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       [_][_][_][_][_][_]                  THE GENESIS USER'S GROUP
       [_][_][_][_][_][_]                       NEWSLETTER #7
     [][][][][][][][][][][]                   NOVEMBER 6, 1996


We now have GENESIS version 2.0.2 available on babel. This is an upgrade to version 2.0.1, with the following changes, bug fixes, and new features:

The full 2.0.2 distribution is contained in the file genesis.tar.Z (a link to archives/genesis2.0.2.tar.Z). There is also a gzip'ed version in archives/genesis2.0.2.tar.gz, and a version split up for ease of transfer to MSDOS format floppies (gendisk1.tgz and gendisk2.tgz).

Accessing babel:

You can access the babel directories by ftp to babel.bbb.caltech.edu (, username "babel" and password "babelon". As before, we have no objections if this ftp account is used by other GENESIS users with whom you work. However, we ask you not to give out this access information indiscriminately.

The top directory ("/") is the main BABEL directory. You can use "ls" or "dir" to see what else is there, and "cd" to navigate through the directories. The README file describes the organization of the BABEL directories, and each subdirectory has its own README file.

Dave Beeman - GENESIS Users Group
GENESIS WWW site - http://www.bbb.caltech.edu/GENESIS
Postings to babelnews: babelnews@bbb.caltech.edu
To communicate with babel: babel@bbb.caltech.edu