getfield or setfield commands (at least not meaningfully). This routine and getparamGA are hacks; ultimately they should be made obsolete by overloading the SET and SHOW actions of the paramtableGA object.See also: Parameter Search ( Param ), paramtableGA , getparamGA
Routine Name: setpostscript Description: Sets parameters used to generate postscript output of widgets. Usage: setpostscript [-maxgray maxgray] [-mingray mingray] [-inverse inverse-flag] [-dpi screendpi] [-filename name] [-printer] Notes: This is an alias for xps.See also: xps
Routine Name: setprompt Description: Sets string to use as prompt for GENESIS shell. Usage: setprompt prompt-string prompt-string string to use as shell prompt (default: "genesis #!", where "!" is replaced by command number); if you want to use a string that includes blank spaces, you must include the prompt in quotation marks to make the string a single argument (additional arguments are ignored) Example: genesis #13 > setprompt tutorial tutorial > setprompt "tutorial !" tutorial 15 > Notes: When starting up GENESIS the command line will appear as a prompt waiting for user input. genesis #0 > The number contained in the prompt refers to the index of the command which is incremented for each line entered from the keyboard. This number can be used in conjunction with the 'history' recall mechanism to re-execute commands based on their index. [Note that GENESIS starts with 0 rather than 1.] The prompt string displayed in the command interpreter window can be set using the setprompt routine. Specific simulations often wish to change the prompt to reflect the nature of the simulation.See also: h
Routine Name: setrand Description: Selects Numerical Recipes or SPRNG random number generator Usage: setrand -nr -sprng -nr Use the Numerical Recipes generator (default) -sprng Use the SPRNG random number generator Example: genesis > setrand Using Numerical Recipes random number generator genesis > setrand -sprng Using SPRNG random number generator Notes: As of GENESIS version 2.2, SPRNG (the scalable portable random number generator) has been incorporated into GENESIS to provide faster and higher quality random numbers, which will be the same across all hardware platforms. We continue to support use of the Numerical Recipes generator, which is used by default. In order to use the SPRNG generator, GENESIS must be compiled with the appropriate lines uncommented in genesis/src/Makefile. (This is done by default, but the use of SPRNG may be disabled for some platforms on which it refuses to compile.) This allows you to choose among several algorithms for random number generation. Lagged Fibonacci is the default, as it is the fastest and has the longest number sequence. The setrand command is used to select between the NR or SPRNG generators. When used with no options, setrand reports the currently used random number generator.See also: randseed , rand
Routine Name: setrandfield Description: Sets an element field to a random value Usage: | [-uniform low high] setrandfield path field | [-gaussian mean sd] | [-exponential mid max] Example: setrandfield /pyr/pyramidal[]/HH_Na_channel \ X_alpha_V0 -gaussian -40 3 Notes: In the example above (from Scripts/piriform/pyramidal.g), setrandfield is being used to give some variation to the voltage dependence of the activation of Na channels used in all of the pyramidal cells used in the model. In this case, there is a gaussian distribution about the mean of -40 mV, with a standard deviation of 3 mV. Another use of the setrandfield comamnd would be to use it in script function to be executed as the command of a script_out object, or as the PROCESS action of an extended object, in order to randomly change a field at every time step. This would be a way to inject a noise current into a compartment, for example. The -uniform option gives a a random number taken from a uniform distribution in the range "low" to "high". The -exponential option gives a random number taken from an exponential distribution with a minimum value of zero, a 1/e point of "mid" and a maximum value of "max". Versions of GENESIS prior to 2.2 used a different interpretation of the two arguments.See also: setfield
Routine Name: setsearch Description: This function allows the user to change which parameters will be varied in a parameter search and which will stay constant. It allows users to perform restricted parameter searches, keeping certain parameters constant while others are searched over. Usage: setsearch path [param1] [param2] ... -all -not -add path: The location of the parameter search object in the element hierarchy. param1 etc.: The numerical indices of the parameters to be varied. All other parameters will be fixed by default (but see below). There can be any number of these arguments up to the total number of parameters. -all: Causes all parameters to be searched over. All other options or parameter numbers are ignored. -not: Changes the meaning of the paramX arguments; now they are parameters NOT to be searched over. All other parameters are searched over. -add: Searches over the listed parameters. Also searches over whatever other parameters whose search flags were previously on (i.e. equal to 1). Return value: int; 0 for failure and 1 for success. Examples: // Search over parameters 0, 4, 8 only. setsearch /param_object 0 4 8 // Search over all parameters except for 0, 4, and 8. setsearch /param_object 0 4 8 -not // Search over all parameters. setsearch /param_object -all // Search over parameters 0, 4, and 8 in addition to // whatever parameters were previously being searched over. setsearch /param_object 0 4 8 -add Notes: This routine is just a shortcut way to set the search[] fields of paramtable objects. Anything this routine can do can also be done by manually setting these flags. These flags have the following values: 0 means "don't search this parameter" while 1 means "do search this parameter". Limitations: This routine only works for the paramtable objects included in this library. It will not automatically work for new objects written by the user without hacking src/param/param_utils.cSee also: Parameter Search ( Param ), Paramtable
Routine Name: setupNaCa Description: Allocates and fills tabcurrent tables with the values needed to implement the Na-Ca exchanger pump. Usage: setupNaCa tabcurrent-element gamma Celcius Cain Caout \ Nain Naout -xsize n -xrange min max -ysize n \ -yrange min max tabcurrent-element This must have been created from a tabcurrent object. gamma Parameter representing the fractional position of the energy barrier within the membrane, usually taken to be 0.38. Celsius Temperature in degrees Celsius. Cain Ca concentration inside the compartment. Caout Ca concentration outside the cell. Nain Na concentration inside the compartment. Naout Na concentration outside the cell. -xsize xdivs Number of divisions for the x variable of the tabcurrent I_tab and G_tab tables. -xrange min max Minimum and maximum values of the x variable for the I_tab and G_tab tables. -ysize ydivs Number of divisions for the y variable of the tabcurrent I_tab and G_tab tables. -yrange min max Minimum and maximum values of the y variable for the I_tab and G_tab tables. Example: // Assume there is a parent compartment, and a Ca_concen element Ca_conc create tabcurrent NaCa setfield NaCa Gindex {VOLT_C1_INDEX} setfield NaCa Gbar {1.4e-5*compt_area} // kCaNa = 1.4e-5 Amp/(mM^4)/m^2 setupNaCa NaCa 0.38 37 0 2.4 10 125 -xsize 100 -xrange -0.1 0.05 \ -ysize 100 -yrange 0 0.300 addmsg .. NaCa VOLTAGE Vm addmsg Ca_conc CONCEN1 Ca addmsg NaCa .. CHANNEL Gk Ek Notes: The setupNaCa routine fills the I_tab table of a tabcurrent element with values of Cain*Naout^3 * exp((gamma-1)*V*F/(R*T)) - Caout*Nain^3 *exp(gamma*V*F/(R*T)) where F is the Faraday constant (9.6487e4 coul/mol), R is the gas constant (8.314 volts*coul/(deg K * mol)), and T = Celsius + 273.15. The G_tab table is filled with values of -dI_tab/dV, to give the slope conductance Gk when it is scaled by Gbar. The concentrations should be given in mM (millimoles per liter = moles/m^3). When the tabcurrent Gbar is set to the compartment area times the constant kNaCa, this results in the expression for the Na+ - Ca2+ exchanger pump current given by Equation (6.11) in De Schutter E., and Smolen P., "Calcium dynamics in large neuronal models", in Methods in neuronal modeling: From ions to networks (2nd edition), C. Koch and I. Segev editors, pp. 211-250 (1998). This is similar to the expression used for a similar electrogenic current in DiFrancesco, D., and Noble, D., "A model of cardiac electrical activity incorporating ionic pumps and concentration changes", Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London Ser. B 307: 353-398 (1985). When setting the concentration parameters, either Cain or Caout (but not both) should be set to zero. The one that is set to zero is expected to be delivered to the tabcurrent element with a CONCEN1 or CONCEN2 message. In almost every case, this will be Cain, as it will vary much more than the Ca concentration outside the cell. The tabcurrent Gindex field should be set to VOLT_C1_INDEX if the Ca concentration is delivered with a CONCEN1 message, and VOLT_C2_INDEX if it is delivered with a CONCEN2 message. The voltage V should be provided by a VOLTAGE message from the compartment that contains the tabcurrent element. The -xsize and -ysize parameters give the number of divisions in the tables, with the first index (corresponding to voltage) running from 0 to xdivs and the second one (corresponding to Ca concentration) from 0 to ydivs.See also: tabcurrent , setupghk
