GUM*02 tutorial session - UTSA, San Antonio, Texas

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GUM*02 tutorial session UTSA, San Antonio, Texas

The problem:

Typical preliminary data set

Typical preliminary data set

Typical preliminary data set

Missing data?

Harsh reality

A different approach

How to modify parameters?

How to modify parameters?

match function

simple match function

waveform match function

other match functions

weight early spikes more

harder match functions

the data set

typical data set for neuron model

the process (1)

the process (2)

the process (3)

the process (4)

the process (5)

results (motivation)

parameter search methods

the shapes of space

genesis param search methods

conjugate gradient (CG)

no, really...

CG method: good and bad

genetic algorithm

genetic algorithm (2)

simulated annealing

simulated annealing(2)

comparing methods (1)

comparing methods (2)

comparing methods (3)


genesis tutorial (1)

genesis tutorial (2)


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