MPGENESIS 2.2.1 MPI based Parallel Genesis Christo Panchev University of Sunderland, UK 2002 1. Installation First you have to rebuild GENESIS (see Changes-Genesis.txt for details) MPGenesis is written as an additional library to Genesis. After unpacking, change to src/ There are several Makefiles.ARHC corresponding to different architectures on which MPGenesis has been compiled. Choose the file appropriate for your system, and edit it. Edit the file Makefile, and uncomment one of the lines which includes the makefile appropriate for you architecture. If such section/file does not exist, you are on your own... please use one of the existing architeture makefiles as a template. In the Makefile, there are also a few more variables which you should setup (the user-configurable section) Currently the are makefiles for: Solaris using Sun HPC Linux using Scali MPI Then, as usual, type: make make nxmpgenesis etc. 2. Here are the command which MPGENESIS adds: rcommand raddmsg barrier rconnect rsetweights rsetdelays rcreatemap rshowsyn plus the remote command execution and addressing as in PGENESIS 3. Examples You can find the MPGENESIS version of the Orient tutorial sripts in the Scripts/orient directory. The Readme file contains examples of command lines used to start the demo on different platforms. 4. Copyright 2002 - 2003, University of Sunderland, UK MPGENESIS is part of the GENESIS simulation software package and is covered by permisions to use, copy, modify and distribute similar to GENESIS.... The software is provided "as it is". The University of Sunderland has no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by the use of this software... 5. The software has been tested and used with CGENESIS (a computational version/extension of GENESIS implementing integrate-and-fire type neurons). It has also been tested with the Orient tutorial. There has not yet been extensive testing with the standard Genesis objects. If there are any bugs or problems, I would be happy to help. My email is 6. ...