Routine Name: setupalpha Description: Sets up A and B tables of voltage-dependent gates based on generic equations describing the form of the alpha and beta rate functions. Usage: setupalpha channel-element gate AA AB AC AD AF BA BB BC BD BF \ -size n -range min max channel-element This must be a tabgate or a tabchannel i.e. a voltage-dependent gate or channel with tabulated activation functions. gate The name of the gate (must be X, Y, or Z). AA-AF Coefficients A to F of the alpha table (see below). BA-BF Coefficients A to F of the beta table (see below). -size n Number of divisions in the table (default = 3000). -range min max Range of the table (default: min = -0.100; max = 0.050). This routine makes it easy to set up the A and B tables of tabulated channels or gates (tabchannel or tabgate objects) when the equations describing the rate constants alpha and beta are of the form: y(x) = (A + B * x) / (C + exp((x + D) / F)) Many standard channels have alpha and beta parameters that can be cast into this form. In these cases to set up the tables we can simply call setupalpha with the parameter values as arguments to the function. Since there are both alpha and beta variables, we use the coefficients AA-AF to refer to the alpha variable and BA-BF to refer to the beta variable. setupalpha calls the TABCREATE action of the tabchannel or tabgate to allocate tables with n divisions (n + 1 entries) representing x values from min to max. It then evalutes the functions at these points to fill the tables. tabgates have tables for the alpha and beta rate variables, so these alpha and beta values are used to directly fill the tables. The gates of a tabchannel each have an A table that holds alpha values, and a B table that contains alpha + beta. These tables are filled with A = alpha and B = alpha + beta. The tables are by default set up in "no interpolation" mode, which means that the process of finding the correct table value is simply a lookup operation. With 3000 divisions in the table (i.e. the table size is 3001) the lookup usually provides sufficient accuracy. If not, you can override this behavior; see the tabchannel documentation. The range of the activation variable is between -0.100 and 0.050 by default. This is adequate for most voltage-dependent channels, but can be overridden using the -range option. Example: from Scripts/neurokit/prototypes/traub91chan.g: create tabchannel Kdr_hip_traub91 setfield ^ \ Ek {EK} \ // V Gbar { 150 * SOMA_A } \ // S Ik 0 \ // A Gk 0 \ // S Xpower 1 \ Ypower 0 \ Zpower 0 setupalpha Kdr_hip_traub91 X \ {16e3 * (0.0351 + EREST_ACT)} \ // AA -16e3 \ // AB -1.0 \ // AC {-1.0 * (0.0351 + EREST_ACT) } \ // AD -0.005 \ // AF 250 \ // BA 0.0 \ // BB 0.0 \ // BC {-1.0 * (0.02 + EREST_ACT)} \ // BD 0.04 // BF This command sets up the X gate (activation gate) of Traub's delayed-rectifier potassium channel (Kdr_hip_traub91). SOMA_A and EREST_ACT are constants defined in the script file. Note that the C value for the A table (AC) is -1; this can cause problems in general but does not cause any problems here (see below). Notes: For tabgate elements, which represent only a single gate, the "gate" argument is ignored, but it should still be given as X, Y, or Z. The setuptau command is similar to setupalpha, but uses the state variables tau and minf instead. If the alpha and beta rate constant of your channel cannot be described using the above equation, you must fill the tables with one of the other methods described in the tabchannel documentation, or The Book of GENESIS, Chapter 19 (2nd ed.). The rate equation described above has a removable singularity when C = -1 at the point x = -D (which is, unfortunately, a common case). In this case the routine may generate inaccurate results due to roundoff errors. We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that if you must use a C value of -1 you check the resulting activation curves by using Neurokit (in the "Edit Channel" mode) to see if they look reasonable. If they do not then you will have to define the channel using a script function as mentioned above. Such a function will result in a slower setup time for the channel but will be much more accurate.See also: tabchannel , tabgate , setuptau , tweakalpha , tweaktau , Tables
Routine Name: setupgate Description: Sets up the internal tables of tabgate or table elements, based on a generic equation describing the values of the entries. Usage: setupgate channel-element table A B C D F -size n \ -range min max -noalloc channel-element This must be a tabgate or a table gate The name of the table (must be alpha or beta for tabgates, "table" for table elements) A-F Coefficients A to F of the table equation (see below). -size n Number of divisions in the table (default = 3000). -range min max Range of the table (default: min = -0.100; max = 0.050). -noalloc used to prevent allocation of the table when the table has already been allocated with a call to TABCREATE or a previous use of setupgate This routine makes it easy to set up the internal tables of tagate or table elements when the equations describing them are of the form: y(x) = (A + B * x) / (C + exp((x + D) / F)) setupgate calls the TABCREATE action of the element to allocate tables with n divisions (n + 1 entries) representing x values from min to max. It then evalutes the functions at these points to fill the tables. Example: see Scripts/neurokit/prototypes/newbulbchan.g Notes: The setupgate routine may not be used on tabchannels. The state equation described above has a removable singularity when C = -1 at the point x = -D. common case). In this case the routine may generate inaccurate results due to roundoff errors.See also: setupalpha , setuptau , Tables
Routine Name: setupghk Description: Allocates and fills tabcurrent tables with the values needed to implement the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation. Usage: setupghk tabcurrent-element charge Celcius Cain Caout \ -xsize n -xrange min max -ysize n -yrange min max tabcurrent-element This must have been created from a tabcurrent object. charge The ionic valence, z. Celsius Temperature in degrees Celsius. Cain Ca concentration inside the compartment. Caout Ca concentration outside the cell. -xsize xdivs Number of divisions for the x variable of the tabcurrent I_tab and G_tab tables. -xrange min max Minimum and maximum values of the x variable for the I_tab and G_tab tables. -ysize ydivs Number of divisions for the y variable of the tabcurrent I_tab and G_tab tables. -yrange min max Minimum and maximum values of the y variable for the I_tab and G_tab tables. Example: create tabcurrent ghk_tab setfield ghk_tab Gindex {VOLT_C1_INDEX} Gbar 0.0 setupghk ghk_tab 2 {Temp} 0 {CCaO} \ -xsize {tab_xfills} -xrange {tab_xmin} {tab_xmax} \ -ysize {tab_xfills} -yrange {tab_ymin} {tab_ymax} setfield ghk_tab G_tab->calc_mode {LIN_INTERP} setfield ghk_tab I_tab->calc_mode {LIN_INTERP} Notes: The setupghk routine fills the I_tab table of a tabcurrent element with values of -V/(R*T)*(zF)^2(Cain - Caout*exp(-z*F*V/(R*T)))/(1 - exp(-z*F*V/(R*T))) where z is the charge (ionic valence = 2 for calcium), F is the Faraday constant (9.6487e4 coul/mol), R is the gas constant (8.314 volts*coul/(deg K * mol)), and T = Celsius + 273.15. The G_tab table is filled with values of -dI_tab/dV, to give the slope conductance Gk when it is scaled by Gbar. The concentrations should be given in mM (millimoles per liter = moles/m^3). When the tabcurrent Gbar is set to the permeability constant PCa, this results in the expression for the non-ohmic GHK current given by Equation (6.6) in De Schutter E., and Smolen P., "Calcium dynamics in large neuronal models", in Methods in neuronal modeling: From ions to networks (2nd edition), C. Koch and I. Segev editors, pp. 211-250 (1998). The negative sign here expresses the GENESIS convention of treating inward currents as positive. When setting the concentration parameters, either Cain or Caout (but not both) should be set to zero. The one that is set to zero is expected to be delivered to the tabcurrent element with a CONCEN1 or CONCEN2 message. In almost every case, this will be Cain, as it will vary much more than the Ca concentration outside the cell. The tabcurrent Gindex field should be set to VOLT_C1_INDEX if the Ca concentration is delivered with a CONCEN1 message, and VOLT_C2_INDEX if it is delivered with a CONCEN2 message. The voltage V should be provided by a VOLTAGE message from the compartment that contains the tabcurrent element. An "ADD_GBAR Gk" message may be sent to the tabcurrent element from a calcium channel to change the calcium permeability. The -xsize and -ysize parameters give the number of divisions in the tables, with the first index (corresponding to voltage) running from 0 to xdivs and the second one (corresponding to Ca concentration) from 0 to ydivs.See also: tabcurrent , setupNaCa
Routine Name: setuptau Description: Sets up A and B tables of voltage-dependent gates based on generic equations describing the form of the tau (time constant) and minf (steady state activation) state constants. Usage: setuptau channel-element gate AA AB AC AD AF BA BB BC BD BF \ -size n -range min max channel-element This must be a tabgate or a tabchannel i.e. a voltage-dependent gate or channel with tabulated activation functions. gate The name of the gate (must be X, Y, or Z). AA-AF Coefficients A to F of the tau table (see below). BA-BF Coefficients A to F of the minf table (see below). -size n Number of divisions in the table (default = 3000). -range min max Range of the table (default: min = -0.100; max = 0.050). This routine makes it easy to set up the A and B tables of tabulated channels or gates (tabchannel or tabgate objects) when the equations describing the state constants tau and minf are of the form: y(x) = (A + B * x) / (C + exp((x + D) / F)) Many standard channels have tau and minf parameters that can be cast into this form. In these cases to set up the tables we can simply call setuptau with the parameter values as arguments to the function. Since there are both tau and minf variables, we use the coefficients AA-AF to refer to the tau variable and BA-BF to refer to the minf variable. setuptau calls the TABCREATE action of the tabchannel or tabgate to allocate tables with n divisions (n + 1 entries) representing x values from min to max. It then evalutes the functions at these points to fill the tables. tabgates have tables for the alpha and beta rate variables, so the tau and minf values are used to calculate alpha = minf/tau and beta = (1 - minf)/tau, and fill these tables. The gates of a tabchannel each have an A table that holds alpha values, and a B table that contains alpha + beta. These tables are filled with A = minf/tau and B = 1/tau. The tables are by default set up in "no interpolation" mode, which means that the process of finding the correct table value is simply a lookup operation. With 3000 divisions in the table (i.e. the table size is 3001) the lookup usually provides sufficient accuracy. If not, you can override this behavior; see the tabchannel documentation. The range of the activation variable is between -0.100 and 0.050 by default. This is adequate for most voltage-dependent channels, but can be overridden using the -range option. Example: see Scripts/neurokit/prototypes/newbulbchan.g Notes: For tabgate elements, which represent only a single gate, the "gate" argument is ignored, but it should still be given as X, Y, or Z. The setupalpha command is similar to setuptau, but uses the rate variables alpha and beta instead. If the tau and minf state constant of your channel cannot be described using the above equation, you must fill the tables with one of the other methods described in the tabchannel documentation, or The Book of GENESIS, Chapter 19 (2nd ed.). The state equation described above has a removable singularity when C = -1 at the point x = -D (which is, unfortunately, a common case). In this case the routine may generate inaccurate results due to roundoff errors. We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that if you must use a C value of -1 you check the resulting activation curves by using Neurokit (in the "Edit Channel" mode) to see if they look reasonable. If they do not then you will have to define the channel using a script function as mentioned above. Such a function will result in a slower setup time for the channel but will be much more accurate.See also: tabchannel , tabgate , setupalpha , tweakalpha , tweaktau , Tables
