Using Parallel GENESIS on PCs with Multicore Processors


As computers are reaching the practical limit of CPU speed, it is becoming more common to use multicore processors that effectively turn a PC into a parallel computer. As of mid-2008, it was possible to buy a PC with a quad core CPU for under $1000, and eight core processors will be available in a year or two. This offers the prospect of harnessing this power by using PGENESIS under Linux to turn an inexpensive PC into a fast parallel computer for running large GENESIS simulations.

Parameter search and large network models are the most fruitful applications of PGENESIS. (It is difficult to parallelize a large hsolved single cell model, and a serial GENESIS is fast enough on a modern PC to model single cells with thousands of compartments.)

For parameter searching, PGENESIS may not even be necessary. Some degree of parallelization is provided by the Linux kernel. When there are four CPU-intensive processes running on a four core PC (e.g. four GENESIS simulations running at the same time), Linux will split the four processes between the four cores and they will run in about the same time as one process. A parameter searching script that runs four separate GENESIS simulations with different parameter sets at the same time will achieve this efficiency. The PGENESIS documentation also describes ways of performing parameter searches with PGENESIS.

There is nothing special that needs to be done in order to use PGENESIS with multicore processors. The intructions provided in the PGENESIS documentation apply as well to these as parallel supercomputers and clusters of ethernet-connected workstations. This tutorial is intended as supplementary material to guide you through this documentation and to address specific issues encountered when using PGENESIS and MPI on PCs with Linux.

The example described in Part 2 demonstrates how to convert a large cortical network simulation (RSnet.g from the GENESIS Modeling Tutorial) to a parallel version (par-RSnet.g) using PGENESIS.


These are the steps to install and test PGENESIS on a PC running Linux. It is possible that they will apply to multicore Macs running OS/X, but this has not been tested.

  1. Obtain the latest PGENESIS

    Download pgenesis-2.3.1-src.tar.gz from the GENESIS website, or obtain them from a CDROM distribution of GENESIS. If GENESIS has not been installed, get genesis-2.3-src.tar.gz as well. If you do not plan to use MPI or XODUS graphics, you can use the older pgenesis-2.3 version. (This new version contains a replacement version of pgenesis/src/par/pvm-emulation.c that is needed for it to properly display XODUS graphics when it is run under MPI.)

    Extract the pgenesis package with

        tar xvzf pgenesis-2.3-src.tar.gz

    in the same place where you installed GENESIS. For more details of the installation process, or if you also need to install GENESIS, see the instructions for installing GENESIS in the GENESIS distribution.

    Extracting this, as described above, produces a genesis-2.3/pgenesis directory; hence it should be extracted in the same place that you extracted your genesis-2.3-src.tar.gz file. It will not affect your existing genesis subdirectory, it will just add a pgenesis subdirectory next to it. If you have already untarred it into a different place, you can just use "mv" to move the pgenesis subdirectory (containing this README) into the genesis-2.3 directory.

  2. Read the documentation provided with PGENESIS

    The pgenesis/README file and the hypertext equivalent pgenesis/Hyperdoc/index.html provide detailed instructions for installing PGENESIS. The following steps in this tutorial should be considered as additional notes to supplement them.

  3. Install LAM MPI

    PGENESIS adds a library (parlib) to an installed version of GENESIS, creating an executable "pgenesis" that has the usual GENESIS objects and commands, plus a "postmaster" object (post) and some other new objects and commands. The "postmaster" objects communicate with each other through a standard interprocess communication library such as MPI or PVM that alllows applications to be parallelized on any platform that can run MPI or PVM. Before using PGENESIS, one of these must first be installed. PVM is the older protocol, and is gradually being replaced by MPI, which is somewhat more efficient. Therefore, this tutorial will emphasize the use of MPI.

    There are several implementations of MPI available for Linux. Unfortunately openmpi ( does not work well with curses, ncurses, readline, or other sophisticated I/O packages that generally require direct control of the terminal. This includes GENESIS, and means that openmpi cannot be used with PGENESIS. LAM is the most widely available MPI application for Linux, and is the one used in this tutorial. It is possible (but unlikely) that LAM will already be installed on your system.

    You can test for the presence of LAM with "which lamboot" to see if the program to start LAM (lamboot) is on your search path. If LAM was properly installed "recon", which is a test for LAM functionality should tell you that all is well.

    If LAM is not present, you may go to and download the latest version of LAM, and then compile and install it according to the instructions. Alternatively, you can use a Linux package manager (e.g. yum for Fedora, or apt for Debian and Ubuntu) to install the binary packages.

