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Setting/Getting Fields for Individual Elements

Sometimes it might be useful to set a field or property of a modeling element that is not accessible via findsolvefield. Hsolve allows you to do this with two actions that are called with the following syntax:

    genesis > call solver <action> <path>

The solver is a path leading to an hsolve element. The path should be replaced with the pathname leading to the element for which you are modifying a property or field value. It is expressed relative to the current working element (not relative to the hsolve element as the path field of hsolve). The action is one of the following two:

  1. HPUT: copies field values from a modeling element to hsolve's internal data structures. This action will only copy descriptive values to the hsolve element.

  2. HGET: copies field values from hsolve's internal data structures to the fields of a modeling element. This action will only copy computed values to the modeling element.

Since these actions only work after a SETUP and RESET, it is important that your modifications to the modeling elements do not change the structure of the model. You must not remove or add any messages between the elements, you must not add or change tables from tabulated channels etc.

NOTE: Sometimes these actions may have side-effects: for example in chanmode 3, the HGET action will initialize the conductance (Gk) and the current (Ik) of the original modeling element to zero if it is a channel like element. These values are not available in hsolve's internal data structures in chanmode 3. However, in chanmode 4 these computed variables are available in hsolve's internal data structures and will be filled in in the fields of the modeling element.

NOTE: In combination with the script_out object, the HPUT and HGET actions give you yet a third way to interface hsolve to other elements.

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