Routine Name: sh Description: Issues operating system command from GENESIS shell. Usage: sh command Example: genesis > echo hello there hello there genesis > sh echo hello there hello there genesis > echo $DISPLAY ** Error - parse error genesis > sh echo $DISPLAY ** Error - parse error genesis > sh "echo $DISPLAY" genesis > Notes: You can issue most operating system commands just by typing them at the GENESIS prompt (if the GENESIS interpreter does not recognize them as GENESIS commands, it automatically passes them on to the operating system for evaluation). However, if you have a GENESIS routine with the same name as an operating system command, you need to use the sh routine to send the command directly to the operating system. See also:
Routine Name: shapematch Description: This function compares two waveforms generated by GENESIS and returns a number which represents how similar the waveforms are to each other. Usage: shapematch reference-file simulation-file -start start-time -stepsize dt -absdev -alternate Arguments: reference-file: reference data file of outputs vs. time simulation-file: simulation data file of outputs vs. time The reference data is what you want the parameter search to match; the simulation data is what the simulation produces. Options: -start start-time: The time at which waveform comparison starts. If no value is given, start at time = 0. -stepsize dt: The time step of the samples in the files. Default = 0.0001 sec. -absdev: Uses the mean of absolute differences of samples instead of the root-mean-squared differences to calculate the match value. -alternate: Uses an alternate algorithm which can deal with waveforms having spikes and waveforms using different time points. The alternative algorithm is considerably slower than the default algorithm, and has not been thoroughly debugged. Return value: Returns a nonnegative floating-point number representing the goodness of the match, with 0 representing a perfect match. The more different the waveforms are, the larger the value. The value represents the root of the mean of the squared differences in the waveforms at corresponding time points, unless the -absdev option is chosen (see above). A huge positive value is returned on an error. In the event of an error, a massive penalty value (1.0e6) is returned. Example: float match match = {shapematch "refdata" "simdata" -stepsize 0.00005} Notes: The default algorithm requires both waveforms to be defined on the same time points. It should not be used for comparing waveforms with spikes. The alternate algorithm compares interspike intervals only, ignoring spikes. To do this it will transform the time base of corresponding ISIs so that they match. This is reasonable if the ISIs are similar, but if they are very different the results will not be very meaningful. The alternate algorithm should probably be used in conjunction with spkcmp to compare the spike times as well. The -absdev option will not work for the alternate algorithm; it uses mean squared deviations only. The alternate algorithm has not been as well tested as the default algorithm and we cannot guarantee that it will function correctly. It was stolen from Upi Bhalla's shapematch routine.See also: Parameter Search ( Param ) gen2spk , spkcmp
Routine Name: showclocks Description: Displays currently defined clocks and their assigned values. Usage: showclocks Example: genesis > showclocks ACTIVE CLOCKS ------------- [0] : 0.001 [1] : 0.005 Notes: Clock number 0 is the global simulation clock. The default step size is 1.0 in whatever units you are using.See also: useclock , setclock , getclock
Routine Name: showcommand Description: Displays name of C function invoked by a GENESIS routine. Usage: showcommand routine-name Example: genesis > showcommand el 'el' ==> 'do_construct_list' Notes: This command is useful when you are looking in the GENESIS source code for the function which implements a particular command. See also:
Routine Name: showfield Description: Displays value of field in data structure of specified element. Usage: showfield [pathname] [field] ... -all -basic -describe pathname name of existing element; if wildcard path specification, all elements referred to will have their specified fields displayed (default: current working element) field field in element data structure for which to display value; some special options for field: -basic displays basic information; -all displays basic info and all fields; -describe displays a description of the object from which the element was created; * displays all fields; ** displays an extended listing of the element contents, including a description of the object from which the element was created Example: //showfield membrane potential, axial resistance showfield /cell/soma Vm Ra // show values of all soma fields showfield /cell/soma -a genesis > showfield /neutral_test basic [ /neutral_test ] flags = 0 NOT FUNCTIONAL Clock [ 0 ] = 1.000000e+00 0 incoming messages 0 outgoing messages ----------------------------------------------------- Notes: When a field is specified, the showfield routine is similar to getfield, but it displays its values rather than returning them. When the -describe option is given instead of a field name, the showfield routine is similar to the showobject routine.See also: setfield , getfield , getfieldnames , showobject
Routine Name: showmsg Description: Displays list of incoming and outgoing messages of an element. Usage: showmsg element Example: genesis > showmsg /cell/soma INCOMING MESSAGES MSG 0 from '/cell/soma/Na_squid_hh' type [0] 'CHANNEL' < Gk = 2.99968e-10 > < Ek = 0.045 > MSG 1 from '/cell/soma/K_squid_hh' type [0] 'CHANNEL' < Gk = 1.03666e-08 > < Ek = -0.082 > OUTGOING MESSAGES MSG 0 to '/cell/soma/Na_squid_hh' type [0] 'VOLTAGE' < Vm = -0.07 > MSG 1 to '/cell/soma/K_squid_hh' type [0] 'VOLTAGE' < Vm = -0.07 > MSG 2 to '/data/voltage' type [0] 'PLOT' < data = -0.07 > < name = volts > < color = red > Notes: showmsg is usually used interactively, when debugging or trying to understand a simulation, as it prints detailed information to the screen. Use getmsg within a simulation script to return specific information.See also: addmsg , deletemsg , getmsg
Routine Name: showobject Description: Displays description of specified element type. Usage: showobject object-type Example: genesis > showobject compartment object = compartment datatype = compartment_type function = Compartment() class = [ membrane ] [ segment ] size = 124 bytes author = M.Wilson Caltech 6/88 VALID ACTIONS RESTORE2 SAVE2 SET CHECK RESET PROCESS INIT VALID MESSAGES [6] EREST : Em [3] INJECT : inject [2] AXIAL : Vm [1] RAXIAL : Ra Vm [0] CHANNEL : Gk Ek FIELDS (ro) name compartment (ro) index 0 (ro) object &1688896 (hidden) flags (hidden) nextfields (hidden) extfields x 0 y 0 z 0 (hidden) nmsgin (hidden) msgin (hidden) nmsgout (hidden) msgout (hidden) compositeobject (hidden) componentof (hidden) parent (hidden) child (hidden) next activation 0 Vm 0 previous_state 0 Im 0 Em 0 Rm 0 Cm 0 Ra 0 inject 0 dia 0 len 0 initVm 0 DESCRIPTION Axially asymmetric compartment. Ra is located on one side of the compartment. This is slightly more computationally efficient than the symmetric counterpart. genesis > Notes: This routine returns many pieces of information about the object type, including the class, size, author, valid actions and messages, and data fields with the default values which are assigned when the object is instantiated as an element. If the field is not readable and writeable, the field is labeled (ro) if it is protected as read-only, and (hidden) if it and its contents are hidden to the user.See also: showfield , setfieldprot
Routine Name: showsched Description: Displays current working simulation schedule. Usage: showsched Example: genesis > showsched WORKING SIMULATION SCHEDULE [1] Simulate /##[CLASS=segment] -action INIT [2] Simulate /##[CLASS=segment][CLASS!=membrane][CLASS!=gate] [CLASS!=concentration][CLASS!=concbuffer] -action PROCESS [3] Simulate /##[CLASS=membrane] -action PROCESS [4] Simulate /##[CLASS=output] -action PROCESS Notes:See also: Schedules , addtask
Routine Name: showstat Description: Reports statistics about current simulation time or memory use Usage: showstat [-process] [-element [element-name]] -process prints statistics of time and memory used -element prints simulation status of all elements, or the specified element Example: genesis > showstat current simulation time = 0.100050 ; step = 2001; dt = 5.000000e-05 genesis > showstat -process process status: 0:0.79 user 0:0.09 sys 0:39 real 3.70 Mbytes genesis > showstat -element /cell/soma '/cell/soma' element count: 2 hh_channel 384 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 2 messages 96 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) ---------------------------------------------------------- 4 480 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) total memory usage : 3032324 bytes ( 3.03 Mbytes ) genesis > showstat -element '/' element count: 3 neutral 228 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 5 messages 316 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 1 compartment 144 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 2 hh_channel 384 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 2 xform 272 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 2 xlabel 224 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 3 xbutton 420 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 1 xdialog 124 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 1 xgraph 188 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 2 xaxis 416 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 1 xshape 168 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) 1 xplot 204 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) ---------------------------------------------------------- 24 3088 bytes ( 0.00 Mbytes) total memory usage : 3032324 bytes ( 3.03 Mbytes ) Notes:See also: getstat
