Example Parallel GENESIS Scripts

Orient_tut (naïve 3-way decomposition) - This is based on the Orient_tut example discussed in Chapter 18 of the Book of Genesis. In this decomposition we assign each neural population to a different processor. Since there are just 3 populations in the Orient_tut example,we are limited to 3 processors.

Orient_tut (n-way decomposition) - In this decomposition of the Orient_tut example, we slice up each population into n slices and distribute these across n processors.. Corresponding slices in each population are assigned to the same processor, thus reducing the inter-processor communication requirements.

Skeleton Parameter Search - In this example, we show how a parameter search could be structured. The actual simulation and evaluation code is modelled as a very simple formula for demonstration purposes. In practice, this would be replaced by much more time-consuming neural simulations.

Book of GENESIS Examples - a tar file containing the two examples referenced in the Book of GENESIS (Free Internet Edition).