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Although progress continues on the planned major rewrite of the
GENESIS/XODUS code, enough incremental improvements have been added to the
version being used at Caltech to warrant a new release of GENESIS and its
associated files. In particular, there has been a significant improvement
in the speed of simulations, when using the hsolve object. Thanks to Kevin
Cunningham, the documentation available with the GENESIS "help" command has
been greatly expanded. User-contributed code to port GENESIS to the SGI and
HP machines has been incorporated into the new version. Details of these
and other enhancements are given below, so that you may decide whether or
not you wish to upgrade to GENESIS version 1.4.
BABEL News Mailing List
In order to make the BABEL newsgroup more easily accessible, it is now being
implemented as an email mailing list, rather than being accessed through a
news reader program. Notices of new additions to BABEL, items of general
interest to neural modelers, and postings from other BABEL members will
be sent to this list.
We are hoping that the BABEL mailing list will become a forum for the discussion of issues related to computational neurobiology and biologically realistic neural modeling in general, in addition to topics directly related to the use of GENESIS. It is appropriate to post short abstracts of forthcoming papers, conference announcements, discussion of various modeling approaches, "is anyone working on ...?" queries, and other information which may be of interest to the members of BABEL. However, other mailing lists are more appropriate for topics related to purely connectionist modeling. Of course, questions and hints concerning the construction of GENESIS simulations will continue to be welcome.
In order to post an article to the BABEL newsgroup, simply mail it to
"babelnews@babel.cns.caltech.edu". It will then be sent out to the BABEL
newsgroup membership list. If at any time you feel inundated by mailings
from the newsgroup, you may send a request to
"babelnews-request@babel.cns.caltech.edu" and we will take your name off
the newsgroup mailing list. Unless you request to be taken off our
membership list also, you will continue to receive our occasional
newsletters and announcements of new GENESIS versions.
New Additions to BABEL
The directory "/usr/genesis/babel" contains a number of new additions. As
before, there is a "README" file in this directory and each of its
subdirectories to explain the directory contents. Some of the notable
additions are:
The next release of GENESIS (late summer 1992) will have essentially the same functionlity as version 1.4, but will contain a library of objects for interprocessor communication. Although used at Caltech with the Intel Touchstone Delta, this should facilitate the porting of GENESIS to other parallel machines. It will also be possible to simulate a parallel machine with a network of unix workstations. More details of the proposed parallel library are given in the file "/usr/genesis/babel/newdocs/parallel.doc".
A major rewrite and reorganization of the GENESIS/XODUS code is underway, and will likely be finished by the end of the year. The rewrite of the XODUS portion will eliminate dependencies on any particular widget set, making it possible to compile it on any version of X11 and its widgets, including R5 and Openwindows, Motif, etc. The parser used with the SLI will be greatly improved. It is likely that there will be a change in the implementation of axonal connections and synapses, making their usage more consistent with that of other GENESIS objects. In general, the naming of GENESIS routines and their usage will be made much more self-consistent, while maintaining as much backwards compatibility as possible.
Hebbian synapses
Mike Vanier's improved set of Hebbian synapses is being tested at Caltech and will be made available through BABEL when developement is complete. They will also incorporated into the next version of GENESIS. Some of the features include:
The new version of the hines solver is potentially 50% faster than the one in GENESIS 1.3. It can also handle more objects and message types, but the settings have become more complex. Hsolve now does much more than implementing the Hines method for the implicit solution of (passive) dendritic trees; it is a set of routines that maximize speed in various ways. Details can be found in the file /usr/genesis/Doc/hsolve.doc.
The Doc directory now includes documentation files for almost all of the GENESIS objects and routines (commands), as well as files describing other topics. After further revision, these will become the basis for the next version of the GENESIS manual. (The version 1.3 manual continues to be available in Doc/tex.)