Routine Name: silent Description: Sets and returns flag which supresses certain information displays to console. Usage: silence-status = silent [silent-flag] silent-flag 1 to suppress informative displays; 0 to allow informative displays; 2 suppresses startup messages. Example: genesis > echo { silent } 0 genesis > silent 1 echo { silent } 1 Notes: Note that in the example above, the prompt is supressed after the silent flag is set to 1. Various routines use the status of the silent flag to decide whether to print out certain informative messages. For example, the routines related to element stack (pushe, pope, stack) normally display the working element they deal with; if silent is > 0, these routines will not echo that information. Within any SLI control structure, the flag behaves as if it were one greater. For example, if the "step" command is used within a script function, the usual message reporting the number of steps and cpu time is supressed unless the flag is set to -1.See also: debug
Routine name: simdump Description: Dumps an entire simulation to a GENESIS script file. Should generally be invoked after calling the 'simobjdump' function to specify object fields. One of a family of functions for dumping and restoring simulations in their entirety, and merging overlapping simulations. The output of these functions is an ascii file readable by the GENESIS script interpreter. However, this ascii file uses 'simundump' to restore field values, which is efficient but not very human-friendly. Since the output of simdump is GENESIS script file, one can dump various parts of a simulation into different files, and read them back in separately, or read them into a different simulation, and so on. Simdump files do quasi-intelligent 'merging' of files with existing simulations. If an element is already there, it will content itself with updating the field values and adding missing messages. By default it will avoid duplicating existing messages. It also has a provision for ignoring orphan elements, whose parents are not defined. These options are activated by the initdump command. Usage: simdump filename -path path -tree tree -messages -all filename: The name of the output dump file. -path path: specifies a wildcard path of elements to be dumped. This option can be used repeatedly to put several different bits of the simulation into the file. The same effect could be achieved by using the extended wildcard specification. -tree tree: A currently disabled option for getting the wildcard path from an xtree. -messages: A currently disabled option. -all : Tells simdump to dump the entire simulation. Example: See below for an example of a simple and a complex dump of a simulation plus interface. Notes: In theory it should be possible to use simdump on its own, without invoking simobjdump or initdump. In this situation, the command assumes that all fields of the objects are to be dumped. This is inefficient. Worse, it causes problems because fields can take values that should not be reloaded into them. Pointers are a good example. Also see below about what happens with Xodus. Simdump always saves files in 'append' mode. This means that if you accidently use the same filename as an existing .g file, the original won't be destroyed, and you can edit the file to extract the dumped part and the original. Xodus poses lots of problems for simdump, because Xodus objects do not always behave cleanly. For example, Xodus objects often have default field values like 'nil' which are not valid when trying to reload the dumpfile. It is necessary to exclude the offending fields by using simobjdump to select well-behaved fields for the dump. Furthermore, there is no 'field' to determine whether an xform is displayed or not, so the forms won't appear until explicity 'shown'. There are various other annoyances, like things not updating when you expect them to. For this reason, simdump will need help if you are trying to dump an interface. Simdump will happily dump the entire contents of a 1-Megabyte xplot or table. This gives a valid, but enormous dumpfile. If this is not desirable, simobjdump allows one to specify the -noDUMP option. See simobjdump documentation. A few objects will dump too much information for the parser to handle as part of a single command. This is only likely to occur in very rare situations. The hsolver can be dumped, but its fields must be restricted to the path. The solver will need to be re-initialized when trying to restore the simulation. It is better to just rebuild the whole hsolver from scratch. In general, cell models are much more compactly specified by the .p files than by the simdump files. It is also much more user-friendly that way. The long-bewailed problem with re-entrant parsers means that the generated script file cannot be read in on a mouse-click. You will have to type in a command to load the script file. Example: This example consists of two files: a demo simulation file called "dumpdemo.g", and a file "savefunc.g" with two versions of simulation dumping functions. Cut out the scripts to the appropriate files. Run dumpdemo, which is a little compartmental model with interface. Save using the simple and complex versions of the dumping interface. Examine the resulting dumpfiles using your favourite editor, and then reload them to see what happens. ================ Cut here for file "dumpdemo.g" ============================= //genesis setclock 0 0.001 include savefunc.g create neutral /a create compartment /a/compt setfield ^ Ra 1 Cm 1 Rm 1 copy /a /b addmsg /a/compt /b/compt AXIAL Vm addmsg /b/compt /a/compt RAXIAL Ra Vm create xform /form create xgraph /form/graph -ymax 0.5 -xmax 5 create xplot /form/graph/plot -fg red create xbutton /form/simple_save -script "do_simple_save" create xbutton /form/complex_save -script "do_complex_save" create xbutton /form/quit -script quit xshow /form addmsg /b/compt /form/graph/plot PLOT Vm *Vm *red setfield /a/compt inject 1 reset step 5 -t ============== Cut here for file savefunc.g ================================ //genesis // This function saves only the structure of the simulation. None // of the interface objects will be saved. function do_simple_save // compartments are well-behaved, so we can get away with // dumping all compartment fields by default // Here we illustrate two ways of dumping multiple paths simdump simple_dump.g -path /a -path /a/## -path "/b,/b/##" echo "Simple dump done to file: simple_dump.g" end // This function saves everything about the simulation. It has // to jump through many hoops to deal with Xodus oddness. function do_complex_save str filename = "complex_dump.g" // Write out some general info for the dumpfile openfile {filename} "w" writefile {filename} "//genesis" writefile {filename} {"// Saved on " @ {getdate}} writefile {filename} "setclock 0 0.001" writefile {filename} "include savefunc.g" closefile {filename} // Specify which fields of the Xodus objects we want to save simobjdump xform xgeom ygeom wgeom hgeom simobjdump xaxis script simobjdump xshape script simobjdump xgraph xmin ymin xmax ymax xgeom ygeom wgeom hgeom simobjdump xplot npts simobjdump xbutton script simobjdump xdialog script value // Dump the entire simulation simdump {filename} -all // We're not done yet: we need to help the interface get back // to its original state. openfile {filename} "a" writefile {filename} "xshow /form" writefile {filename} \ "setfield /form/graph/plot npts "{getfield /form/graph/plot npts} writefile {filename} "xupdate /form/graph" closefile {filename} echo "Complete dump done to file: "{filename} end =============================================================================See also: initdump , simobjdump , simundump .
Routine name: simobjdump Description: Sets up the format for dumping and reading objects to a file using simdump. Usage: simobjdump object ... -coords -default -noDUMP object: The name of the GENESIS object class ... : The fields to be dumped for this object -coords: Dump the x y z coords. -default: Use all the fields defined for the object. This will also happen if you call simobjdump with no arguments, or if you don't call simobjdump at all. -noDUMP: A few GENESIS object classes, such as tables, have a DUMP action which does object-specific things. noDUMP inactivates this DUMP action. For example, in a table, the DUMP action would normally dump the entire contents of the table. noDUMP prevents this from happening. Example: Here is a little dumpfile using simobjdump that recreates a simple 2-compartment model. In this case the simobjdump command was not used at all before the simdump, so the simdump command caused the entire set of fields for the relevent classes (neutrals and compartments) to be specified for the dumpfile. ============================================================ //genesis initdump -version 3 simobjdump neutral simobjdump compartment activation Vm previous_state \ Im Em Rm Cm Ra inject dia len initVm simundump neutral /a 0 simundump compartment /a/compt 0 0 0.6632976405 0.6632942696 \ -0.3333315551 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 simundump neutral /b 0 simundump compartment /b/compt 0 0 0.3299660931 0.3299627243 \ 0.3333349228 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 addmsg /b/compt /a/compt RAXIAL Ra Vm addmsg /a/compt /b/compt AXIAL Vm enddump // End of dump ============================================================ Notes: In theory it should be possible to use simdump on its own, without invoking simobjdump or initdump. In this situation, the command assumes that all fields of the objects are to be dumped. This is inefficient. Worse, it causes problems because fields can take values that should not be reloaded into them. Pointers are a good example. Also see below about what happens with Xodus. Simdump will happily dump the entire contents of a 1-Megabyte xplot or table. This gives a valid, but enormous dumpfile. If this is not desirable, simobjdump allows one to specify the -noDUMP option.See also: initdump , simdump , simundump .