    For Fedora, give the commands (as root user):

        yum install lam

    This will also install lam-libs and some other dependencies. Then install the LAM development libraries with:

        yum install lam-devel

  4. Edit pgenesis/Makefile

    Following the intructions in README, copy Makefile.dist to Makefile and make the required edits for your system. In the case of Linux and MPI, you will want to edit this section that starts with

    # If you want to use MPI, uncomment and modify the following lines

    After uncommenting them, you will have:

    USE_MPI = 1
    MPI_LIB =
    #    set MPI_CMD to the command for starting an MPI job
    #         you may use the following variables:
    #            $$num_nodes  - number of nodes (processes) to start up
    # $$config - configuration string given as "-config" parameter
    #                              to pgenesis script
    #            $$
    #            $$exec       - name of the pgenesis executable
    #            $$nargv      - arguments to the pgenesis executable
    #         (remember to use $$ instead of $ or else "make" will treat
    #          it as a variable to be immediately expanded)

    MPI_CMD = 'mpirun -np $$num_nodes $$exec $$nargv' MPI_DEBUG_CMD = 'mpirun -debugger gdb -np $$num_nodes $$exec $$nargv' # # these last three are needed even with MPI to keep the scripts happy PVM_ROOT = $(PWD) PVM_ARCH = $(MACHINE) SET_PVM_ARCH = $(PVM_ARCH) # # remember also for MPI that you may need to change the compiler (CC) to # # mpicc (or something equivalent) in the machine-specific section of # # this Makefile

    Note: The MPI_DEBUG_CMD above does not work with PGENESIS and LAM.

    Further below, uncomment the Linux section, but using


    instead of


    Also add -DLInux to the line


    or For 64-bit architectures, the line


    Don't forget to uncomment the line

        # EDITED = yes

    just before


  5. Make pgenesis or nxpgenesis

    Be sure that GENESIS has been properly installed. If in doubt, repeat the procedure of "make" and "make install" in genesis/src, after editing genesis/src/Makefile. Then, in pgenesis/, do

        make install

    Note that this performs both the compilation and installation step. This will compile PGENESIS linked with the Xodus libraries. If you do not intend to use graphics, you may still use genesis and pgenesis without any significant performance penalty. If you prefer to use pgenesis compiled with nxgenesis, there is pitfall of which you should be aware. In principle, the libraries created in genesis/lib when installing GENESIS without Xodus are just a subset of those created with Xodus. However, one file kinlib.o is different. Also note that the PGENESIS nxinstall expects to find ../genesis/src/nxliblist, which is produced by an install of nxgenesis. Therefore, you should first make the the non-Xodus version of GENESIS with "make nxall" and "make nxinstall" (in genesis/src). Then, in the pgenesis directory perform

         make nxinstall

    in order to compile and install pgenesis without Xodus.

  6. Copy startup/.psimrc to your home directory, and be sure that .simrc and .nxsimrc (if you use nxgenesis and nxpgenesis) are there also.

  7. Set your search path to include /usr/local/genesis-2.3/pgenesis/bin, or wherever you installed genesis and pgenesis. (See genesis/src/README or pgenesis/README for instructions on setting the path.j)

  8. Start LAM

    To see if LAM can be started, give the command


    If lam was installed successfully, it will give an encouraging message. Then you can start LAM with:


    If LAM was just installed, you may need to open a new console window so that the shell will find the newly insgalled files.

  9. Test PGENESIS

    Change to the pgenesis/Scripts directory and type:

        pgenesis -nodes 3 hello.g

    Note that unlike the examples in Chapter 21 of the BoG, which were based on using PGENESIS with PVM, you need to specify the number of nodes to be used when using MPI. The number of nodes does not need to match the number of CPU cores. MPI will allocate as many nodes as specified, even on a single core CPU, although any nodes in excess of the number of cores will have to share resources with other nodes.

    A successful run will produce the output:

    Simulation Script:  hello.g
    Simulation Script:  hello.g
    Simulation Script:  hello.g
    Initializing parallel library version
    Initializing parallel library version
    Initializing parallel library version
    mynode = 0, totalnodes = 3, nnodes = 3
    mynode = 2, totalnodes = 3, nnodes = 3
    mynode = 1, totalnodes = 3, nnodes = 3
    hello from node 0
    hello from node 1
    hello from node 2

When you reach this stage, you are ready to begin Part 2 of this tutorial, "How to convert large network simulations to use PGENESIS". Look for this soon on the GENESIS web site.

Last updated on: Thu Nov 13 16:57:10 MST 2008