Adam Strassberg has contributed a library of objects which simulate a population of ion channel proteins (pores) embedded in a patch of membrane over an isopotential region. Each individual pore undergoes standard Markov kinetics. At present, there are two objects, "Napores" and "Kpores", which are documented in Doc/Napores.doc and Doc/Kpores.doc. The Scripts/examples/pore directory and its subdirectories contain demonstration scripts which compare the results of this model with the standard deterministic continous Hodgkin-Huxley model.
The "channelC3" is similar to the channelC2 synaptically activated channel, but includes a frequency field to provide for the frequency of endogenous firing.
Two related objects, "peristim" and "interspike", have been added to the "device" library. Peristim is used to generate a peristimulus histogram (PST); interspike to produce a interspike interval histogram (ISI). Both make an internal array (called table) upon reset that contains num_bins entries from which the histogram values can be read. These objects can collect data on-line during a simulation, but do not produce much useful info during the simulation (the output field of interspike can be used to look at the most recent interspike interval). The idea is to read and output the table values when the simulation is done. Then, a script may be used to read disk_out or asc_file files and construct PST and ISI from the file.
5) Specification of fonts in dialogs
The xdialog object has been modified by adding a field for the specification of the font which will be used for the text appearing in the dialog box. This is illustrated in the demonstration script found in Scripts/examples/dialog_font. Existing scripts will continue to use the default font.
6) Changes to XODUS widgets
A number of minor bugs in the xcell and xdraw widgets which affect the operarion of Neurokit have been fixed. In addition, widgets which are displayed within a draw widget now work properly on monochrome displays. A "formtitleBackground" field has been added so that you can set it in .Xdefaults, to get rid of the "beautiful" green. (See the sample genesis/.Xdefaults file, for examples of ways to change XODUS widget colors.)
7) New version of Scripts/neurokit
The name of the main program has been changed from "NEURON" to "Neurokit", although the old name may still be used. The README file used for the built-in help has been improved and updated. A number of minor bugs and undesireable "features" have been fixed. The "defaults.g" and "userprefs.g" files make use of some new user variables: str user_help = "../neurokit/README" // specify the help file used float user_cx = 0.0 // for centering of cell within the draw widget float user_cy = 0.0 float user_cz = 0.2e-3 Several of the channel setup functions defined in defaults.g have been speeded up with the use of the new compiled GENESIS functions setup_alpha, setup_tau, setup_gate, tweak_alpha, and tweak_tau. See the Scripts/neurokit/defaults.g file for examples of their use. The neurokit/prototypes library includes now traub91chan.g, which implements the 1991 Traub CA3 model channels. This file is extensively commented and provides a guide for the implementation of Ca concentration dependent channels with tabchannels and tabgates.
8) SGI and HP compatibility fixes
Code provided by BABEL members David Senseman and Bill Broadley has been incorporated into the GENESIS source so that it will now run on the SGI with IRIX 4.01, and on the HP 700 series. Details are given in src/README and src/Makefile. These changes should make it easier for others to port GENESIS to the IBM RS6000 and other machines.
9) Parameter search tools
Upi Bhalla has added the new GENESIS routines curvematch, newmatch, nmin, splinmin, parmin, scale_parms, and shapematch for use in automatic searches of large parameter spaces. As these tools are continually evolving, a preliminary set of demonstration scripts has been placed on BABEL in the babel/examples/mintest directory. The final version will be part of the next GENESIS distribution in Scripts/examples.
10) "VERSION" function
When writing scripts which depend on the newest version of GENESIS, you may now include the test if (VERSION < 1.4) echo "You must be running version 1.4 or later." quit end in order to determine the version of GENESIS which is being used. (Of course, the variable won't be defined for earlier versions!)
Prof. David Beeman Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Campus Box 425 University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 dbeeman@boulder.colorado.edu (303) 492-2852
Reports of bugs or other problems with GENESIS may be sent to:
Correspondence concerning BABEL registration should be sent to:
BABEL Computational Neural Systems Program Caltech, 216-76 Pasadena, CA 91125 babel@babel.cns.caltech.edu
Dave Beeman
Chief editor
BABEL newsletter
GENESIS and BABEL are supported by funds provided by the National Science Foundation.