Routine name: simundump Description: Creates an element and assigns values to its fields. Simundump is not really a human-use command. It only occurs in dumpfiles, and is always preceeded by initdump and simobjdump, and followed up by enddump at the end of the file. Usage: simundump object element ... -tree tree x y z object: The object class to be created element: The path of the new element ... : Fields values of the element. The field names are specified earlier in the file by the simobjdump command. -tree tree: A currently disabled option for getting the wildcard path from an xtree. Example: Here is a little dumpfile using simundump that recreates a simple 2-compartment model. ============================================================ //genesis initdump -version 3 simobjdump neutral simobjdump compartment activation Vm previous_state \ Im Em Rm Cm Ra inject dia len initVm simundump neutral /a 0 simundump compartment /a/compt 0 0 0.6632976405 0.6632942696 \ -0.3333315551 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 simundump neutral /b 0 simundump compartment /b/compt 0 0 0.3299660931 0.3299627243 \ 0.3333349228 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 addmsg /b/compt /a/compt RAXIAL Ra Vm addmsg /a/compt /b/compt AXIAL Vm enddump // End of dump ============================================================ Notes: Simundump does quasi-intelligent 'merging' of files with existing simulations. If an element is already there, it will content itself with updating the field values and adding missing messages. It won't try to add messages to missing elements, and won't complain: it assumes that you meant to leave them out. It also has a provision for ignoring orphan elements, whose parents are not defined. These options are activated by the initdump command. In current versions of simdump/undump, the first field argument to simundump is always the 'flags' field of the element (even if it not requested). This restores the clocks, and other status attributes of elements. Xodus poses lots of problems for simundump, because Xodus objects do not always behave cleanly. For example, Xodus objects often have default field values like 'nil' which are not valid when trying to reload the dumpfile. It is necessary to exclude the offending fields by using simobjdump to select well-behaved fields for the dump. Furthermore, there is no 'field' to determine whether an xform is displayed or not, so the forms won't appear until explicity 'shown'. There are various other annoyances, like things not updating when you expect them to. For this reason, simundump will need help if you are trying to reload an interface.See also: initdump , simdump , simobjdump
Routine Name: sin Description: Returns sine for given angle (specified in radians). Usage: sine = {sin angle-in-radians} Example: float s s = {sin {3.14159/4}} Notes:See also: asin
Routine Name: spkcmp Description: This function compares two spike time files, one from raw data and one from a GENESIS simulation; it returns a number which is a measure of how different the spike times are for the two cases. Usage: spkcmp reference-data simulation-data -offset time -pow1 p -pow2 q -msp missing_spike_penalty -nmp nonmonotonicity_penalty -et end-time -spk Arguments: reference-data: reference data spike time file simulation-data: simulation data spike time file The reference data is what you want the parameter search to match; the simulation data is what the simulation produces. The recommended convention is to have the reference data spike time file end in .spk and the simulation data spike time file end in .spk.sim. Options: -offset time This offsets the simulation spikes by a fixed amount. It's useful when the delay before current injection is different for the experiments and the simulations. This value can be positive or negative. -pow1 p This controls the degree to which spike mismatches at the beginning of the trace are more heavily weighted than those at the end. A value of zero (the default) means there is no extra weight. p must be >= 0. -pow2 q This controls the degree to which missing spikes are penalized differently according to how many spikes there were in the real trace. The idea is that when the real trace has lots of spikes, each missing or extra spike should not be penalized too harshly, but when it has only a few it should be penalized very harshly. A value of zero (the default) means all missing spikes get the same penalty. q must be >= 0. -msp missing_spike_penalty Penalty for spikes which are in one trace but not the other; default = 1.0 per spike. -nmp nonmonotonicity_penalty Penalty for simulated traces where the interspike intervals do not get larger monotonically with time. This allows us to select against cells with bursting behaviors. A nonmonotonicity penalty of (say) 2.0 would add 2.0 for each second of nonmonotonicity; in other words, if you have a nonmonotonic interspike interval, the duration of that particular ISI in seconds will be multiplied by 2.0. and this would be added to the total penalty. Default = 0.0 per second of monotonicity per spike (i.e. no penalty). -et end-time If used, ignore spikes beyond a certain end time. -spk This causes the number of missing spikes to be printed out instead of having a penalty added to the total. Return value: Returns a nonnegative floating-point number representing the goodness of the match, with 0 representing a perfect match. The units of the match are roughly in units of (msec error)/spike. The more different the times are, the larger the value. In the event of an error, a massive penalty value (1.0e6) is returned. Input spike file format: Spike time files should be in the following format: CURR <current-value> SPK <spike time> ---------- etc. The line of dashes delimits the different current values. The spike times may be omitted for a given current; this will happen if no spikes occur at a given current. Note that this assumes a fixed current input (current clamp). Multiple currents may be put one after another in the file. Typically a single file will contain spike times from several different current injections into a single cell (real or modeled). Make sure the currents in the simulation spike results and in the target spike results (what you are trying to match) are in the same order. Algorithm: The algorithm is essentially an average of the absolute values of the differences in spike times between the real and simulated outputs, with corrections for spikes which are only present in one of the outputs. There are several other parameters controlled by the options (described above). The algorithm is described in detail in the file src/param/spkcmp.c (function compare_spikes()). Example: genesis > float match genesis > match = {spkcmp "realpyr.spk" "simpyr.spk.sim" \ -pow1 1.0 -pow2 0.6 -msp 0.5 -nmp 200.0} Notes: This function is typically used for processing data generated by the gen2spk function, which outputs spike time files in the correct format for this function. This function expects that the two spike time files have the same values for input currents in the same order; if not, it exits with an error message and returns a huge penalty. The spike file format has clearly been optimized for current-clamp experiments, which is a limitation. This function has been optimized to work with typical outputs of pyramidal cells from piriform cortex. It should work well for all regular-spiking pyramidal cells. It may work well for other cell types as well (with some adjustment of the option values), but for cells with very different behavior (e.g. Purkinje cells in bursting mode) you may be better off writing your own custom match function.See also: Parameter Search ( Param ), gen2spk , shapematch
Routine Name: sqrt Description: Returns square root of positive number. Usage: square-root = {sqrt positive-number} Example: genesis > echo {sqrt 2} 1.414213538 genesis > echo {sqrt 0} 0 Notes:
Routine Name: stack Description: Displays list of elements on working element stack. Usage: stack Example: genesis > pwe / genesis > pushe /neuron1 /neuron1 genesis > pushe /neuron2 /neuron2 genesis > stack / /neuron1 Notes: The stack routine prints out the current contents of the element stack (the stack used to store paths pushed and 'pop'ed from the stack using the GENESIS pushe and pope routines). The stacked elements are listed in the reverse order in which they will be 'pop'ed (i.e., the last element listed will be the first 'pop'ed).See also: pushe , pope
Routine Name: step Description: Advances the simulation by one or more steps. Usage: step [steps-or-time] -time -verbose -background steps number of steps to advance simulation time time by which to advance simulation -time interpret the first argument as time -verbose use verbose mode (display status of simulation at each step) -background run simulation as background process, and return user to GENESIS shell Example: step 100 step 5 -v step 25.4 -t -b genesis > step time = 1.000000 ; step = 1 completed 1 steps in 0.000000 cpu seconds Notes: When run in the background, the simulation is still sensitive to ^C. Generating a ^C interrupt can cause the simulation to abnormally terminate a step giving erroneous results. To halt an simulation in progress, use the stop routine. Only one simulation can be started at any given time. A background simulation must already be running. The showjobs routine will display this status (as the Simulate function).See also: stop , showstat , reset , check
Routine Name: stop Description: Completes current simulation step, stopping simulation. Usage: stop Example: stop Notes: After cleanly stopping the simulation, the routine returns you to the GENESIS shell. The stop routine is NOT equivalent to interrupting with ^C, which leaves the simulation in an unknown state -- stop completes the current step in progress.See also: step , abort
Routine Name: strcat Description: Returns new string as concatenation of two strings. Usage: new-string = {strcat s1 s2} Example: genesis > echo { strcat "bad" "dog" } baddog Notes: Unlike the C function of the same name, this routine does not modify the string s1. You can also concatenate strings using the ``@'' operator.
Routine Name: strcmp Description: Compares two strings. Usage: compare-flag = {strcmp s1 s2} compare-flag returned as 0 if strings are identical; 1 if s1 is "greater than" s2; -1 if s1 is "less than" s2 Example: genesis > echo { strcmp "hi" "hi" } 0 genesis > echo { strcmp "hi" "he"} 1 genesis > echo { strcmp "hi" "ho"} -1 Notes: "Greater than" means "later in the standard ASCII sequence". You can compare strings up to a specified character using the strncmp routine.See also: strcat , strlen , substring , findchar
Routine Name: strlen Description: Returns length of string in number of characters. Usage: length-int = {strlen string} Example: genesis > echo { strlen "string" } 6 genesis > echo { strlen "hi there" } 8 Notes: Blanks, TABs, and so forth are included in the count.See also: strcat , strcmp , substring , findchar
Routine Name: strncmp Description: Compares two strings up to specified number of characters. Usage: compare-flag = {strncmp s1 s2 n} compare-flag returned as 0 if strings are identical; 1 if s1 is "greater than" s2; -1 if s1 is "less than" s2 n number of characters up to which to make comparison Example: genesis > echo { strncmp "hip" "hit" 2 } 0 genesis > echo { strncmp "hip" "hit" 3 } -1 Notes: The strncmp routine is like the strcmp routine, but restricted to a certain number of characters for comparison. "Greater than" means "later in the standard ASCII sequence".See also: strcat , strlen , substring , findchar
Routine Name: strsub Description: Returns a string with one substring replaced by another Usage: strsub string old-substring new-substring [-all] Example: genesis > echo {strsub "old dogs chase old cats" old young} young dogs chase old cats genesis > {strsub "old dogs chase old cats" old young -all} young dogs chase young cats Notes:
Routine Name: substituteinfo Description: Lists the substitutions made with the use of objsubstitute and msgsubstitute Usage: substituteinfo Example: genesis > objsubstitute compartment mycompt genesis > substituteinfo Number of object substitutions: 1 0 orig=compartment new=mycompt Number of msg substitutions: 0 Notes: objsubstitute and msgsubstitute are used to allow you to save an object of one type using simobjdump and simdump, and then use simundump to reload it as a different type. substituteinfo provides information about these substitutions.See also: objsubstitute , msgsubstitute , simobjdump , simdump , swapdump , simundump
Routine Name: substring Description: Returns part of original string as new substring. Usage: new-string = {substring string startindex [endindex]} new-string returned as new string created string original string startindex integer indicating position of first character in string to include in new string endindex integer indicating position of final character in string to include in new string (default: final character in string) Example: genesis > echo { substring "0123456789" 3 7 } 34567 genesis > echo { substring "0123456789" 3 } 3456789 Notes: The substring routine can be useful in conjunction with other routines (e.g., getpath) for constructing names based on part of an element path name.
