Routine Name: setrandfield Description: Sets an element field to a random value Usage: | [-uniform low high] setrandfield path field | [-gaussian mean sd] | [-exponential mid max] Example: setrandfield /pyr/pyramidal[]/HH_Na_channel \ X_alpha_V0 -gaussian -40 3 Notes: In the example above (from Scripts/piriform/pyramidal.g), setrandfield is being used to give some variation to the voltage dependence of the activation of Na channels used in all of the pyramidal cells used in the model. In this case, there is a gaussian distribution about the mean of -40 mV, with a standard deviation of 3 mV. Another use of the setrandfield comamnd would be to use it in script function to be executed as the command of a script_out object, or as the PROCESS action of an extended object, in order to randomly change a field at every time step. This would be a way to inject a noise current into a compartment, for example. The -uniform option gives a a random number taken from a uniform distribution in the range "low" to "high". The -exponential option gives a random number taken from an exponential distribution with a minimum value of zero, a 1/e point of "mid" and a maximum value of "max". Versions of GENESIS prior to 2.2 used a different interpretation of the two arguments. See also: setfield