echo "Randomizing granule cells" for (i = {number_granule_cells}; i > 0; i = i - 1) pushe /granule_cell_layer/Granule[{i-1}]/soma initvm = {rand {Vm_init_lb} {Vm_init_ub}} setfield . initVm {initvm} setfield . Vm {initvm} setfield . Em {rand {Granule_E_leak_lb} {Granule_E_leak_ub}} call /granule_cell_layer/Granule[{i-1}]/solve \ HPUT /granule_cell_layer/Granule[{i-1}]/soma pope pushe /granule_cell_layer/Granule[{i-1}]/soma/mf_AMPA setfield . \ gmax {{getfield . gmax} * (1 + {weight_distribution} * {rand -1 1})} call /granule_cell_layer/Granule[{i-1}]/solve HPUT . pope endThe man that sent me the code complained that hsolve is indeed very fast, but the setup of hsolve takes ages. What is redundant in the code above? Why? Is this causing a bottleneck during the simulation?