See also: strcat , strcmp , strncmp , strlen , findchar
Routine name: swapdump Description: Mirrors initialization data for doing simulation dumps using simdump. Consider this situation: we have a dumpfile that we want to read in, but at the same time we have laboriously defined (using simobjdump) our favourite sets of fields for all objects. Unfortunately the dumpfile has its own set of simobjdumps, which will overwrite ours. So we use swapdump, which puts our own simobjumps into storage, while we read in the dumpfile. Then we can do swapdump again to go back to our original set of simobjdumps. Usage: swapdump Example: Complicated model is already set up, with its own preferences for simobjdump. Now we want to read in a dumpfile called foo.g. ... swapdump // put original simobjdump preferences into storage include foo.g // read in dumpfile which has its own simobjdumps swapdump // restore original simobjdump preferences ... simdump bar.g -all // Save combined model using original // simobjdump preferences. Notes:See also: initdump , simdump , simobjdump , simundump
Routine Name: syndelay Description: This command is used to set or to add a small "synaptic" component to the delay fields of synapses. It is useful for when cells are very close together and thus where planardelay or volumedelay give unrealistically small delays. Usage: syndelay path delay \ -add \ -uniform scale \ -gaussian stdev maxdev \ -exponential mid max \ -absoluterandom path A wildcarded list of elements which must be synchans or objects derived from synchan. delay -- This sets all the synaptic delays in question to be equal to "delay", or adds "delay" to the existing delay if the -add option is selected. -add This option causes the delays to be added to the preexisting delays in the synapses instead of overwriting them. The next four options are used to add random components to the delay. How these random components are added to the delays is explained below. -uniform scale -- This option gives a random number taken from a uniform distribution in the range {-scale, scale}. -gaussian stdev maxdev -- This option gives a random number taken from a gaussian distribution centered on zero, with a standard deviation equal to "stdev" and with a maximum value of "maxdev". The maximum value is used to limit the random component to a given range. -exponential mid max -- This option gives a random number taken from an exponential distribution with a minimum value of zero, a 1/e point of "mid" and a maximum value of "max". This is mainly for backwards compatibility with genesis 1.4. -absoluterandom This option alters the way the random number is combined with the nominal delay to give the actual delay, as described below. Once a random component has been created for a given delay, it is used to set the delay as follows. If the -absoluterandom option has not been selected the delay is set to be: final_delay = delay + (delay * random_number) Whereas if the -absoluterandom option has been selected then we have final_delay = delay + random_number Thus the default is to have the amount of randomness as a constant proportion of the delay value. Example: syndelay /cell[]/apical_dend/Ex_chan 0.001 \ -add -gaussian 0.1 0.3 This command will add a small delay to the delay fields in the synapses in /cell[]/soma/apical_dend/Ex_chan. The "synaptic" delay added will be 1 millisecond plus a random component. Notes: The delays are never allowed to go negative even if a large negative random component is added. Negative delays are set to zero. If the -add option is chosen, the random component modifies only the delay added and not the total delay.
See also: planardelay , volumeconnect , volumeweight , syndelay ; Chapter 18 of the Book of GENESIS (2nd ed.) has a lengthy discussion of this and related commands.
Routine Name: tab2file Description: Utility function for writing one or more tables of an element that uses interpol_structs (e.g. a table, tabchannel, xplot, etc.) to an ascii file. The output file has the entries for the respective tables in successive positions. Various specialized output modes let one do on-the-fly conversions of the table entries. Usage: tab2file file-name element table -table2 table -table3 table \ -mode mode -nentries n -overwrite Arguments: filename: name of ascii file to which the table contents will be written element: path of element containing the table table: name of interpol_struct within the element Options: -table2 table This option allows one to specify an additional table to write into the file. Entries are written alternately from the first table and table2. Note that table2 must be in the same element as table. -table3 table This allows a third table. This option is similar to table2. -mode mode mode can be y (the default), xy, alpha, beta, tau, minf, or index. In modes alpha, tau, xy, or index, one table must be specified. In modes beta and minf, two tables must be specified. y: The table contents are written one to a line, without the x values. If the -table2 or -table3 option is used, then the entry for each table is written om the same line. xy: The table contents are written as one (x,y) pair per line. index: The table contents are written as one (i,y) pair per line, where i is the index, which runs from 0 to nentries. alpha: This mode, as well as beta, tau, and minf, assume that the element containing the tables is a tabchannel, with each gate having an A table containing alpha values, and a B table containing values of alpha + beta. When the table specified is an A table, the alpha mode is the same as the xy mode, giving an (x,alpha) pair per line. beta: In this case, the A table is specified as the table, and the B table is used with -table2. Then the output is one (x,beta) pair per line, with beta = B - A. tau: Like the beta mode, the A table is specified as the table, and the B table is used with -table2. Then the output is one (x,tau) pair per line, with tau = 1/(A + B). minf: Like the beta mode, the A table is specified as the table, and the B table is used with -table2. Then the output is one (x,minf) pair per line, with the steady state activation minf = A/B = alpha/(alpha + beta). -nentries n The parameter n, or nentries, is more properly described as xdivs, the number of divisions, with indices of the entries running from 0 to n, so the actual number of entries is n + 1. If the --nentries option is not used, the default is to calculate n from the xivs field of the interpol_struct. Some objects (e.g. xplot) do not have an xdivs field of the interpol_struct. In this case, n must be specified as the total number of entries - 1. -overwrite The default behavior is to append to the file file-name if it already exists. The overwrite option is used to create a new file, overwriting the old one. Example: (using the elements created by Scripts/tutorials/newtutorial3.g) /* create a file that looks like: -0.100000 0.039416 -0.099950 0.039586 -0.099900 0.039756 ... 0.049900 0.975220 0.049950 0.975246 0.050000 0.975272 */ tab2file mfile /cell/soma/K_hh_tchan X_A -table2 X_B -mode minf /* create a file that looks like: 0 7.462942 1 7.491676 2 7.520512 ... 2998 1099.018540 2999 1099.518456 3000 1100.018372 */ tab2file ifile /cell/soma/K_hh_tchan X_A -mode index /* save an xplot (from Scripts/kinetikit/xgraphs.g) */ function do_save_plot(file) str file str plot = {getfield /parmedit/plot elmpath} int x x = {getfield {plot} npts} // Get the actual number of points tab2file {file} {plot} xpts -table2 ypts -nentries {x - 1} xhide /parmedit/plot end Notes: Elements having TABSAVE and TABREAD actions (e.g. tabchannel, tab2Dchannel, and tabcurrent) can also call these actions instead of using tab2file and file2tab.See also: file2tab , interpol_struct documentation ( Tables )
Routine Name: tan Description: Returns tangent for given angle (specified in radians). Usage: tangent = {tan angle-in-radians} Example: float t = {tan {3.14159/4}} Notes:See also: atan
Routine Name: trunc Description: Returns integer part of number. Usage: integer = {trunc number} Example: genesis > echo { trunc 5.999 } 5 Notes: This routine converts any number to an integer by deleting the decimal part without any rounding.See also: round
Routine Name: tweakalpha Description: Allows one to fill the A and B tables of a tabchannel with values of the rate constants alpha and beta, and then convert them to the proper values A = alpha and B = alpha + beta. Usage: tweakalpha channel-element gate gate X, Y, or Z Example: tweakalpha K_mit_usb X Notes:See also: tabchannel , tweaktau
Routine Name: tweaktau Description: Allows one to fill the A table of a tabchannel with the activation time constant tau, and the B table with the steady state activation m_inf, and then convert the tables to the proper values A = alpha and B = alpha + beta. Usage: tweaktau channel-element gate gate X, Y, or Z Example: tweaktau Na_rat_smsnn X Notes:See also: tabchannel , tweakalpha
Routine Name: useclock Description: Specifies which clock an element should use during simulation. Usage: useclock path clock-number Example: useclock /graphform/Vmgraph 1 Notes: The useclock routine specifies which clock is to be used by a GENESIS element. You might use it, for instance, to allow some elements to be updated at greater intervals than the basic simulation step.
See also: showclocks , setclock , getclock
Routine Name: version Description: Returns the GENESIS version number. Usage: version_number = {version} Example: if ({version} < 2.0) echo "This simulation requires version 2.0 or later" exit end Notes: See also:
Routine Name: volumeconnect Description: Establishes synaptic connections between groups of elements based on the x-y-z positions of the elements. This routine sets up the connections by adding SPIKE messages between the source and destination objects. Usage: volumeconnect source_elements destination_elements \ -relative \ -sourcemask {box, ellipsoid} x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 \ -sourcehole {box, ellipsoid} x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 \ -destmask {box, ellipsoid} x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 \ -desthole {box, ellipsoid} x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 \ -probability p source_elements A wildcarded list of elements which are the sources of the SPIKE messages. These must be of class "spiking" and are usually spikegen or randomspike objects. destination_elements A wildcarded list of elements which are the destinations of the SPIKE messages. These must be synchans or objects derived from synchan. -relative This option means that connections will be set up based on the locations of destination objects relative to source objects. If this option is not selected, the absolute locations of source and destination elements will be used to determine which connections are to be set up. -sourcemask {box, ellipsoid} x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 -- This specifies a rectangular or ellipsoidal region from which source elements are to be taken. If the "box" option is used, then x1, y1, and z1 are the minimum x, y, and z values of the region while x2, y2, and z2 are the maximum x, y, and z values of the region. If the "ellipsoid" option is used, then the source region is an ellipsoid with x1, y1 and z1 representing the center of the ellipsoid while x2, y2, and z2 represent the lengths of the principal axes in the x, y, and z directions respectively. Note that to choose a spherical region x2, y2, and z2 must be equal. Note also that one or the other of {box, ellipsoid} MUST be chosen; leaving both of them out will generate an error. Finally, one can choose multiple source regions by having multiple -sourcemask options. The same conventions are followed for the next three options. -sourcehole {box, ellipsoid} x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 -- This specifies a rectangular or elliptical region NOT to include in the source region(s). You can exclude multiple regions by having multiple -sourcehole options. -destmask {box, ellipsoid} x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 -- This specifies a rectangular or elliptical region to which SPIKE messages will be sent. -desthole {box, ellipsoid} x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 -- This specifies a rectangular or elliptical region NOT to include in the destination region(s). -probability p -- This option causes connections to be made with a probability p, which must be in the range [0,1]. This allows probabilistically-connected networks to be set up. Example: Say we want to connect the spike generating-region of a group of cells with excitatory synapses on the apical dendritic compartments of the same group of cells, without connecting any cell to itself. We could do this: volumeconnect /cell[]/soma/spike \ /cell[]/apical_dend/exc_syn \ -relative \ -sourcemask box -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 \ -sourcehole box -10e-6 -10e-6 -1 \ 10e-6 10e-6 1 \ -destmask box -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 Note that here we are excluding a region 10 microns square in the x and y direction (but essentially unlimited in the z direction) so that cells don't connect to themselves. Here I'm assuming we're using SI units. This could also have been done with planarconnect. Note also that the usual way to specify "all cells in a region" is to give source or destination regions using -sourcemask or -destmask with limits far greater than the entire extent of all the elements in the region. Notes: This routine is almost identical with planarconnect except that it uses the positions of elements in three dimensions to specify whether connections are made or not, whereas planarconnect uses only the x and y dimensions. The weights and delays of the connections set up by this command are typically specified using the volumeweight and volumedelay commands, although they can be set up by hand.See also: planarconnect , volumeweight , volumedelay ; Chapter 18 of the Book of GENESIS (2nd ed.) has a lengthy discussion on this and related commands.
Routine Name: volumedelay Description: Sets the delay fields on groups of synapses between specified lists of elements. Most often used to set delays on groups of synapses that have been set up by calling the "volumeconnect" command. This function can assign groups of synapses to a fixed delay, can assign delays in proportion to the distances between pre- and postsynaptic elements, and can add various types of randomness to delay values. Usage: volumedelay sourcepath [destination_path] \ -fixed delay \ -radial conduction_velocity \ -add \ -uniform scale \ -gaussian stdev maxdev \ -exponential mid max \ -absoluterandom sourcepath A wildcarded list of elements which are the sources of the SPIKE messages connecting the pre- and postsynaptic elements (i.e. the presynaptic elements). These must be of class "spiking" and are usually spikegen or randomspike objects. destination_path A wildcarded list of elements which must be synchans or objects derived from synchan. If this (optional) argument is given, only the delays between the given set of pre- and postsynaptic elements will be set by this command. If this argument is not given, then all the synapses receiving SPIKE messages from the presynaptic elements will have their delays set by this command. NOTE: this optional argument is new and is not documented in the Book of Genesis. -fixed delay -- This option sets all the synaptic delays in question to be equal to "delay". -radial conduction_velocity -- This option sets the synaptic delays in question to be proportional to the distance between the source and destination elements according to the equation: delay = radial_distance / conduction_velocity Where conduction_velocity is usually measured in meters/sec (SI units). "conduction_velocity" represents the conduction velocity of the (hypothetical) axon that the spikes travel down. For volumedelay, the distance is measured as: distance = sqrt((x_src - x_dest)^2 + (y_src - y_dest)^2 + (z_src - z_dest)^2) where x_src is the x component of the source element, x_dest is the x component of the destination element, and so on. -add This option causes the computed delays to be added to the preexisting delays in the synapses instead of overwriting them. This is useful when adding small synaptic delays, among other uses. The next four options are used to add random components to the delays established using the -fixed or -decay options. How these random components are added to the delays is explained below. -uniform scale -- This option gives a random number taken from a uniform distribution in the range {-scale, scale}. -gaussian stdev maxdev -- This option gives a random number taken from a gaussian distribution centered on zero, with a standard deviation equal to "stdev" and with a maximum value of "maxdev". The maximum value is used to limit the random component to a given range. -exponential mid max -- This option gives a random number taken from an exponential distribution with a minimum value of zero, a 1/e point of "mid" and a maximum value of "max". This is mainly for backwards compatibility with genesis 1.4. -absoluterandom This option alters the way the random number is combined with the nominal delay to give the actual delay, as described below. Once a random component has been created for a given delay, it is used to set the delay as follows. If the -absoluterandom option has not been selected the delay is set to be: final_delay = delay + (delay * random_number) Whereas if the -absoluterandom option has been selected then we have final_delay = delay + random_number Thus the default is to have the amount of randomness as a constant proportion of the delay value. Example: [modified from the Orient_tut simulation:] volumedelay /retina/recplane/rec[]/input \ -radial {CABLE_VEL} \ -gaussian 0.1 0.3 This command will set the size of the delays of synapses that are receiving their inputs from /retina/recplane/rec[]/input. It gives delays equal to the radial distance between elements divided by the conduction velocity (CABLE_VEL). It also specifies that gaussian noise be added to the delays with a mean value of 0.1 (which represents 10% of the original delay, since -absoluterandom has not been selected) and a maximum value of 0.3 (which is 30% of the original delay value). Notes: The "destination_path" optional argument is new and is not documented in the Book of GENESIS. This routine calculates distance using the x, y, and z coordinates of the element positions and is thus more realistic than planardelay, which only uses the x and y directions. In general, we encourage users to use this function instead of planardelay, which is mainly provided for backwards compatibility with genesis 1.4. The delays are never allowed to go negative even if a large negative random component is added. Negative delays are set to zero. If the -add option is chosen, the random component modifies only the delay added and not the total delay.See also: planardelay , volumeconnect , volumeweight , syndelay ; Chapter 18 of the Book of GENESIS (2nd ed.) has a lengthy discussion on this and related commands.
Routine Name: volumedelay2 Description: Description: A faster version of volumedelay, which sets the delay fields on groups of synapses between specified lists of elements. Most often used to set delays on groups of synapses that have been set up by calling the "volumeconnect" command. This function can assign groups of synapses to a fixed delay, can assign delays in proportion to the distances between pre- and postsynaptic elements, and can add various types of randomness to delay values. Usage: volumedelay sourcepath destination_path \ -fixed delay \ -radial conduction_velocity \ -add \ -uniform scale \ -gaussian stdev maxdev \ -exponential mid max \ -absoluterandom Notes: In contrast to volumedelay, which can set the delays of all efferent synapses from the source map when no destination is given, volumedelay2 only sets the delays of the synapses from the source map to a particular destination map. By requiring the destination parameter, volumedelay2 achieves faster setup times than volumedelay. For further details of usage and examples, see the documentation for volumedelay.See also: volumedelay , volumeconnect , volumeweight , volumeweight2
Routine Name: volumeweight Description: Sets the weight fields on groups of synapses between specified lists of elements. Most often used to set weights on groups of synapses that have been set up by calling the "volumeconnect" command. This function can assign groups of synapses to a fixed weight, can assign weights in proportion to the distances between pre- and postsynaptic elements, and can add various types of randomness to weight values. Usage: volumeweight sourcepath [destination_path] \ -fixed weight \ -decay decay_rate max_weight min_weight \ -uniform scale \ -gaussian stdev maxdev \ -exponential mid max \ -absoluterandom sourcepath A wildcarded list of elements which are the sources of the SPIKE messages connecting the pre- and postsynaptic elements (i.e. the presynaptic elements). These must be of class "spiking" and are usually spikegen or randomspike objects. destination_path A wildcarded list of elements which must be synchans or objects derived from synchan. If this (optional) argument is given, only the weights between the given set of pre- and postsynaptic elements will be set by this command. If this argument is not given, then all the synapses receiving SPIKE messages from the presynaptic elements will have their weights set by this command. NOTE: this optional argument is new and is not documented in the Book of GENESIS. -fixed weight -- This option sets all the synaptic weights in question to be equal to "weight". -decay decay_rate max_weight min_weight -- This option sets the synaptic weights in question to be proportional to the distance between the source and destination elements according to the equation: weight = (max_weight - min_weight) * exp(-decay_rate * distance) + min_weight For volumeweight, the distance is measured as: distance = sqrt((x_src - x_dest)^2 + (y_src - y_dest)^2 + (z_src - z_dest)^2) where x_src is the x component of the source element, x_dest is the x component of the destination element, and so on. The next four options are used to add random components to the weights established using the -fixed or -decay options. How these random components are added to the weights is explained below. -uniform scale -- This option gives a random number taken from a uniform distribution in the range {-scale, scale}. -gaussian stdev maxdev -- This option gives a random number taken from a gaussian distribution centered on zero, with a standard deviation equal to "stdev" and with a maximum value of "maxdev". The maximum value is used to limit the random component to a given range. -exponential mid max -- This option gives a random number taken from an exponential distribution with a minimum value of zero, a 1/e point of "mid" and a maximum value of "max". This is mainly for backwards compatibility with genesis 1.4. -absoluterandom This option alters the way the random number is combined with the nominal weight to give the actual weight, as described below. Once a random component has been created for a given weight, it is used to set the weight as follows. If the -absoluterandom option has not been selected the weight is set to be: final_weight = weight + (weight * random_number) Whereas if the -absoluterandom option has been selected then we have final_weight = weight + random_number Thus the default is to have the amount of randomness as a constant proportion of the weight value. Example: [modified from the Orient_tut simulation:] volumeweight /retina/recplane/rec[]/input \ -decay 0.5 10.0 0.1 \ -gaussian 0.1 0.3 This command will set the size of the weights of synapses that are receiving their inputs from /retina/recplane/rec[]/input. It gives exponentially decaying weights with a maximum size of 10.0, a minimum size of 0.1, and a decay rate of 0.5. It also specifies that gaussian noise be added to the weights with a mean value of 0.1 (which represents 10% of the original weight, since -absoluterandom has not been selected) and a maximum value of 0.3 (which is 30% of the original weight value). Notes: The "destination_path" optional argument is new and is not documented in the Book of Genesis. This routine calculates distance using the x, y, and z coordinates of the element positions and is thus more realistic than planarweight, which only uses the x and y directions. In general, we encourage users to use this function instead of planarweight, which is mainly provided for backwards compatibility with genesis 1.4. The weights are never allowed to go negative even if a large negative random component is added. Negative weights are set to zero. The options -fixed and -decay are mutually exclusive. The different random options -uniform, -gaussian, and -exponential are also mutually exclusive.See also: planarweight , volumeconnect , volumedelay ; Chapter 18 of the Book of GENESIS (2nd ed.) has a lengthy discussion on this and related commands.
Routine Name: volumeweight2 Description: Description: A faster version of volumeweight, which sets the weight fields on groups of synapses between specified lists of elements. Most often used to set weights on groups of synapses that have been set up by calling the "volumeconnect" command. This function can assign groups of synapses to a fixed weight, can assign weights in proportion to the distances between pre- and postsynaptic elements, and can add various types of randomness to weight values. Usage: volumeweight sourcepath destination_path \ -fixed weight \ -decay decay_rate max_weight min_weight \ -uniform scale \ -gaussian stdev maxdev \ -exponential mid max \ -absoluterandom Notes: In contrast to volumeweight, which can set the weights of all efferent synapses from the source map when no destination is given, volumeweight2 only sets the weights of the synapses from the source map to a particular destination map. By requiring the destination parameter, volumeweight2 achieves faster setup times than volumeweight. For further details of usage and examples, see the documentation for volumeweight.See also: volumeweight , volumeconnect , volumedelay , volumedelay2
Routine Name: where Description: Returns name of operating-system directory in which specified file is located. Usage: where filename filename name of file to search for (must be actual name; where does not add a .g if you do not explicitly supply it, and does not accept wildcarded names) Example: genesis > where mysim.g 'mysim.g' found in . genesis > where fooby could not find 'fooby' in . /usr/genesis/startup Notes: The where routine searches the script path list (as specified in the operating system environmental variable SIMPATH) and reports the first instance found of the specified file.
Routine Name: writecell Description: Writes parameters of neuron to a cell parameter file in a standard format. Usage: writecell filename cellname -cartesian -polar -relative -absolute -syndens -syncond -author author filename name to give cell descriptor file (should end with extension .p) cellname name of GENESIS cell for which you want to store description author who made the cell default options -cartesian -relative -syndens Example: writecell newmitral.p /mitral Notes: This cell-writing routine is the counterpart of the readcell routine. writecell takes a multicompartment neuron set up in GENESIS and writes it in the neuron descriptor format to a file. Options allow you to specify whether the compartment coordinates are cartesion or polar, and whether they are given in absolute units or relative to the postion of the parent compartment. The -syndens and -syncond options specify whether synaptic conductances are expressed as densities (conductance per unit area) or in absolute units. The format of the cell parameter file is described in the documentation for readcell. The routine is capable of parsing GENESIS neurons which are not in the 'flat' element structure produced by the readcell routine. There are limitations to the present version of writecell, as there have been new features added to readcell which have not yet been incorporated into writecell. Thus, not all cell models can be parameterized with writecell.See also: readcell
Routine Name: writefile Description: Writes out ASCII data to currently opened file. Usage: writefile filename [arguments ...] [-nonewline] [-format str] filename name of file to write to (must first be opened with openfile routine with w or a switch) -nonewline do not append carriage return at end of line (if omitted, carriage return is appended) -format str use specified format string str to format each argument (to construct mixed formats, use multiple writefile calls with -n option to place them on a single line) arguments strings to be written out to file (default is nothing, which effectively means a blank line unless -n is selected to suppress carriage return; the arguments are written out with single spaces between each and are terminated with a carriage return) Example: openfile test2 w // both of these write three entries per line, // each separated by a space writefile test2 1.0 2.0 3.0 writefile test2 "4.0 5.0 6.0" genesis > openfile test w genesis > writefile test Vm = 10 "string with space" {10+5} genesis > writefile test one -n genesis > writefile test line genesis > writefile test X Y -format "%5s" genesis > writefile test 5.3 6.5 -format "(%3s)" genesis > writefile test FIRST SECOND -n -format "%-10s" genesis > writefile test THIRD -format "%30s" genesis > writefile test done genesis > closefile test genesis > more test Vm = 10 string with space 15 oneline X Y (5.3)(6.5) FIRST SECOND THIRD done genesis > Notes: The changes you make are made permanent when you close the file (using closefile), or flush the buffer with flushfile. There is limited formatting of output.See also: openfile , closefile , listfiles , readfile , flushfile , floatformat
Routine Name: xcolorscale Description: Sets the color scale for mapping numerical values to color. Usage: xcolorscale colorscale colorscale: hot, rainbow, rainbow2, redhot, or grey Example: xcolorscale hot Notes: The colorscale (which is a file in genesis/startup) applies to pixes which have a field mapped to color, such as the shapes in an xvar or xview, or the cell display in xcell. It does not apply to widgets, like buttons, labels, etc.
Routine Name: xgetstat Description: returns 0 if Xodus is not properly initialized. Usage: status = {xgetstat} Example: echo {xgetstat} 1 if ({{xgetstat}) include graphics end Notes: It is possible to run GENESIS without XODUS by using the -nox option to the genesis command line. If a simulation is to intended to be run both with and without XODUS, a simulation script may use xgetstat to determine if XODUS is available.See also: genesis
Routine Name: xps Description: Sets parameters used to generate postscript output of widgets. Usage: xps [-maxgray maxgray] [-mingray mingray] [-inverse inverse-flag] [-dpi screendpi] [-filename name] [-printer] maxgray integer between 0 and 256 (with mingray, sets the range of black to white) mingray integer between 0 and 256 (threshold for a pixel to be black) inverse-flag 0 to leave image as is; 1 to reverse image screendpi screen resolution in dots per inch name name of the file to which output will be directed -printer flag indicating that print commands should be sent directly to printer rather than to file Examples: genesis > xps -inverse 0 -filename genesis > xps usage: xps [-maxgray maxgray(0-256)][-mingray mingray] [-inverse 0/1] [-dpi screendpi][-filename name][-printer] [-help][-usage] status : maxgray = 256, mingray = 0, inverse = 0, dpi = 100 output to file '' Notes: The xgraph and xdraw widgets are able to output their contents to a postscript printer or file when ctrl-p is typed while the cursor is within the widget. xps is used to set some relevant parameters. Called with no arguments, the routine displays a usage message plus the current settings for output parameters that you can set with the routine. The default is to send the output to the postscript printer that is specified by the PRINTER environment variable. The filename option may be used to specify a filename to which the output may be sent instead. Use the printer option to restore output to the printer. Note that this is NOT used to set the printer name. The inverse flag should normally be set to 0 for dark colors plotted on a light background, such as the default gray background provided by XODUS. However, you will generally get better results by setting the bg field of the widget to "white". If you make light plots on a black background, set inverse to 1. The dots per inch of the display (specified with the dpi option) is used for setting the line width of plotted lines. A larger dpi will make a narrower line. mingray is subtracted from the pixel value to define the pixel value at which the color is black. Reducing the range (maxgray - mingray) increases the contrast, scaling the pixel value by 1/(maxgray - mingray). This method of producing graphical output has the advantage of being independent of the screen resolution. To produce an exact bit-mapped replica of the image on the screen, it is best to use one of the screen capture utilities such as xv or import (from the ImageMagick package), available at the usual X windows archive sites. For publication quality graphs, it is best to use an asc_file object to write data to a file that can be processed with a plotting package such as gnuplot. setpostscript is an alias for xps.
Routine Name: xsimplot Description: Allows 2-D plotting of data/subsets of data from the binary file on disk. At present it can deal with files in the FMT1 and the Netcdf file formats. Usage: xsimplot graphelm pathtofile -cell cellnum \ -skip skipby -overlay overlaynum \ -offset overlayoffset -color col -gain gainval -old Example: See Scripts/examples/diskiolib/diskio/simplot.g Notes: xsimplot can be used to plot data or subsets of data from a binary simulation file onto an xgraph. At the moment it can be reliably used to plot data from a FMT1 or a netcdf file generated by genesis simulations via the use of the disk_out or diskio elements. Explanation of arguments and options: ____________________________________ The 2 mandatory arguments to xsimplot are the 1. the genesis path of the xgraph element on which the data is to be plotted. 2. the unix pathname of the binary data file. -cell cellnum: The -cell option allows plotting of a particular set of values dumped onto the file. For example, if a 100 SAVE messages are sent to a diskio/disk_out element and the simulation stepped 100 times, by specifying a cellnum anywhere from 0-99, one can plot values corresponding to a particular message. cellnum defaults to 0 if this option is not specified. -skip skipby: The -skip option allows plotting of a subset of values within a cell. For example, in order to plot values corresponding to the 30th, 60th and the 90th time step in a 100 step simulation file, a skipby value of 30 will plot these points joined by a discontinuous straight line. Defaults to 1 if not specified. -overlay overlaynum: Allows successive renderings of the same plot to overlay on the graph instead of overwriting previous ones. Goes hand in hand with the usage of the -offset option. -offset overlayoffset: Allows the same plot to be offset in the y-axis by the amount equal to overlayoffset. When used with the -overlay option, gives a means of graphically comparing plots from 2 different simulation runs. -color col: Color of plot pix - can be specified as a string or an index into a colorscale. Defaults to black. -gain gainval: Currently not implemented -old: A No-op. Retained for backwards compatibility with GENESIS 1.4.See also: disk_out , diskio , xgraph , xplot , xcolorscale